Marketing educativo en instituciones de educación superior: un análisis bibliométrico
Pájaro Vergara, Marvin José
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Administración y Negocios
Facultad de Administración y Negocios
Este trabajo de revisión bibliométrica sobre el marketing educativo en las instituciones de
educación superior (IES) pretendió precisar los aspectos determinantes en el posicionamiento
de una marca, con el propósito de identificar y reconocer modelos y elementos de marketing
a nivel mundial que soporten el éxito de estas organizaciones. Esta investigación se basó en
un modelo metodológico cualitativo, el cual se soportó en la tipología exploratoria
documental sobre un total de 59 archivos de calidad científica exportados desde la base de
datos Scopus. Lo anterior, permitió obtener una recopilación de información y análisis que
dio como resultado final aspectos importantes incluidos en los planes de marketizacion de
las IES tales como lo son: el social media, el posicionamiento de marca y la tecnificación y
digitalización del servicio educativo. Lo anterior, como piezas determinantes en la
estructuración de modelos y procesos de ventas y relaciones estratégicas aplicados en el
sector de la educación superior.
This bibliometric review work on educational marketing in higher education institutions (IES) aimed to specify the determining models in the positioning of a brand, with the purpose of identifying and recognizing marketing elements worldwide that support the success of these organizations. This research was based on a qualitative methodological model, which was supported by the documentary exploratory typology on a total of 59 files of scientific quality exported from the Scopus database. The foregoing obtained a compilation of information and analysis that gave as a final result important aspects included in the marketing plans of the IES stories, such as: social media, brand positioning and the technification and digitization of the educational service. The foregoing, as determining pieces in the structuring of models and sales processes and strategic relationships applied in the higher education sector.
This bibliometric review work on educational marketing in higher education institutions (IES) aimed to specify the determining models in the positioning of a brand, with the purpose of identifying and recognizing marketing elements worldwide that support the success of these organizations. This research was based on a qualitative methodological model, which was supported by the documentary exploratory typology on a total of 59 files of scientific quality exported from the Scopus database. The foregoing obtained a compilation of information and analysis that gave as a final result important aspects included in the marketing plans of the IES stories, such as: social media, brand positioning and the technification and digitization of the educational service. The foregoing, as determining pieces in the structuring of models and sales processes and strategic relationships applied in the higher education sector.
Palabras clave
Marketing, Marketing educativo, Institución superior, Estrategia, Marca, Universidad, Educational marketing, Higher institution, Strategy, Brand, University