Auto organización para la innovación curricular: una mirada desde las universidades
Ariza Angarita, Yuleida
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Administración y Negocios
Facultad de Administración y Negocios
La investigación que se presenta, busca comprender la manera en que la auto
organización subyace en la innovación curricular en las universidades, visible en la
promesa de valor, el abordaje contempla las limitaciones que tiene la universidad
auto reconocida como sistema complejo, para integrar su naturaleza en las
estructuras de gobierno y gestión en atención de las necesidades de cambio que
emergen de sus interacciones con el entorno interno y externo y convertirlas en
acciones innovadoras reflejadas en la promesa de valor, desatendiendo sus
propias necesidades y su compromiso de responsabilidad social.
El estudio justifica su importancia en lo innovadora de su propuesta transversal
que constituye un aporte teórico para la universidad como organización sistémica,
aspecto que ha dado muestras de ser un campo débilmente teorizado con enfoque
de complejidad, abordado desde el área de la Administración con visión en la
educación y apoyo de la Ingeniería, para el análisis de los datos y la demostración
del resultado, convirtiéndose en un referente para futuras investigaciones en
ciencias administrativas, bajo una postura interdisciplinaria con analogía en las
ciencias sociales. Igualmente, el uso de la simulación computacional como una
forma para demostrar resultados en complejidad, que lejos de simplificar los
comportamientos sociales, favorece la manifestación de la actuación aleatoria, que
beneficia comprender el proceso más allá del resultado obtenido, al mismo tiempo
que valida la propuesta teórica presentada en la investigación.
Por lo que sigue, el contexto de actuación de las universidades lleva implícito un
orden social que nace en la misma condición humana que promueve y desarrolla
en el seno de su compromiso institucional, de allí que el presente trabajo
contribuya en la conformación de un tejido social resiliente, sistémico
interdisciplinar y otorga sentido al desarrollo profesional sin pérdida de identidad,
que practique la auto organización como vía para alcanzar la innovación en su
vida misma.
Metodológicamente, el tema es revisado desde postura epistemológica de la
investigación total, como una forma de integración complementaria entre distintas
metodologías para alcanzar comprensión especialmente en los estudios
interdisciplinarios como el que se presenta, en los que se requiere la interacción
entre áreas de conocimiento, para alcanzar una visión holística del tema y su
resultado, con un diseño anidado en el que la metodología predominante es la
cualitativa que guía la investigación, y lo cuantitativo es empleado para validar los
resultados cualitativos.
Con un tipo de investigación comprensiva en el que la teorización se genera a
partir de la comprensión de la auto organización como vía para generar la
innovación curricular en la universidad, aspecto en el que lo experiencial cotidiano
y particular es interpretado a través del interaccionismo simbólico para hacer
generalización teórica, pasando de lo particular a lo general en un bucle o espiral
de retroalimentación que se ensancha a medida que avanza.
La sistematización de los datos obtenidos se llevó a cabo en combinación de
técnicas a través del software ATLAS TI (para análisis cualitativo) y POWER B1
(para visualización), apoyado del generador de mapas CmapTools, para
comprender sus relaciones, tablas dinámicas de Excel y el software “NetLogo,
empleado para modelar los sistemas complejos y simular sus comportamientos
recreando espacios de posibilidades a través del que se valida la propuesta de
modelo auto organizado propuesto.
Se obtuvo como resultado, que las características de la auto organización: no
linealidad, ausencia de controlador central, roles, interdependencia, identidad,
creatividad desempeñan un papel importante en los niveles de innovación de la
universidad; asimismo, la comunicación y la información generan espacios de
participación abierta que promueve la innovación curricular. La validación del
modelo aportó que a mayor presencia de elementos de auto organización en una
universidad, mayores posibilidades de interacción y respuestas de innovación
curricular, asimismo, se estableció que los tramos de recorrido de las ideas cortos
generan mayores posibilidades de innovación curricular.
Finalmente, se concluye que a pesar que las universidades reflejan algunas
características de la auto organización en sus estructuras, éstas no impactan ni
representan valor agregado en la oferta académica, la universidad maneja un
estado de complacencia engañoso centrada en el capitalismo que deja de lado
sus propias necesidades y la dinámicas de su entorno, aspectos abstractos que
generan una mirada incompleta de una realidad que aboga por procesos de
investigación inacabado, guiado por una conciencia evolutiva entendida como la
capacidad que tiene la universidad de trascender su condición biológica como fase
natural, para convertirse en un proceso consciente, que responde a sus
reflexiones de auto organización con visión compleja, llegando a ser permanente
para no perder pertinencia y cumplir con su acometido de responsabilidad social.
The research that is presented, seeks to understand the way in which selforganization underlies curricular innovation in universities, visible in the promise of value, the approach contemplates the limitations that the self-recognized university has as a complex system, to integrate its nature into the structures of government and management in response to the needs of change that emerge from its interactions with the internal and external environment and turn them into actions innovative reflected in the promise of value, neglecting their own needs and their commitment to social responsibility. The study justifies its importance in the innovative of its transversal proposal that constitutes a theoretical contribution for the university as a systemic organization, an aspect that has shown to be a weakly theorized field with a focus on complexity, approached from the area of Administration with a vision in education and support of Engineering, for the analysis of data and the demonstration of the result, becoming a reference for future research in administrative sciences, under an interdisciplinary position with analogy in the social sciences. Likewise, the use of computational simulation as a way to demonstrate results in complexity, which far from simplifying social behaviors, favors the manifestation of random action, which benefits to understand the process beyond the result obtained, while validating the theoretical proposal presented in the research. Therefore, the context of action of universities implies a social order that is born in the same human condition that promotes and develops within its institutional commitment, hence the present work contributes to the formation of a resilient, systemic interdisciplinary social fabric and gives meaning to professional development without loss of identity, practice self-organization as a way to achieve innovation in your very life. Methodologically, the topic is reviewed from the epistemological position of total research, as a form of complementary integration between different methodologies to achieve understanding especially in interdisciplinary studies such as the one presented, in which interaction between areas of knowledge is required, to achieve a holistic vision of the subject and its result, with a nested design in which the predominant methodology is the qualitative one that guides the research, and the quantitative is used to validate the qualitative results. With a type of comprehensive research in which theorization is generated from the understanding of self-organization as a way to generate curricular innovation in the university, an aspect in which the everyday and particular experiential is interpreted through symbolic interactionism to make theoretical generalization, moving from the particular to the general in a loop or spiral of feedback that widens as it progresses. The systematization of the data obtained was carried out in combination of techniques through the software ATLAS TI (for qualitative analysis) and POWER B1 (for visualization), supported by the CmapTools map generator, to understand their relationships, Excel dynamic tables and the software "NetLogo, used to model complex systems and simulate their behaviors recreating spaces of possibilities through which the proposed self-organized model proposal is validated. It was obtained as a result, that the characteristics of self-organization: nonlinearity, absence of central controller, roles, interdependence, identity, creativity play an important role in the levels of innovation of the university; Likewise, communication and information generate spaces for open participation that promote curricular innovation. The validation of the model provided that the greater the presence of elements of self-organization in a university, the greater the possibilities of interaction and responses of curricular innovation, it was also established that the sections of the route of the short ideas generate greater possibilities of curricular innovation. Finally, it is concluded that although universities reflect some characteristics of selforganization in their structures, these do not impact or represent added value in the academic offer, the university manages a state of deceptive complacency focused on capitalism that leaves aside its own needs and the dynamics of its environment, abstract aspects that generate an incomplete look at a reality that advocates unfinished research processes, Guided by an evolutionary consciousness understood as the ability of the University to transcend its biological condition as a natural phase, to become a conscious process, which responds to its reflections of self-organization with complex vision, becoming permanent so as not to lose relevance and fulfill its commitment to social responsibility.
The research that is presented, seeks to understand the way in which selforganization underlies curricular innovation in universities, visible in the promise of value, the approach contemplates the limitations that the self-recognized university has as a complex system, to integrate its nature into the structures of government and management in response to the needs of change that emerge from its interactions with the internal and external environment and turn them into actions innovative reflected in the promise of value, neglecting their own needs and their commitment to social responsibility. The study justifies its importance in the innovative of its transversal proposal that constitutes a theoretical contribution for the university as a systemic organization, an aspect that has shown to be a weakly theorized field with a focus on complexity, approached from the area of Administration with a vision in education and support of Engineering, for the analysis of data and the demonstration of the result, becoming a reference for future research in administrative sciences, under an interdisciplinary position with analogy in the social sciences. Likewise, the use of computational simulation as a way to demonstrate results in complexity, which far from simplifying social behaviors, favors the manifestation of random action, which benefits to understand the process beyond the result obtained, while validating the theoretical proposal presented in the research. Therefore, the context of action of universities implies a social order that is born in the same human condition that promotes and develops within its institutional commitment, hence the present work contributes to the formation of a resilient, systemic interdisciplinary social fabric and gives meaning to professional development without loss of identity, practice self-organization as a way to achieve innovation in your very life. Methodologically, the topic is reviewed from the epistemological position of total research, as a form of complementary integration between different methodologies to achieve understanding especially in interdisciplinary studies such as the one presented, in which interaction between areas of knowledge is required, to achieve a holistic vision of the subject and its result, with a nested design in which the predominant methodology is the qualitative one that guides the research, and the quantitative is used to validate the qualitative results. With a type of comprehensive research in which theorization is generated from the understanding of self-organization as a way to generate curricular innovation in the university, an aspect in which the everyday and particular experiential is interpreted through symbolic interactionism to make theoretical generalization, moving from the particular to the general in a loop or spiral of feedback that widens as it progresses. The systematization of the data obtained was carried out in combination of techniques through the software ATLAS TI (for qualitative analysis) and POWER B1 (for visualization), supported by the CmapTools map generator, to understand their relationships, Excel dynamic tables and the software "NetLogo, used to model complex systems and simulate their behaviors recreating spaces of possibilities through which the proposed self-organized model proposal is validated. It was obtained as a result, that the characteristics of self-organization: nonlinearity, absence of central controller, roles, interdependence, identity, creativity play an important role in the levels of innovation of the university; Likewise, communication and information generate spaces for open participation that promote curricular innovation. The validation of the model provided that the greater the presence of elements of self-organization in a university, the greater the possibilities of interaction and responses of curricular innovation, it was also established that the sections of the route of the short ideas generate greater possibilities of curricular innovation. Finally, it is concluded that although universities reflect some characteristics of selforganization in their structures, these do not impact or represent added value in the academic offer, the university manages a state of deceptive complacency focused on capitalism that leaves aside its own needs and the dynamics of its environment, abstract aspects that generate an incomplete look at a reality that advocates unfinished research processes, Guided by an evolutionary consciousness understood as the ability of the University to transcend its biological condition as a natural phase, to become a conscious process, which responds to its reflections of self-organization with complex vision, becoming permanent so as not to lose relevance and fulfill its commitment to social responsibility.
Palabras clave
Auto organización, Promesa de valor, Valor agregado, Innovación curricular, Self-organization, Promise of value, Curricular innovation, Social responsibility