Prevalencia de Neuropatía Autonómica Cardiovascular por el método Rines Valcardi modificado en individuos diabéticos de dos servicios de atención médica primaria de Puerto Ordaz, Edo. Bolívar, Venezuela
Rengel, Daniella A.
Chacín González, Maricarmen
Ramírez C., Katiuska N.
Bermúdez-Pirela, Valmore
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Cooperativa servicios y suministros 212518 RS
Objetivo: Evaluar la prevalencia de Neuropatía Autonómica Cardiovascular, por el método Rines Valcardi modificado en individuos diabéticos.
Materiales y Método: La muestra estuvo conformada por un grupo de 104 pacientes con diagnóstico de Diabetes Mellitus, los cuales acuden al Club de Diabéticos del ambulatorio IVSS Renato Valera Aguirre y a la Consulta de Medicina Interna del Hospital Uyapar, en Puerto Ordaz, Edo. Bolívar. La escogencia fue por muestreo no
probabilístico intencional. Se realizó Anamnesis sencilla sobre la presencia o no de antecedentes cardiovasculares (arritmias o infartos previos), Tiempo transcurrido desde el diagnostico de diabetes y tipo de tratamiento recibido, se realizó la prueba RINES VALCARDI monitor, utilizando un oxímetro de pulso, Los datos fueron analizados mediante el Paquete Estadístico para las Ciencias Sociales (SPSS) v.19 para Windows (SPSS IBM Chicago, IL).
Resultados: la frecuencia de individuos con neuropatía autonómica fue de 26%, con un mayor porcentaje en el sexo femenino (63%), el grupo etario 60-69 años (44,4%) y con el uso de insulinoterapia (44,4%); el sexo, grupos etarios y terapia farmacología no mostraron asociación estadísticamente significativa con la presencia de neuropatía
autonómica, el antecedente de arritmias cardiacas si mostro asociación estadística con el diagnóstico de Neuropatía autonómica con una frecuencia de ambas alteraciones en 74,1% de los casos, al igual que el antecedente de infarto de miocardio con un porcentaje de ambas enfermedades en 29,6%. El promedio de años con diabetes mellitus fue de 15±10 años.
Conclusiones: El método RINES VALCARDI monitor, permite a los médicos de atención primaria tener a la mano una herramienta diagnóstica de fácil y rápida interpretación.
En el estudio se evidenció elevada prevalencia de Neuropatía Autonómica Cardiovascular cuyo riesgo aumenta en pacientes con más de 10 años con el diagnóstico. Existiendo correlación estadísticamente significativa entre la presencia de arritmias e infartos al miocardio en estos pacientes y el diagnóstico de Neuropatía Autonómica Cardiovascular.
Objective: To evaluate the prevalence of cardiovascular autonomic neuropathy by the Modified Rines Valcardi method in individuals diagnosed with Diabetes Mellitus. Materials and Methods: The sample consisted of a group of 104 patients diagnosed with Diabetes Mellitus, which come to Club Diabetic outpatient IVSS Renato Valera Aguirre and the Consultation of Internal Medicine Uyapar Hospital in Puerto Ordaz, Edo. Bolivar. The choice was intentional non-probabilistic sampling. Anamnesis on the presence or absence of cardiovascular history (arrhythmias or previous heart attacks), time since diagnosis of diabetes and type of treatment received time, the test RINES VALCARDI monitor was performed using a pulse oximeter was performed Data were analyzed using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) v. 19 for Windows (SPSS IBM Ch, IL). Results: The frequency of individuals with autonomic neuropathy was 26%, with a higher percentage in females (63%), the age group 60-69 years (44.4%) and the use of insulin therapy (44.4 %); sex, age groups and pharmacology therapy showed no statistically significant association with the presence of autonomic neuropathy, a history of cardiac arrhythmias did show statistical association with the diagnosis of autonomic neuropathy with a frequency of both disorders in 74.1% of cases, as well as a history of myocardial infarction with a percentage of both diseases in 29.6% .The average years with diabetes mellitus was 15 ± 10 years. Conclusions: The RINES VALCARDI monitor, method allows primary care physicians have at hand a tool diagnosed quickly and interpretation. In the study high prevalence of Cardiovascular Autonomic Neuropathy whose risk increases in patients over 10 years with the diagnosis was evident. With statistically significant correlation between the presence of arrhythmias and myocardial infarction in these patients with the diagnosis of Cardiovascular Autonomic Neuropathy.
Objective: To evaluate the prevalence of cardiovascular autonomic neuropathy by the Modified Rines Valcardi method in individuals diagnosed with Diabetes Mellitus. Materials and Methods: The sample consisted of a group of 104 patients diagnosed with Diabetes Mellitus, which come to Club Diabetic outpatient IVSS Renato Valera Aguirre and the Consultation of Internal Medicine Uyapar Hospital in Puerto Ordaz, Edo. Bolivar. The choice was intentional non-probabilistic sampling. Anamnesis on the presence or absence of cardiovascular history (arrhythmias or previous heart attacks), time since diagnosis of diabetes and type of treatment received time, the test RINES VALCARDI monitor was performed using a pulse oximeter was performed Data were analyzed using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) v. 19 for Windows (SPSS IBM Ch, IL). Results: The frequency of individuals with autonomic neuropathy was 26%, with a higher percentage in females (63%), the age group 60-69 years (44.4%) and the use of insulin therapy (44.4 %); sex, age groups and pharmacology therapy showed no statistically significant association with the presence of autonomic neuropathy, a history of cardiac arrhythmias did show statistical association with the diagnosis of autonomic neuropathy with a frequency of both disorders in 74.1% of cases, as well as a history of myocardial infarction with a percentage of both diseases in 29.6% .The average years with diabetes mellitus was 15 ± 10 years. Conclusions: The RINES VALCARDI monitor, method allows primary care physicians have at hand a tool diagnosed quickly and interpretation. In the study high prevalence of Cardiovascular Autonomic Neuropathy whose risk increases in patients over 10 years with the diagnosis was evident. With statistically significant correlation between the presence of arrhythmias and myocardial infarction in these patients with the diagnosis of Cardiovascular Autonomic Neuropathy.
Palabras clave
Diabetes Mellitus, Autonomic neurophthy, Hiperglicemia, Rines Valcardi, Gabapentin