Competencias socioemocionales en estudiantes del programa de formación complementaria (PFC) de la Institución Educativa Normal Superior de Manatí
Duque Lamadrid, Angelica Yojana
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
La labor del maestro de enseñar para formar debe ir más allá de preparar contenidos puramente académicos. Se debe considerar dentro del aprendizaje la formación desde el ser incluyendo las habilidades socioemocionales, ya que se percibe en la cotidianidad de los espacios educativos muchos niños, jóvenes, docentes, padres de familia, que carecen de conocimiento de lo que sucede en ellos, se sienten solos, cargados de tensiones, preocupados, irritados, malhumorados, agobiados y vacíos, creándoles incertidumbre, desmotivación y baja autoestima impidiéndole muchas veces cumplir y obtener un resultado positivo en su desempeño formativo integral.
Comprender el dinamismo de las competencias socioemocionales es una necesidad y a la vez una fortaleza que el maestro desde su formación debe incorporar y apropiar como herramienta fundamental en su ejercicio de enseñar. En la medida que el maestro conozca las competencias socioemocionales, las apropie y las maneje contará con un plus extra que le permitirá enseñar con un sentido más humano, flexible y único.
Para lograr una formación integral y aprendizajes para la vida en los procesos educativos, es clave conectar la enseñanza y el diseño de los currículos al proyecto de vida del estudiante. Coherente con ello, es necesario pensar la educación como proceso y no como una práctica instantánea para dejar huellas en la formación de cada ser humano.
En línea con lo anterior, el presente estudio de investigación presenta el objetivo, Desarrollar una estrategia pedagógica participativa para el fortalecimiento de competencias socioemocionales en procesos de enseñanza – aprendizaje, con maestros en formación de la ENS (Escuela Normal Superior) de Manatí, orientado por el paradigma cualitativo, mediante el diseño acción educativa. Las técnicas aplicadas para la recolección de información fueron: el cuestionario sobre competencias sociales y emocionales (SEC-Q), grupos focales y mesas de trabajo llevado a cabo en los maestros en formación objeto de estudio del I y II semestre del programa de formación complementaria de la Escuela Normal Superior de Manatí.
The role of the teacher to teach to train must go beyond preparing purely academic content. Within learning, training from the being should be considered, including socio - emotional skills, since many children, teenagers, teachers, parents, who lack knowledge of what happens in them, are perceived in the daily life of educational spaces. They feel alone, loaded with tension, worried, irritated, moody, overwhelmed and empty, creating uncertainty, demotivation and low self-esteem, often preventing them from complying and obtaining a positive result in their comprehensive training performance. Understanding the dynamics of socioemotional competencies is both a necessity and a strength that teachers must incorporate and embrace from their training as a fundamental tool in their teaching practice. As teachers grasp, internalize, and manage socioemotional competencies, they gain an extra advantage that enables them to instruct with a more humane, adaptable, and distinctive approach. In order to achieve comprehensive education and lifelong learning within the educational processes, it is crucial to align teaching and curriculum design with each student's life project. In line with this, it is essential to perceive education as a process rather than an instantaneous practice, aiming to make a lasting impact on the development of every individual. Aligned with the aforementioned, the current research study presents the objective of developing a participatory pedagogical strategy for enhancing socioemotional competencies in teaching and learning processes with teachers in training at the ENS (Escuela Normal Superior) of Manatí. This study is guided by the qualitative paradigm and implemented through educational action design. The techniques employed for data collection included: the Social and Emotional Competencies Questionnaire (SEC-Q), focus groups, and workshops conducted with teachers in training during the first and second semesters of the supplementary training program at the Escuela Normal Superior of Manatí.
The role of the teacher to teach to train must go beyond preparing purely academic content. Within learning, training from the being should be considered, including socio - emotional skills, since many children, teenagers, teachers, parents, who lack knowledge of what happens in them, are perceived in the daily life of educational spaces. They feel alone, loaded with tension, worried, irritated, moody, overwhelmed and empty, creating uncertainty, demotivation and low self-esteem, often preventing them from complying and obtaining a positive result in their comprehensive training performance. Understanding the dynamics of socioemotional competencies is both a necessity and a strength that teachers must incorporate and embrace from their training as a fundamental tool in their teaching practice. As teachers grasp, internalize, and manage socioemotional competencies, they gain an extra advantage that enables them to instruct with a more humane, adaptable, and distinctive approach. In order to achieve comprehensive education and lifelong learning within the educational processes, it is crucial to align teaching and curriculum design with each student's life project. In line with this, it is essential to perceive education as a process rather than an instantaneous practice, aiming to make a lasting impact on the development of every individual. Aligned with the aforementioned, the current research study presents the objective of developing a participatory pedagogical strategy for enhancing socioemotional competencies in teaching and learning processes with teachers in training at the ENS (Escuela Normal Superior) of Manatí. This study is guided by the qualitative paradigm and implemented through educational action design. The techniques employed for data collection included: the Social and Emotional Competencies Questionnaire (SEC-Q), focus groups, and workshops conducted with teachers in training during the first and second semesters of the supplementary training program at the Escuela Normal Superior of Manatí.
Palabras clave
Competencias socioemocionales, Maestros en formación, Enseñanza, Aprendizaje, Socioemotional competencies, Teachers in training, Teaching, Learning