Currículo socio-crítico desde la perspectiva del pensamiento complejo en la formación de docentes
Rodríguez Tovar, Octavio Carlos
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
La teoría crítica nace como reacción a la racionalidad instrumental y técnica, preconizada por el positivismo. La ciencia social crítica va más adelante de la crítica, gracias a que aborda la praxis crítica. Así, la ciencia social crítica se distancia de la visión del currículo de racionalidad práctica y propone la presencia de los agentes educativos con su comprensión y reflexión sobre las consecuencias de la acción educativa. El enfoque busca que el maestro desarrolle su conciencia ético-política y desencadene en una acción social transformadora. La realización de la ciencia social crítica implica una integración de la teoría y la práctica, desde un proceso de reflexión, erudición y posición política. El desarrollo de la ciencia crítica social favorecerla emancipación, y conduce a la creación de un currículo libertario (Freire, 1983; Freire, 2008).
Un análisis a la procedencia de los movimientos intelectuales a favor del currículo crítico, indica fue en Europa donde se originó el proceso de la teoría crítica. El enfoque es la apropiación de un pensamiento abierto, el fomento es el camino hacia la construcción de ideologías reflexivas y comprensivas, y que interpretaran los significados que subyacen en el campo político, socioeconómico y cultural, cuyo
resultado es una movilización a la resolución de los problemas y dificultades que emergen de esa realidad socioeconómica y política en la sociedad.
Las teorías del educador australiano Stephen Kemmis (1986) constatan las anteriores ideas. Él apuesta a postulados propios del currículo crítico y él sostiene que debe ser interpretado desde los problemas o las brechas entre la teórica y la práctica, desde las distancias entre la educación y la sociedad, las cuales son visibles a partir de las prácticas de producción y control del sistema educativo. Kemmis propone empoderar a los docentes para interpretar, debatir y decidir en nombre de la sociedad a formas de vida socialmente justas. Kemmis sostiene que la elaboración de la teoría crítica del currículo requiere que los maestros cooperen e impulsen la lucha política para superar la irracionalidad, la injusticia y la coerción en su propio trabajo, mediante su propio trabajo y con la sociedad en su conjunto. En consecuencia, él propone la investigación acción participación de los implicados en el análisis y acciones emancipadoras de los contextos donde se desarrolla el currículo.
Critical theory appeared as a reaction to instrumental and technical rationality upheld by positivism. Critical social science is way ahead of criticism because it addresses critical praxis. In this way, critical social science is far away from the vision of practical rationality´s curriculum and proposes educational agents must understand and reflect about consequences of educational action. This approach worries about teachers developing their ethical-political conscience and -thereby- unleashing transforming social action. Carrying out critical social science integrates theory and practice, and also enforces processes of reflection, erudition and political positioning. The development of critical social science favors emancipation, and helps libertarian curriculum building (Freire, 1983; Freire, 2008). After analyzing the origin of intellectual movements who championed critical curriculum, one can conclude Europe is where the process of critical theory began. Such approach is an appropriation of an open thought, its promotion is the path towards construction of reflective and comprehensive ideologies that can interpret underlying meanings in political, socioeconomic and cultural fields. This outcome is a mobilization to resolve problems and difficulties which emerge from that economic and political realities. Stephen Kemmis (1986) theories confirm previously said ideas. This Australian educator bets on the principles of critical curriculum by arguing that it must be interpreted by looking at issues, or gaps, between theory and practice, considering distances between education and society, all of these are visible in production and control practices within educational systems. Kemmis proposes empowering teachers to interpret, debate and decide on behalf of society to achieve socially fair ways of life. He argues that development of critical curriculum theory requires teachers’ cooperation and advance in the political struggle to overcome irrationality, injustice and coercion in their own workplaces, through their own labor, and with society´s help as a whole. Therefore, he proposes participatory action research (IAP by its spanish language acronym) involving those agents starring analytical and emancipatory actions inside those contexts where curriculum is developed.
Critical theory appeared as a reaction to instrumental and technical rationality upheld by positivism. Critical social science is way ahead of criticism because it addresses critical praxis. In this way, critical social science is far away from the vision of practical rationality´s curriculum and proposes educational agents must understand and reflect about consequences of educational action. This approach worries about teachers developing their ethical-political conscience and -thereby- unleashing transforming social action. Carrying out critical social science integrates theory and practice, and also enforces processes of reflection, erudition and political positioning. The development of critical social science favors emancipation, and helps libertarian curriculum building (Freire, 1983; Freire, 2008). After analyzing the origin of intellectual movements who championed critical curriculum, one can conclude Europe is where the process of critical theory began. Such approach is an appropriation of an open thought, its promotion is the path towards construction of reflective and comprehensive ideologies that can interpret underlying meanings in political, socioeconomic and cultural fields. This outcome is a mobilization to resolve problems and difficulties which emerge from that economic and political realities. Stephen Kemmis (1986) theories confirm previously said ideas. This Australian educator bets on the principles of critical curriculum by arguing that it must be interpreted by looking at issues, or gaps, between theory and practice, considering distances between education and society, all of these are visible in production and control practices within educational systems. Kemmis proposes empowering teachers to interpret, debate and decide on behalf of society to achieve socially fair ways of life. He argues that development of critical curriculum theory requires teachers’ cooperation and advance in the political struggle to overcome irrationality, injustice and coercion in their own workplaces, through their own labor, and with society´s help as a whole. Therefore, he proposes participatory action research (IAP by its spanish language acronym) involving those agents starring analytical and emancipatory actions inside those contexts where curriculum is developed.
Palabras clave
Currículo-sociocrítico, Pensamiento complejo, Formación docente, Articulación, Interdisciplinariedad, Transformaciones, Socio-critical curriculum, Complex thinking, Teacher training, Articulation, Interdisciplinary, Transformations