Etnoeducación y prácticas educativas para la formación de líderes transformacionales en una institución educativa del distrito de Barranquilla
Cáceres Cañate, Cindy Yuliany
Pardo Cañate, Carmen María
García Amador, Edinson Antonio
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
La presente investigación tiene como fin reflexionar acerca del papel de la etnoeducación en el desarrollo de prácticas educativas para el desarrollo de liderazgo transformacional de estudiantes de 6° a 9° del Instituto Distrital Etnoeducativo Paulino Salgado Batata. Para ello se desarrolló un proceso de investigación cualitativa en el que participaron docentes y estudiantes de la institución. A partir de varias técnicas de recolección de datos, tales como encuestas, grupos focales y talleres, se determinó la percepción que tienen los docentes y los estudiantes sobre el liderazgo. De igual manera, se hizo una distinción de los estilos de enseñanza de los docentes, con el fin de determinar las prácticas educativas más comunes entre los profesores y de qué manera estos estilos favorecen la formación en liderazgo. Allí se encontró que el estilo más predominante es el significativo que privilegia la reflexión crítica de los estudiantes y propicia la capacidad de líder entre estos. A partir de los hallazgos de la investigación se convertirán en un insumo importante para organizar estrategias o planes que favorezcan la formación de líderes transformacionales y que ayude a preservar la cultura afrocolombiana.
The purpose of this research is to reflect on the role of ethnoeducation in the development of educational practices for the development of transformational leadership of students from 6th to 9th of the Paulino Salgado Batata Ethnoeducational District Institute. For this, a qualitative research process was developed in which teachers and students of the institution participated. Based on various data collection techniques, such as surveys, focus groups and workshops, the perception of teachers and students about leadership was determined. Similarly, a distinction was made between the teaching styles of teachers, in order to determine the most common educational practices among teachers and how these styles favor leadership training. There it was found that the most predominant style is the significant one that favors the critical reflection of the students and fosters the ability to lead among them. From the research findings they will become an important input to organize strategies or plans that favor the formation of transformational leaders and that helps preserve Afro-Colombian culture.
The purpose of this research is to reflect on the role of ethnoeducation in the development of educational practices for the development of transformational leadership of students from 6th to 9th of the Paulino Salgado Batata Ethnoeducational District Institute. For this, a qualitative research process was developed in which teachers and students of the institution participated. Based on various data collection techniques, such as surveys, focus groups and workshops, the perception of teachers and students about leadership was determined. Similarly, a distinction was made between the teaching styles of teachers, in order to determine the most common educational practices among teachers and how these styles favor leadership training. There it was found that the most predominant style is the significant one that favors the critical reflection of the students and fosters the ability to lead among them. From the research findings they will become an important input to organize strategies or plans that favor the formation of transformational leaders and that helps preserve Afro-Colombian culture.
Palabras clave
Liderazgo, Etnoeducación, Prácticas educativas, Leadership, Pthnoeducation, Educational practices