La población transgénero y la adopción en Colombia: un estudio desde el municipio Cúcuta – Norte de Santander
Suárez Díaz, Mónica Julieth
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
Antecedentes: Se recopilaron 50 documentos comprendidos entre artículos, capítulos de libro y tesis de grado, cuya línea de tiempo se ve desarrollada desde el año 2006 hasta el año 2020, tomados de las siguientes plataformas digitales: eLibro, ProQuest y Google Scholar. Se delimitó el problema de las familias frente a la diversidad sexo-genérica, pues resulta un campo de conocimiento amplio y poco explorado para las comunidades científicas. La mayor tendencia de investigación con respecto a la temática, se presenta en España, con un total de 5 documentos, mientras que, en Colombia, se evidencia una única publicación; lo cual, promueve el interés por contribuir a la profundización del tema en cuestión. Es así, como la delimitación de los antecedentes, ahondó su contenido en la diversidad familiar. La tendencia al interior de estos documentos, enfatiza su estudio en sujetos homosexuales. No obstante, se aprecia una insuficiencia teórica en el desarrollo de análisis del papel de las familias de origen en la comunidad transgénero. De allí surge la necesidad de profundizar en el abordaje temático en mención, considerando que las personas transgénero deberían contar con un conocimiento certero respecto a con cuáles redes de apoyo cuentan para enfrentar las etapas del proceso que están por atravesar.
Objetivos: Objetivo General: Analizar la viabilidad socio-jurídica, por parte de la población transgénero, frente al cumplimiento de los requisitos exigidos para adoptar en Colombia. Objetivos específicos: I) Comprender si los requisitos exigidos para adoptar en Colombia, son jurídicamente viables para la población transgénero.
II) Identificar si existe o no discrecionalidad frente a la evaluación para la determinación del cumplimiento de los requisitos exigidos para adoptar. III) Conocer los imaginarios sociales de la población transgénero frente a la viabilidad socio-jurídica referida a su posibilidad de adoptar.
Materiales y Métodos: I) Análisis documental de los siguientes documentos: Código Civil de los Estados Unidos de Colombia – Ley 84 de 1873, Decreto 1260 de 1970, Ley 54 de 1990, Constitución Política de la República de Colombia, 1991, Sentencia C-224 de 1994, Ley 979 de 2005, Código de Infancia y Adolescencia – Ley 1098 de 2006, Sentencia C-075 de 2007, Sentencia C-804 de 2009, Sentencia C-577 de 2011, Sentencia C-710 de 2012, Decreto 1227 de 2015, Sentencia C-071 de 2015, Sentencia T-129 de 2015, Sentencia C-683 de 2015, Sentencia SU-214 de 2016, Sentencia C-382 de 2019, Nociones y concepciones de parentalidad y familia. (2017), Los retos constitucionales en la protección del concepto de familia plural. Qué decir frente a la homoparentalidad por reproducción asistida en Colombia. (2018), Extendiendo el derecho a todos los derechos: la difusión transnacional del reconocimiento legal de la identidad de género. (2015), Un acercamiento a las familias trans: experiencias y significados de la transparentalidad. (2019), Dificultades de la adopción de niños en Colombia a partir de la jurisprudencia de la Corte Constitucional entre 2011 y 2016. (2017), El perfil de “Familia ideal” bajo el régimen de la guarda compartida. (2018), El interés superior del menor prohíbe la restricción del derecho de adopción a las solas parejas de personas heterosexuales. (2016), Adopción homoparental en Colombia: Presupuestos jurídicos y análisis de la idoneidad mental. (2018), Adopción homoparental en Colombia y principio de progresividad en materia de Derechos Humanos. (2019) & La adopción homoparental en Colombia: consideraciones conceptuales y jurisprudenciales. (2017). II) Entrevistas semiestructuradas desarrolladas a cuatro funcionarios del Área de Adopciones del ICBF, 2 mujeres transgénero y 2 hombres transgénero.
Resultados: CAPÍTULO 1: VIABILIDAD JURÍDICA DE LA ADOPCIÓN TRANSPARENTAL EN COLOMBIA: ANÁLISIS JURÍDICO DOCTRINAL. La figura jurídica de la adopción y su aplicabilidad, ha venido cambiando con el paso del tiempo, impulsado principalmente, por la evolución de los preceptos jurisprudenciales de la Corte Constitucional. Resulta claro inferir que, para garantizar el derecho de los NNA en situación de adoptabilidad, a tener una familia, este proceso no debe restringirse a una sola tipología familiar. De modo que, no existe, jurídicamente hablando, una barrera inquebrantable que impida a las diferentes formas familiares, particularmente, a las familias compuestas por personas transgénero, presentarse como candidatas y adelantar procesos de adopción. Toda vez que el eje central de estos procesos, debe enfocarse en el bienestar superior del NNA, y no en la identidad sexo-genérica de quienes deciden construir su familia por este medio. CAPÍTULO 2: VIABILIDAD SOCIAL DE LA ADOPCIÓN TRANSPARENTAL EN COLOMBIA: UN ANÁLISIS A PARTIR DE IMAGINARIOS Y REPRESENTACIONES SOCIALES. I) Si bien es cierto, se evidencia en los funcionarios del Área de Adopciones del ICBF, el reconocimiento legal de la diversidad familiar y sus posibilidades de construir familia por medio de la adopción, aún se observa en estos actores, la existencia de nostalgias frente a la familia tradicional cis-heteroparental. Por lo cual, la presencia de discrecionalidad en relación a la interpretación y aplicación de estas normas para las familias transparentales, dependerá del nivel de subjetividad e imparcialidad de cada funcionario(a), al momento de atender cada caso en particular II) Desde la óptica de las personas transgénero, existe un cierto grado de desconocimiento normativo por parte de esta población. Lo anterior, no solo deriva en una afectación al ejercicio pleno de su ciudadanía; sino que representa una disminución en las posibilidades de los NNA en situación de adoptabilidad, de ver resarcido su derecho a tener una familia.
Conclusiones: I) No existe legalmente, ninguna clase de obstáculo que impida a la población transgénero, cumplir con los requisitos exigidos para adoptar. II) La aprobación del cambio de sexo en los documentos de identidad en Colombia, en el 2015, permitió la viabilidad de la adopción transparental. III) La biopolítica, derivó en la invisibilización de las familias conformadas por miembros de la población LGBTIQ (Celorio, 2017). IV) Se observa en los funcionarios, ciertas nostalgias por la familia tradicional heteroparental, evidenciando la subjetividad del ser humano. V) Los imaginarios de las personas transgénero no son muy favorables frente la viabilidad jurídico-social sobre el cumplimiento de los requisitos exigidos para la adopción. VI) No se tiene una única e inequívoca verdad frente a la viabilidad socio-jurídica de la adopción transparental.
Background: 50 documents are collected between articles, book chapters and undergraduate thesis, whose timeline is developed from 2006 to 2020, taken from the following digital platforms: eBook, ProQuest and Google Scholar. Se delimited the problem of families in the face of sex-generic diversity, since it is a wide and little explored field of knowledge for scientific communities. The greatest research trend with respect to the subject is presented in Spain, with a total of 5 documents, while, in Colombia, a single publication is evident; which promotes the interest in contributing to the deepening of the topic in question. It is thus, with the delimitation of the antecedents, deepened or its content in the family diversity. The tendency within these documents emphasizes their study in homosexual subjects. However, there is a theoretical insufficiency in the development of analysis of the role of families of origin in the transgender community. Hence the need to deepen the thematic approach in question, considering that transgender people should have an accurate knowledge regarding which support networks they have to face the stages of the process they are about to go through. Objective: General Objective: To analyze the socio-legal viability, on the part of the transgender population, in the face of compliance with the requirements required to adopt in Colombia. Specific objectives: I) To understand if the requirements required to adopt in Colombia are legally viable for the transgender population. II) Identify whether or not there is discretion regarding the evaluation for the determination of compliance with the requirements required to adopt. III) Know the social imaginaries of the transgender population in the face of the socio-legal viability referred to their possibility of adopting. Materials and Methods: I) Documentary analysis of the following documents: Civil Code of the United States of Colombia – Law 84 of 1873, Decree 1260 of 1970, Law 54 of 1990, Political Constitution of the Republic of Colombia, 1991, Judgment C-224 of 1994, Law 979 of 2005, Code of Children and Adolescents – Law 1098 of 2006, Sentence C-075 of 2007, Sentence C-804 of 2009, Sentence C-577 of 2011, Sentence C-710 of 2012, Decree 1227 of 2015, Sentence C-071 of 2015, Sentence T-129 of 2015, Sentence C-683 of 2015, Sentence SU-214 of 2016, Sentence C-382 of 2019, Notions and conceptions of parenthood and family. (2017) , The constitutional challenges in the protection of the concept of plural family. What to say in the face of homoparentality by assisted reproduction in Colombia. (2018) , Extending the right to all rights: the transnational dissemination of legal recognition of gender identity. (2015 ), An approach to trans families: experiences and meanings of parenting-trans. (2019) , Difficulties of the adoption of children in Colombia based on the jurisprudence of the Constitutional Court between 2011 and 2016. (2017) , The profile of "Ideal Family" under the regime of shared custody. (2018) , The best interests of the child prohibit the restriction of the right of adoption to single couples of heterosexual persons. (2016) , Homoparental adoption in Colombia: Legal assumptions and analysis of mental suitability. (2018) , Homoparental adoption in Colombia and principle of progressivity in the field of Human Rights. (2019) & Homoparental adoption in Colombia: conceptual and jurisprudential considerations. (2017) . II) Semi-structured interviews conducted with four officials of the Adoption Area of the ICBF, 2 transgender women and 2 transgender men. Results: CHAPTER 1: LEGAL VIABILITY OF TRANSPARENT ADOPTION IN COLOMBIA: DOCTRINAL LEGAL ANALYSIS. The legal concept of adoption and its applicability has been changing over time, driven mainly by the evolution of the jurisprudential precepts of the Constitutional Court. Itis clear to infer that, in order to guarantee the right of children in a situation of adoptability to have a family, this process should not be restricted to a single-family typology. Therefore, there is not, legally speaking, an unbreakable barrier that prevents different family forms, particularly families composed of transgender people, from presenting themselves as candidates and from advancing adoption processes. Once the central axis of these processes, it should focus on the superior well-being of the child, and not on the sex-generic identity of those who decide to build their family by this means. CHAPTER 2: SOCIAL VIABILITY OF TRANSPARENT ADOPTION IN COLOMBIA: AN ANALYSIS BASED ON IMAGINARIES AND SOCIAL REPRESENTATIONS. I) While it is true, it is evident in the officials of the Adoption Area of the ICBF, the legal recognition of family diversity and its possibilities of building a family through adoption, it is still observed in these actors, the existence of nostalgia in front of the traditional cis-heteroparental family. Therefore, the presence of discretion in relation to the interpretation and application of these rules for transparent families, will depend on the level of subjectivity and impartiality of each official, at the time of attending each particular case II) Dis from the perspective of transgender people, there is a certain degree of normative ignorance on the part of this population. This not only affects the full exercise of their citizenship; but also represents a decrease in the possibilities of children in a situation of adoptability, to see their right to have a family compensated. Conclusions: I) There is no legal obstacle that prevents the transgender population from complying with the requirements required to adopt. II) The approval of the change of sex in identity documents in Colombia, in 2015, allowed the viability of transparent adoption. III) Biopolitics led to the invisibility of families made up of members of the LGBTIQ population (Celorio, 2017). IV) It is observed in the officials, certain nostalgia for the traditional heteroparental family, evidencing the subjectivity of the human being. V) The imaginaries of transgender people are not very favorable to the legal-social viability on the fulfillment of the requirements required for adoption. VI) There is no single and unequivocal truth about the socio-legal viability of transparent adoption.
Background: 50 documents are collected between articles, book chapters and undergraduate thesis, whose timeline is developed from 2006 to 2020, taken from the following digital platforms: eBook, ProQuest and Google Scholar. Se delimited the problem of families in the face of sex-generic diversity, since it is a wide and little explored field of knowledge for scientific communities. The greatest research trend with respect to the subject is presented in Spain, with a total of 5 documents, while, in Colombia, a single publication is evident; which promotes the interest in contributing to the deepening of the topic in question. It is thus, with the delimitation of the antecedents, deepened or its content in the family diversity. The tendency within these documents emphasizes their study in homosexual subjects. However, there is a theoretical insufficiency in the development of analysis of the role of families of origin in the transgender community. Hence the need to deepen the thematic approach in question, considering that transgender people should have an accurate knowledge regarding which support networks they have to face the stages of the process they are about to go through. Objective: General Objective: To analyze the socio-legal viability, on the part of the transgender population, in the face of compliance with the requirements required to adopt in Colombia. Specific objectives: I) To understand if the requirements required to adopt in Colombia are legally viable for the transgender population. II) Identify whether or not there is discretion regarding the evaluation for the determination of compliance with the requirements required to adopt. III) Know the social imaginaries of the transgender population in the face of the socio-legal viability referred to their possibility of adopting. Materials and Methods: I) Documentary analysis of the following documents: Civil Code of the United States of Colombia – Law 84 of 1873, Decree 1260 of 1970, Law 54 of 1990, Political Constitution of the Republic of Colombia, 1991, Judgment C-224 of 1994, Law 979 of 2005, Code of Children and Adolescents – Law 1098 of 2006, Sentence C-075 of 2007, Sentence C-804 of 2009, Sentence C-577 of 2011, Sentence C-710 of 2012, Decree 1227 of 2015, Sentence C-071 of 2015, Sentence T-129 of 2015, Sentence C-683 of 2015, Sentence SU-214 of 2016, Sentence C-382 of 2019, Notions and conceptions of parenthood and family. (2017) , The constitutional challenges in the protection of the concept of plural family. What to say in the face of homoparentality by assisted reproduction in Colombia. (2018) , Extending the right to all rights: the transnational dissemination of legal recognition of gender identity. (2015 ), An approach to trans families: experiences and meanings of parenting-trans. (2019) , Difficulties of the adoption of children in Colombia based on the jurisprudence of the Constitutional Court between 2011 and 2016. (2017) , The profile of "Ideal Family" under the regime of shared custody. (2018) , The best interests of the child prohibit the restriction of the right of adoption to single couples of heterosexual persons. (2016) , Homoparental adoption in Colombia: Legal assumptions and analysis of mental suitability. (2018) , Homoparental adoption in Colombia and principle of progressivity in the field of Human Rights. (2019) & Homoparental adoption in Colombia: conceptual and jurisprudential considerations. (2017) . II) Semi-structured interviews conducted with four officials of the Adoption Area of the ICBF, 2 transgender women and 2 transgender men. Results: CHAPTER 1: LEGAL VIABILITY OF TRANSPARENT ADOPTION IN COLOMBIA: DOCTRINAL LEGAL ANALYSIS. The legal concept of adoption and its applicability has been changing over time, driven mainly by the evolution of the jurisprudential precepts of the Constitutional Court. Itis clear to infer that, in order to guarantee the right of children in a situation of adoptability to have a family, this process should not be restricted to a single-family typology. Therefore, there is not, legally speaking, an unbreakable barrier that prevents different family forms, particularly families composed of transgender people, from presenting themselves as candidates and from advancing adoption processes. Once the central axis of these processes, it should focus on the superior well-being of the child, and not on the sex-generic identity of those who decide to build their family by this means. CHAPTER 2: SOCIAL VIABILITY OF TRANSPARENT ADOPTION IN COLOMBIA: AN ANALYSIS BASED ON IMAGINARIES AND SOCIAL REPRESENTATIONS. I) While it is true, it is evident in the officials of the Adoption Area of the ICBF, the legal recognition of family diversity and its possibilities of building a family through adoption, it is still observed in these actors, the existence of nostalgia in front of the traditional cis-heteroparental family. Therefore, the presence of discretion in relation to the interpretation and application of these rules for transparent families, will depend on the level of subjectivity and impartiality of each official, at the time of attending each particular case II) Dis from the perspective of transgender people, there is a certain degree of normative ignorance on the part of this population. This not only affects the full exercise of their citizenship; but also represents a decrease in the possibilities of children in a situation of adoptability, to see their right to have a family compensated. Conclusions: I) There is no legal obstacle that prevents the transgender population from complying with the requirements required to adopt. II) The approval of the change of sex in identity documents in Colombia, in 2015, allowed the viability of transparent adoption. III) Biopolitics led to the invisibility of families made up of members of the LGBTIQ population (Celorio, 2017). IV) It is observed in the officials, certain nostalgia for the traditional heteroparental family, evidencing the subjectivity of the human being. V) The imaginaries of transgender people are not very favorable to the legal-social viability on the fulfillment of the requirements required for adoption. VI) There is no single and unequivocal truth about the socio-legal viability of transparent adoption.
Palabras clave
Adopción, Diversidad familiar, Género, Transformaciones familiares, Parentalidad, Adoption, Family diversity, Gender, Family transformations, Parenting