Análisis al esquema de manutención de las personas privadas de la libertad del patio No. 24 B en los procesos de resocialización del Centro Carcelario y Penitenciario de Cúcuta
Moncada Agudelo, Enit Jhoana
Ortega Velásquez, Jairo Elías
Martínez Luque, Saúl Arbey
Mazo Rodríguez, Manuel Alejandro
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
El esquema de manutención en los centros carcelarios permite el proceso resocialización de las personas privadas de la libertad para que pueda cumplir la condena impuesta por el Juez, respetando la dignidad humana que tiene cada persona, por esta razón el objetivo de esta investigación es analizar el esquema de manutención de las personas privadas de la libertad en los procesos de resocialización del centro carcelario y penitenciario de Cúcuta, para ello se llevó a cabo una enfoque de tipo mixto buscando describir y caracterizar de manera etnográfica la población de 300 personas, seleccionando así una muestra de 70 personas para cumplir con cada objetivo específico, teniendo en cuenta lo anterior se utilizaron los instrumentos de recolección de datos el análisis documental, la encuesta y la entrevista que arrojó como resultado el ineficaz esquema de manutención de las personas privadas de la libertad administrado por la USPEC en coordinación con el INPEC.
The maintenance scheme in the prison centers allows for the process of resocialization of the persons deprived of liberty so that they can comply with the sentence imposed by the Judge, respecting the human dignity that each person has, for this reason the objective of this investigation is to analyze the maintenance scheme for people deprived of liberty in the processes of re-socialization of the prison and penitentiary center of Cúcuta, for which a mixed-type approach was carried out, seeking to describe and ethnographically characterize the population of 300 people, thus selecting a sample of 70 people to meet each specific objective, taking into account the above, the data collection instruments were used, the documentary analysis, the survey and the interview that resulted in the ineffective maintenance scheme of the people deprived of the administered freedom by the USPEC in coordination with the INPEC.
The maintenance scheme in the prison centers allows for the process of resocialization of the persons deprived of liberty so that they can comply with the sentence imposed by the Judge, respecting the human dignity that each person has, for this reason the objective of this investigation is to analyze the maintenance scheme for people deprived of liberty in the processes of re-socialization of the prison and penitentiary center of Cúcuta, for which a mixed-type approach was carried out, seeking to describe and ethnographically characterize the population of 300 people, thus selecting a sample of 70 people to meet each specific objective, taking into account the above, the data collection instruments were used, the documentary analysis, the survey and the interview that resulted in the ineffective maintenance scheme of the people deprived of the administered freedom by the USPEC in coordination with the INPEC.
Palabras clave
Persona privada de la libertad, Estado, Ley, Decreto, Necesidades, Manutención., Person deprived of freedom, State, Law, Decree, Needs, Maintenance