Responsabilidad social corporativa, engagement, burnout y satisfacción con la vida en una ONG de Colombia
Flórez-Donado, Jennifer
Angulo Visbal, Silvana
Torres-Salazar, Prince
Sarmiento Guzmán, Greys
Ramos Rubio, Patricia
Rodríguez-Calderón, Gisella
Sánchez Fuentes, María del Mar
Montero-Campo, Daniela
Parra-Barrera, Sandra
Acosta Villa, Carlos Manuel
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Asociacion de Profesionales y Tecnicos del CONICIT.
La salud mental es una de las principales áreas de
interés en el marco de bienestar social y en el contexto
organizacional. En este sentido, se ha convertido en un
reto para las organizaciones no gubernamentales que
contribuyen al sector de economía de los servicios
sociales, alcanzar un equilibrio entre dos aspectos
íntimamente relacionados como lo son la salud y el
servicio a la comunidad. Este artículo tuvo como
objetivo describir la responsabilidad social corporativa,
el engagement y la satisfacción con la vida en una
muestra de 57 colaboradores de una ONG colombiana.
Los participantes completaron el Maslach Burnout
Inventory, la Escala de Satisfacción con la Vida y la
Encuesta de Adicción al Trabajo. Los resultaron
arrojaron que el engagement en el trabajo, está
directamente relacionado con actitudes positivas hacia
las tareas laborales y en la satisfacción de vida.
Mental health is one of the main areas of interest within the framework of social welfare and the organizational context. In this sense, it has become a challenge for non-governmental organizations that contribute to the social services economy sector, striking a balance between two closely related aspects such as health and community service. This article aimed to describe corporate social responsibility, engagement and satisfaction with life in a sample of 57 employees of a Colombian NGO. Participants filled the Maslach Burnout Inventory, Life Satisfaction Scale and Work Addiction Survey. The results showed that engagement at work is directly related to positive attitudes towards work tasks and the satisfaction with life.
Mental health is one of the main areas of interest within the framework of social welfare and the organizational context. In this sense, it has become a challenge for non-governmental organizations that contribute to the social services economy sector, striking a balance between two closely related aspects such as health and community service. This article aimed to describe corporate social responsibility, engagement and satisfaction with life in a sample of 57 employees of a Colombian NGO. Participants filled the Maslach Burnout Inventory, Life Satisfaction Scale and Work Addiction Survey. The results showed that engagement at work is directly related to positive attitudes towards work tasks and the satisfaction with life.
Palabras clave
Responsabilidad social corporativa, Engagement, Satisfacción con la vida, Burnout, ONG, Corporate social responsibility (CSR), Satisfaction with life, Burnout, NGO.