Estudio piloto de la prevalencia de síndrome metabólico en estudiantes de la institución universitaria Colegio Mayor de Antioquia en Medellín y la Universidad de Santander. Cúcuta, Colombia
Gómez Rave, Lyz Jenny
Sierra -Castrillo, Jhoalmis
Bermúdez Pirela, Valmore
Román Marín, Laura
Rojas, Joselyn
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Sociedad Latinoamericana de Hipertensión
Antecedentes: El síndrome metabólico (SM) es una condición
que predispone al individuo al desarrollo de enfermedades
cardiovasculares, diabetes mellitus tipo 2 y sus
complicaciones. Debido a que su prevalencia se encuentra
en aumento, se ha convertido en un problema de salud
mundial que debe manejarse desde la prevención temprana
y la promoción de hábitos saludables.
Objetivo: Determinar la prevalencia de SM en un grupo
de jóvenes universitarios de la Institución Universitaria Colegio
Mayor de Antioquia y la Universidad de Santander.
Diseño y método: la investigación es de tipo descriptivo
y transversal con una muestra conformada por 80 estudiantes
(16 hombres y 64 mujeres), entre los 17 y 32 años,
aparentemente sanos. Utilizando la definición de la IDF
para el SM, se midieron variables como circunferencia de
cintura (CC), presión arterial sistólica y diastólica (PS, PD),
glucosa en ayunas (GA), colesterol HDL (HDLc) y triglicéridos
(TG). Para el análisis estadístico, la comparación entre
grupos se realizó con la medida no paramétrica prueba
U de Mann-Whitney, con un nivel de significaticancia
p<0,005 y mediante el uso del programa estadístico SPSS
versión 24.
Resultados: se encontró una prevalencia de SM de 5 %,
y en el análisis individual de sus componentes o factores
de riesgo asociados se evidenció una mayor prevalencia
para CC y GA elevada (38,89% en cada una), seguida de
la disminución del HDLc (27,78%).
Conclusiones: estos hallazgos concuerdan con estudios
previos donde se estima que el SM está presente en adultos
jóvenes de acuerdo con criterios de la IDF. A partir de
esto se recomienda adoptar medidas institucionales que
promuevan la actividad física y la alimentación saludable.
Antecedents: Metabolic syndrome (Metsyn) is a condition that predisposes an individual to the development of cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes mellitus and its complications. Because its prevalence is increasing, it has become a global health problem that must be managed from early prevention and promotion of healthy habits. Objective: this study determined the prevalence of (Metsyn) in a group of young university students from the University Institution Colegio Mayor de Antioquia y la Universidad de Santander. Design and method: the research is descriptive and cross-sectional with a sample of 80 students (16 men and 64 women), between the ages of 17 and 32, apparently healthy. Using the IDF definition for Metsyn, variables such as waist circumference (WC), systolic and diastolic blood pressure (SP, DP), fasting glucose (FG), HDL cholesterol (HDLc) and triglycerides (TG) were measured. For statistical analysis, comparison between groups was performed with the non-parametric measure Mann- Whitney U test, significant level p<0.005 and the statistics program used was SPSS see 24. Results: MetSyn prevalence was found to be 5%, and individual analysis of its components or associated risk factors showed a higher prevalence for high WC and FG (38.89% in each), followed by the decrease of HDLc (27.78%). Conclusions: These findings are consistent with previous studies where MetSyn is estimated to be present in young adults according to IDF criteria. Based on this, it is recommended to adopt institutional measures that promote physical activity and healthy eating.
Antecedents: Metabolic syndrome (Metsyn) is a condition that predisposes an individual to the development of cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes mellitus and its complications. Because its prevalence is increasing, it has become a global health problem that must be managed from early prevention and promotion of healthy habits. Objective: this study determined the prevalence of (Metsyn) in a group of young university students from the University Institution Colegio Mayor de Antioquia y la Universidad de Santander. Design and method: the research is descriptive and cross-sectional with a sample of 80 students (16 men and 64 women), between the ages of 17 and 32, apparently healthy. Using the IDF definition for Metsyn, variables such as waist circumference (WC), systolic and diastolic blood pressure (SP, DP), fasting glucose (FG), HDL cholesterol (HDLc) and triglycerides (TG) were measured. For statistical analysis, comparison between groups was performed with the non-parametric measure Mann- Whitney U test, significant level p<0.005 and the statistics program used was SPSS see 24. Results: MetSyn prevalence was found to be 5%, and individual analysis of its components or associated risk factors showed a higher prevalence for high WC and FG (38.89% in each), followed by the decrease of HDLc (27.78%). Conclusions: These findings are consistent with previous studies where MetSyn is estimated to be present in young adults according to IDF criteria. Based on this, it is recommended to adopt institutional measures that promote physical activity and healthy eating.
Palabras clave
Síndrome metabólico, Diabetes mellitus tipo 2, Hipertensión, Obesidad, Metabolic syndrome, Type 2 diabetic mellitus, Hypertension, Obesity