Cuotas alimentarias: de la solución legal a la realidad desde el derecho comparado
Gómez Machado, Jeiner
Jiménez Zambrano, David
Pedraza Jaimes, Alexandra
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
Este proyecto de investigación busca determinar, si es pertinente extender la aplicación de la justicia restaurativa para ser aplicada en materia civil, con referencia al tema de asistencia alimentaria y adecuarla como medida cautelar de tipo alternativo para lograr contrarrestar y corregir la problemática que surge al momento de incumplir con el deber que se tiene con los menores de edad. Con base a la realización de un análisis de tipo comparativo de las medidas cautelares aplicadas en el sistema jurídico colombiano junto con los de los aplicados en los sistemas jurídicos de México y Argentina. El análisis en derecho comparado que se hace en la presente investigación, se realiza con la necesidad de conocer cuál es el tratamiento y desarrollo de la cuota alimentaria en México y Argentina, toda vez que pretende avizorar y dar cuenta de la relevancia que se le tiene que dar a la figura desde el derecho sustancial y procesal, como protección de los menores para la consecución de los fines del Estado Social de Derecho en el que está fundado el Estado Colombiano, de otra manera es como dicho análisis comparativo nos permitirá visualizar la forma en como es vista la misma institución, en el ordenamiento jurídico colombiano, el mexicano y el argentino
This research project seeks to determine if it is appropriate to extend the application of restorative justice to be applied in civil matters, with reference to the issue of food assistance and adapt it as a precautionary measure of an alternative type to achieve counter and correct the problem that arises at the moment of not complying with the duty you have with minors. Based on the performance of a comparative analysis of the precautionary measures applied in our legal system along with those applied in the legal systems of Mexico and Argentina. The analysis in comparative law that is done in the present investigation, is done with the need to know what is the treatment and development of the food quota in Mexico and Argentina, since it pretends to envision and account for the relevance that it has. that to give to the figure from the substantial and procedural law, like protection of the minors for the attainment of the aims of the Social State of Right in which the Colombian State is founded, of another way is how this comparative analysis will allow us to visualize the form in how the same institution is seen, in the Colombian, Mexican and Argentine legal systems.
This research project seeks to determine if it is appropriate to extend the application of restorative justice to be applied in civil matters, with reference to the issue of food assistance and adapt it as a precautionary measure of an alternative type to achieve counter and correct the problem that arises at the moment of not complying with the duty you have with minors. Based on the performance of a comparative analysis of the precautionary measures applied in our legal system along with those applied in the legal systems of Mexico and Argentina. The analysis in comparative law that is done in the present investigation, is done with the need to know what is the treatment and development of the food quota in Mexico and Argentina, since it pretends to envision and account for the relevance that it has. that to give to the figure from the substantial and procedural law, like protection of the minors for the attainment of the aims of the Social State of Right in which the Colombian State is founded, of another way is how this comparative analysis will allow us to visualize the form in how the same institution is seen, in the Colombian, Mexican and Argentine legal systems.
Palabras clave
Medida cautelar, Justicia restaurativa, Cuota alimentaria, Protección del menor, Precautionary measure, Restorative justice, Food quota, Child protection