Propiedades Psicométricas del Cuestionario de Inclusión Educativa (CIE) en Contextos Escolares Colombianos
Carrillo Sierra, Sandra Milena
Rivera Porras, Diego Andrés
Forgiony Santos, Jesús Oreste
Bonilla Cruz, Nidia Johanna
Montanchez Torres, María Luisa
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Asociacion de Profesionales y Tecnicos del CONICIT.
Se realizó una adaptación del Cuestionario de Inclusión Educativa (CIE)
realizado por Montánchez (2014) al contexto escolar colombiano. El
proceso inició con la evaluación de los criterios de claridad, redacción,
coherencia, pertinencia y contenido por parte de 14 expertos escogidos
según su experiencia laboral, contacto con la población, formación,
experiencia en investigación y formación en de tercer y cuarto nivel sobre
inclusión educativa. Para la confiabilidad se utilizó el coeficiente de Alfa de
Cronbach, para la consistencia interna se utilizó la Correlación de
Spearman y para la validación se calcularon los test de KMO y Esfericidad
de Bartlett, y el Análisis Factorial con Rotación Varimax. Como resultado se
obtuvo la modificación de la estructura de la escala, y la reubicación de
diferentes ítems que se explicaban mejor en otros factores.
An adaptation of the Educational Inclusion Questionnaire (CIE) conducted by Montánchez (2014) to the Colombian school context was made. The process started with the evaluation of the criteria of clarity, writing, coherence, relevance and content by 14 experts chosen for their work experience, contact with the population, training, experience in research and training in third and fourth level on educational inclusion . For reliability, the Cronbach's Alpha coefficient was used, for the internal consistency the Spearman Correlation was used and for the validation it was performed in the KMO and Bartlett's Sphericity test, and the Varimax Factorial Analysis with Rotation. As a result, the modification of the structure of the scale was obtained, and the relocation of different elements that explain better in other factors.
An adaptation of the Educational Inclusion Questionnaire (CIE) conducted by Montánchez (2014) to the Colombian school context was made. The process started with the evaluation of the criteria of clarity, writing, coherence, relevance and content by 14 experts chosen for their work experience, contact with the population, training, experience in research and training in third and fourth level on educational inclusion . For reliability, the Cronbach's Alpha coefficient was used, for the internal consistency the Spearman Correlation was used and for the validation it was performed in the KMO and Bartlett's Sphericity test, and the Varimax Factorial Analysis with Rotation. As a result, the modification of the structure of the scale was obtained, and the relocation of different elements that explain better in other factors.
Palabras clave
Inclusión educativa, Práctica pedagógica, Adaptación psicométrica, Educational inclusion, Pedagogical practice, Psychometric adaptation