Compresión de la experiencia de un adulto joven en proceso de rehabilitación por dependencia al consumo de Cannabis en comorbilidad con un diagnóstico de depresión mayor
Chinchilla Barreto, Gretthel
España Flórez, Alfredo
Quintero Ventura, Yuliana
Rocha Arenas, Zulay
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
La relación entre la dependencia al consumo de cannabis y la depresión ha sido objeto de numerosos estudios en los últimos años y a partir de esto se ha logrado obtener evidencia científica del efecto e impacto a nivel de salud mental de estas problemáticas. Por lo que en el presente estudio de caso único tiene como objetivo describir el proceso psicoterapéutico de rehabilitación desde el enfoque humanista existencial utilizando el método fenomenológico hermenéutico en aras de describir los diferentes momentos de la psicoterapia en el proceso de acompañamiento a un adulto joven en rehabilitación por consumo de cannabis con comorbilidad de depresión mayor grave. Se llevaron a cabo 7 sesiones en donde se estableció un posible motivo de consulta e identificación de problemáticas, se recabó información sobre su historia personal y análisis histórico de sus vivencias, se realizó descripción de la historia del consumo y se identificó la droga problema, se realizó la comprensión de la experiencia del consultante tanto dentro como fuera del espacio terapéutico, describiendo las diferentes dimensiones del consultante, en cuanto a las pruebas se aplicó el Inventario de Depresión de Beck con la finalidad de corroborar los síntomas observados durante el proceso terapéutico y la Escala de Evaluación del Cambio Universidad de Rhode Island con la intencionalidad de medir la motivación al cambio frente a la problemática del consultante. Por otra parte, se realizó la sustentación clínica desde el modelo humanista existencial en donde se identificó en el consultante el proceso experiencial, sus deseos, la relación con su voluntad, los valores y qué sentido tiene esto para él, posteriormente se describe como se relaciona con los supuestos básicos de la existencia, los cambios que percibe significativos en su vida, el uso de su libertad en las decisiones a las cuales se enfrenta en su vida, sus sentimientos frente a los demás y la percepción del sentido de su vida. Posteriormente, se describió cómo se relaciona y actúa frente a los dilemas existenciales, partiendo de lo identificado en las sesiones terapéuticas se estable el objetivo y el plan terapéutico. Por medio del proceso terapéutico y a partir del compromiso y motivación del consultante, se logró que reconociera el consumo y las consecuencias que este genera en su salud mental, lo que conllevó a un mejor entendimiento y comprensión de su sintomatología y diagnóstico, por otra parte, a pesar de manifestar su deseo de solicitar salida voluntaria, logró terminar el proceso de rehabilitación en el centro. Se evidencia una intención de cambio en él, gracias a su disposición en el proceso, la identificación de su intencionalidad, valores, personas y cosas significativas para él y desde el acompañamiento significativo a la experiencia. Los hallazgos hasta aquí expuestos se constituyen en aportes y evidencias desde la mirada humanista existencial para el tratamiento e intervención de problemáticas de salud mental inherentes al ser humano con la finalidad de fortalecer aspectos desde el ser que pueden a partir del acompañamiento de la vivencia del consultante permitir una mejor comprensión de sí mismo en su totalidad, por medio del entendimiento, reconocimiento y aceptación de sí mismo y de su experiencia de vida logrando un mejor relacionamiento con su sintomatología.
The relationship between cannabis dependence and depression has been the subject of numerous studies in recent years and from this scientific evidence of the effect and impact on mental health of these problems has been obtained. The objective of this single case study is to describe the psychotherapeutic process of rehabilitation from the existential humanistic approach using the hermeneutic phenomenological method in order to describe the different moments of psychotherapy in the process of accompanying a young adult in rehabilitation for cannabis use with comorbidity of major depression. Seven sessions were carried out in which a possible reason for consultation and identification of problems were established, information was collected about his personal history and historical analysis of his experiences, a description of the history of consumption was made and the problem drug was identified, the consultant's experience was understood both inside and outside the therapeutic space, As for the tests, the Beck Depression Inventory was applied in order to corroborate the symptoms observed during the therapeutic process and the Rhode Island University Change Evaluation Scale was used to measure the motivation to change in the face of the consultant's problems. On the other hand, the clinical support was made from the existential humanistic model where the experiential process was identified in the patient, his desires, the relationship with his will, the values and what sense this has for him, then it is described how he relates to the basic assumptions of existence, the changes that he perceives significant in his life, the use of his freedom in the decisions he faces in his life, his feelings towards others and the perception of the meaning of his life. Subsequently, it was described how she relates to and acts in the face of existential dilemmas, and based on what was identified in the therapeutic sessions, the objective and therapeutic plan were established. Through the therapeutic process and based on the commitment and motivation of the patient, it was possible for him to recognize the consumption and the consequences it has on his mental health, which led to a better understanding and comprehension of his symptomatology and diagnosis. A change intention is evidenced in him, thanks to his disposition in the process, the identification of his intentionality, values, people and things that are significant for him and from the significant accompaniment to the experience. The findings presented here constitute contributions and evidences from the existential humanistic perspective for the treatment and intervention of mental health problems inherent to the human being with the purpose of strengthening aspects from the being that can, from the accompaniment of the experience of the patient, allow a better understanding of himself as a whole, through the understanding, recognition and acceptance of himself and his life experience, achieving a better relationship with his symptomatology.
The relationship between cannabis dependence and depression has been the subject of numerous studies in recent years and from this scientific evidence of the effect and impact on mental health of these problems has been obtained. The objective of this single case study is to describe the psychotherapeutic process of rehabilitation from the existential humanistic approach using the hermeneutic phenomenological method in order to describe the different moments of psychotherapy in the process of accompanying a young adult in rehabilitation for cannabis use with comorbidity of major depression. Seven sessions were carried out in which a possible reason for consultation and identification of problems were established, information was collected about his personal history and historical analysis of his experiences, a description of the history of consumption was made and the problem drug was identified, the consultant's experience was understood both inside and outside the therapeutic space, As for the tests, the Beck Depression Inventory was applied in order to corroborate the symptoms observed during the therapeutic process and the Rhode Island University Change Evaluation Scale was used to measure the motivation to change in the face of the consultant's problems. On the other hand, the clinical support was made from the existential humanistic model where the experiential process was identified in the patient, his desires, the relationship with his will, the values and what sense this has for him, then it is described how he relates to the basic assumptions of existence, the changes that he perceives significant in his life, the use of his freedom in the decisions he faces in his life, his feelings towards others and the perception of the meaning of his life. Subsequently, it was described how she relates to and acts in the face of existential dilemmas, and based on what was identified in the therapeutic sessions, the objective and therapeutic plan were established. Through the therapeutic process and based on the commitment and motivation of the patient, it was possible for him to recognize the consumption and the consequences it has on his mental health, which led to a better understanding and comprehension of his symptomatology and diagnosis. A change intention is evidenced in him, thanks to his disposition in the process, the identification of his intentionality, values, people and things that are significant for him and from the significant accompaniment to the experience. The findings presented here constitute contributions and evidences from the existential humanistic perspective for the treatment and intervention of mental health problems inherent to the human being with the purpose of strengthening aspects from the being that can, from the accompaniment of the experience of the patient, allow a better understanding of himself as a whole, through the understanding, recognition and acceptance of himself and his life experience, achieving a better relationship with his symptomatology.
Palabras clave
Depresión, Consumo de sustancias, Marihuana, Salud mental, Humanista existencial, Fenomenología, Estudio de caso, Depression, Substance Abuse, Marijuana, Mental Health, Humanistic-Existential, Phenomenology, Case study