Niveles de pensamiento crítico en estudiantes de Universidades en Barranquilla (Colombia)
Steffens, Ernesto
J Ojeda, Decired del C.
Martínez, Olga M.
García, Jesús E.
Hernández, Hugo G.
Marin, Freddy V.
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Asociacion de Profesionales y Tecnicos del CONICIT.
La investigación tuvo como propósito, caracterizar los
niveles de pensamiento crítico en estudiantes de VI
semestre de Educación Superior en las Universidades
del Atlántico y de la Costa, en Barranquilla, abordando
referentes teóricos y presentando la experiencia
institucional con dos grupos de interés de las
Universidades mencionadas. La metodología utilizada
fue con paradigma emergente, de tipo descriptivo –
explicativo y diseño cuasi experimental, descriptivo, de
campo. Concluyendo que, el pensamiento crítico de los
estudiantes presenta características particulares del
nivel Sistemático.
The purpose of the research was to characterize the levels of critical thinking in students of VI semester of Higher Education in the Universities of the Atlantic and Coast in Barranquilla, approaching theoretical references and presenting the institutional experience with two groups of interest of the mentioned universities. The methodology used was with an emerging paradigm, descriptive - explanatory and quasi experimental, descriptive, field. Concluding that critical thinking of students presents particular characteristics of the Systematic level.
The purpose of the research was to characterize the levels of critical thinking in students of VI semester of Higher Education in the Universities of the Atlantic and Coast in Barranquilla, approaching theoretical references and presenting the institutional experience with two groups of interest of the mentioned universities. The methodology used was with an emerging paradigm, descriptive - explanatory and quasi experimental, descriptive, field. Concluding that critical thinking of students presents particular characteristics of the Systematic level.
Palabras clave
Niveles de pensamiento crítico, Estudiantes VI semestre, Universidades, Critical thinking levels, Students VI semester, Universities