Selección de un sistema solar FV para la sede 3 de la Universidad Simón Bolívar, Barranquilla
Navarro, A.
Leaño, J.
Guzmán, K.
Almanza, K.
Romero, J.
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ingenierías
Facultad de Ingenierías
Este artículo presenta la metodología de cálculo para el diseño de un sistema fotovoltaico conectado a la red eléctrica a partir del uso paneles fotovoltaicos, los cuales captan la radiación solar y la transforman en energía eléctrica. Esto se realiza con el objetivo de satisfacer parte del consumo de la sede 3 de la USB, contribuir a disminuir los costos por concepto de consumo de energía eléctrica convencional y disminuir el impacto ambiental. Con el fin de definir el proyecto se utilizará una metodología en base a fuentes de información secundaria para dimensionar el alcance y generar la ingeniería de detalle que dé cumplimiento a sus objetivos e impactos esperados, ya sean, económicos, sociales y ambientales. Los valores de carga se obtienen a partir de las mediciones realizadas en el software Power Log 5.9, con el objetivo de realizar una configuración adecuada de módulos fotovoltaicos e inversor, dimensionamiento, arreglos e inclinación del panel, cabe resaltar, que estas variables tienen un impacto en la generación de energía total del sistema. Posterior a la implementación del sistema, se realizará monitoreo para comprobar la efectividad del mismo.
This article presents the calculation methodology for the design of a photovoltaic system connected to the electrical grid through the use of photovoltaic panels, which capture solar radiation and transform it into electrical energy. This is done with the objective of satisfying part of the consumption of the USB's headquarters 3, contribute to reduce the costs of conventional electricity consumption and reduce the environmental impact. In order to define the project, a methodology based on secondary information sources will be used to size the scope and generate the detailed engineering that meets its objectives and expected economic, social and environmental impacts. The load values are obtained from the measurements made in the Power Log 5.9 software, with the objective of making a proper configuration of photovoltaic modules and inverter, sizing, arrangements and inclination of the panel, it should be noted that these variables have an impact on the total power generation of the system. After the implementation of the system, monitoring will be carried out to check its effectiveness.
This article presents the calculation methodology for the design of a photovoltaic system connected to the electrical grid through the use of photovoltaic panels, which capture solar radiation and transform it into electrical energy. This is done with the objective of satisfying part of the consumption of the USB's headquarters 3, contribute to reduce the costs of conventional electricity consumption and reduce the environmental impact. In order to define the project, a methodology based on secondary information sources will be used to size the scope and generate the detailed engineering that meets its objectives and expected economic, social and environmental impacts. The load values are obtained from the measurements made in the Power Log 5.9 software, with the objective of making a proper configuration of photovoltaic modules and inverter, sizing, arrangements and inclination of the panel, it should be noted that these variables have an impact on the total power generation of the system. After the implementation of the system, monitoring will be carried out to check its effectiveness.
Palabras clave
Sistema fotovoltaico, Energía solar, Conectado a la red, Inversor, Photovoltaic system, Solar energy, Grid connected, Inverter