La tutela en Colombia frente a las sentencias judiciales debidamente ejecutoriadas entre el 2010-2020
Montero Santamaria, Saura Farina
Pérez Salas, Alejandra
Castilla Molina, Dayro José
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
En el presente trabajo encontraremos que la tutela es un mecanismo para proteger los derechos fundamentales de los colombianos plantados en la constitución política en el capítulo I que van de los artículos 11 al 41.
Este mecanismo ha sido el más importante y el más utilizado para hacer valer los derechos de la población colombiana a la que se le han vulnerado estos derechos como lo son la Educación, La salud, el derecho a manifestarse, a la libre expresión, a la libertad.
Este ha sido el mecanismo que más se ha utilizado en la historia del país desde que se creó la constitución en 1991 ya que como se muestra en las notorias cifras que da el mismo gobierno por medio de la corte constitucional ha mostrado, son miles y miles de tutelas que anual se instauran para que se les respete su derecho y este se instaure, un ejemplo más común y del que más se conoce es el sector de la salud y este es el más vulnerable y uno de los más importantes en cualquier lado y es el que más ha resultado afectado a si perjudicando a millones de colombianos y estos al no encontrar apoyo de su gobierno utilizan este recurso para defenderse y exigir lo que por ley les corresponden.
La tutela se instaura como último recurso, es decir se tienen que agotar los recursos que ofrece el gobierno como dialogar con las EPS, con las personas a carga y cuando nada de ello resulte es allí donde se procede a instaurar este mecanismo de protección.
Aunque muchos colombianos desconocen este mecanismo y no tienen acceso a esa información lucharemos porque lo conozcan y sean tenidos en cuenta, se les respete y se restauren los derechos que se le están vulnerando.
In the present work we will find that guardianship is a mechanism to protect the fundamental rights of Colombians planted in the political constitution in chapter I that go from articles 11 to 41. This mechanism has been the most important and the most used to assert the rights of the Colombian population whose rights have been violated, such as education, health, the right to demonstrate, free expression, freedom. This has been the mechanism that has been used the most in the history of the country since the constitution was created in 1991 since, as shown in the notorious figures that the government itself gives through the constitutional court, there are thousands and thousands of guardianships that are established annually so that their rights are respected and established, a more common example and the one that is best known is the health sector and this is the most vulnerable and one of the most important anywhere and It is the one that has been most affected, harming millions of Colombians, and when they do not find support from their government, they use this resource to defend themselves and demand what they are entitled to by law. Guardianship is established as a last resort, that is, the resources offered by the government must be exhausted, such as dialogue with the EPS, with the dependents, and when none of this results, it is there that this protection mechanism is established.
In the present work we will find that guardianship is a mechanism to protect the fundamental rights of Colombians planted in the political constitution in chapter I that go from articles 11 to 41. This mechanism has been the most important and the most used to assert the rights of the Colombian population whose rights have been violated, such as education, health, the right to demonstrate, free expression, freedom. This has been the mechanism that has been used the most in the history of the country since the constitution was created in 1991 since, as shown in the notorious figures that the government itself gives through the constitutional court, there are thousands and thousands of guardianships that are established annually so that their rights are respected and established, a more common example and the one that is best known is the health sector and this is the most vulnerable and one of the most important anywhere and It is the one that has been most affected, harming millions of Colombians, and when they do not find support from their government, they use this resource to defend themselves and demand what they are entitled to by law. Guardianship is established as a last resort, that is, the resources offered by the government must be exhausted, such as dialogue with the EPS, with the dependents, and when none of this results, it is there that this protection mechanism is established.
Palabras clave
Tutela, Protección, Debidamente ejecutoriada, Derechos, Guardianship, Protection, Duly executed, Rights