Propuesta de mejora en la gestión de la cadena de suministros del Grupo Empresarial Agroindustrial, para el cumplimiento de la variación de demanda de Urea Granular utilizando la metodología SCOR.
Jimenez Mendoza, Andrés Camilo
Diaz Sotomayor, Nicole Beatriz
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ingenierías
Facultad de Ingenierías
La gestión adecuada de la cadena de suministro puede resultar en una ventaja
competitiva para las compañías. Cada eslabón de la cadena de suministro debe
tener un objetivo que vaya alineado con el objetivo o meta principal. La desconexión
de la cadena también puede presentar incumplimientos en la demanda de los
clientes, excesos de inventarios, incumplimiento en los tiempos de entrega, etc.
Es este trabajo, se buscó analizar cuáles son aquellos fallos que se presentan en la
cadena de suministro del grupo empresarial Agroindustrial a través del modelo
SCOR. El modelo SCOR se refiere a una encuesta que se realiza a los actores de
la cadena (Planeación, abastecimiento, producción, entrega y devolución).
El objetivo del modelo SCOR es integrar los procesos del negocio sin importar el
tamaño de la compañía, A través de los resultados de este modelo se buscan
mejores prácticas, indicadores e incluso tecnologías que ayuden a mejorar la
comunicación entre cada una de las áreas que conforman la cadena.
Nosotros decidimos implementar este modelo, debido a que notábamos que las
áreas de la empresa en estudio no tenían buena comunicación entre sus
departamentos y asimismo, había fallas para cumplir con la demanda del producto
UREA granular al cliente, especialmente cuando se incrementaban las épocas de
lluvia en Colombia. Debido a esto hubo pérdida de clientes que se fueron a la
competencia buscando quien le pudiera surtir esos productos. La Urea es un
fertilizante químico que se aplica al suelo directamente para dar nitrógeno a los
Los resultados de la encuesta nos dieron a entender que la empresa entre varios
puntos de dolor que se le encontraron, hay uno que fue fundamental para entender
la falta de desabastecimiento del producto en unas épocas específicas del año. Nos
dimos cuenta que la empresa no estaba usando métodos de pronóstico adecuados
para pronosticar las ventas, todo este se hacía de manera empírica, y por lo tanto
tampoco se hacía ajuste del pronóstico periódicamente, pero tampoco habían
indicadores para evaluar el error de lo pronosticado empíricamente con lo real. Se
concluyó además que estas decisiones vienen desde la planeación, este
departamento fue el que tuvo puntuaciones bajas con respecto a los demás
(abastecimiento, producción, distribución y devolución).
Las demás áreas se encontraban relativamente bien, de acuerdo con la encuesta,
sin embargo, se hizo observaciones tales como; aplicar la metodología lean
manufacturing, este con el fin de determinar aquellos procesos o tiempos que no
agregan valor a la cadena ni al cliente. Esta recomendación se hizo para que la
empresa luego de cubrir y de establecer sus pronósticos se puede enfocar en
determinar que actividades están haciendo que mi proceso sea más lento, debido a
que esto también puede afectar la entrega final del producto UREA al cliente.
En este trabajo encontrará unos gráficos y tablas con las puntuaciones donde el
mínimo es cero y el máximo es 3, decidimos que aquellas actividades con
puntuaciones menores a 2,5 son aquellas que iba a hacer evaluados para hacer
propuestas de mejora con el fin de que la empresa las pueda aplicar
Proper supply chain management can result in a competitive advantage for companies. Each link in the supply chain must have an objective that is aligned with the main objective or goal. The disconnection of the chain can also present noncompliance with customer demand, excess inventories, non-compliance with delivery times, etc. This work seeks to analyze what failures occur in the supply chain of the Agroindustrial business group through the SCOR model. The SCOR model refers to a survey carried out on the actors in the chain (Planning, supply, production, delivery and return). The objective of the SCOR model is to integrate business processes regardless of the size of the company. Through the results of this model, best practices, indicators and even technologies are sought that help improve communication between each of the areas that make up . chain. We decided to implement this model, because we noticed that the areas of the company under study did not have good communication between their departments and also, there were failures to meet the demand for the granular UREA product to the client, especially when the rainy seasons increased. In colombia. Due to this, there was a loss of customers who went to the competition looking for someone who could supply them with those products. Urea is a chemical fertilizer that is applied to the soil directly to give nitrogen to crops. The results of the survey gave us to understand that the company among several pain points that were found, there is one that was fundamental to understand the lack of product shortages at specific times of the year. We realized that the company was not using adequate forecasting methods to forecast sales, all this was done empirically, and therefore the forecasts were not adjusted periodically, but there were no indicators to evaluate the error of what was forecast. empirically. with the real. It is also concluded that these decisions come from planning, this department was the one that had low evaluations compared to the others (supply, production, distribution and return). The other areas were relatively well, according to the survey, however, observations were made such as; Apply the Lean Manufacturing methodology, in order to determine those processes or times that do not add value to the chain or the customer. This recommendation was made so that the company, after covering and establishing its forecasts, can focus on determining which activities are making my process slower, because this can also affect the final delivery of the UREA product to the client. In this work you will find some graphs and tables with the qualifications where the minimum is zero and the maximum is 3, we decided that those activities with evaluation less than 2.5 are those that were going to be evaluated to make proposals for improvement in order that the company can apply them.
Proper supply chain management can result in a competitive advantage for companies. Each link in the supply chain must have an objective that is aligned with the main objective or goal. The disconnection of the chain can also present noncompliance with customer demand, excess inventories, non-compliance with delivery times, etc. This work seeks to analyze what failures occur in the supply chain of the Agroindustrial business group through the SCOR model. The SCOR model refers to a survey carried out on the actors in the chain (Planning, supply, production, delivery and return). The objective of the SCOR model is to integrate business processes regardless of the size of the company. Through the results of this model, best practices, indicators and even technologies are sought that help improve communication between each of the areas that make up . chain. We decided to implement this model, because we noticed that the areas of the company under study did not have good communication between their departments and also, there were failures to meet the demand for the granular UREA product to the client, especially when the rainy seasons increased. In colombia. Due to this, there was a loss of customers who went to the competition looking for someone who could supply them with those products. Urea is a chemical fertilizer that is applied to the soil directly to give nitrogen to crops. The results of the survey gave us to understand that the company among several pain points that were found, there is one that was fundamental to understand the lack of product shortages at specific times of the year. We realized that the company was not using adequate forecasting methods to forecast sales, all this was done empirically, and therefore the forecasts were not adjusted periodically, but there were no indicators to evaluate the error of what was forecast. empirically. with the real. It is also concluded that these decisions come from planning, this department was the one that had low evaluations compared to the others (supply, production, distribution and return). The other areas were relatively well, according to the survey, however, observations were made such as; Apply the Lean Manufacturing methodology, in order to determine those processes or times that do not add value to the chain or the customer. This recommendation was made so that the company, after covering and establishing its forecasts, can focus on determining which activities are making my process slower, because this can also affect the final delivery of the UREA product to the client. In this work you will find some graphs and tables with the qualifications where the minimum is zero and the maximum is 3, we decided that those activities with evaluation less than 2.5 are those that were going to be evaluated to make proposals for improvement in order that the company can apply them.
Palabras clave
UREA, Modelo SCOR, Cadena de suministro, Pronósticos de ventas