Representaciones sociales de la violencia física, psicológica y sexual en relación con el agresor en la infancia
Ramírez Fontalvo, Nathali Angela
Rada Tapia, María Angela
Fandiño Lerma, Melanyth
Aguilar Mercado, Vanessa
Pertuz, Keilys
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas Y Sociales
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas Y Sociales
Esta investigación tuvo como objetivo indagar las representaciones sociales que tiene la violencia en relación con la infancia de hombres agresores con un rango de edad especifico, con el fin de caracterizar los designios sociales y las afecciones que dejan los eventos vividos en el desarrollo de un individuo, se aplicó a 20 participantes de una muestra, una entrevista abierta con enfoque cualitativo, cuyos resultados arrojaron que el ser abusado en la infancia marca un factor determinante en el desarrollo psicológico y social de la vida de un individuo.
This research aimed to investigate the social representations that violence has in relation to the childhood of male aggressors, in order to characterize the social designs and conditions left by the events experienced in the development of an individual, it was applied to 20 participants of a sample, an open interview with a qualitative approach, the results of which showed that being abused in childhood marks a determining factor in the psychological and social development of an individual's life.
This research aimed to investigate the social representations that violence has in relation to the childhood of male aggressors, in order to characterize the social designs and conditions left by the events experienced in the development of an individual, it was applied to 20 participants of a sample, an open interview with a qualitative approach, the results of which showed that being abused in childhood marks a determining factor in the psychological and social development of an individual's life.
Palabras clave
Representaciones, Victimización, Agresor, Infancia, Violencia, Representations, Eventuality, Designs, Disturbances, Victimization, Dysfunctional, Aggressor, Childhood, Violence