Cumplimiento de profesionales de salud a indicadores de calidad de guía clínica neumonía adquirida en comunidad
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Lastre-Amell, Gloria
Suárez-Villa, Mariela
Rodríguez-López, Jorge
Lafont, Carmen
Pacheco, Isabel
Vivanco, Gloreine
Martínez Piñeres, Luz
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Cooperativa servicios y suministros 212518 RS
Objetivo: Evaluar el cumplimiento de la guía clínica de
Neumonía Adquirida en Comunidad a los profesionales
de salud en una Empresa Social del Estado de la ciudad
de Barranquilla.
Materiales y métodos: Se realizó un estudio descriptivo
trasversal, la muestra estuvo constituida por 53 historias
clínicas de pacientes que cumplieron los criterios de inclusión,
como: diagnosticados con NAC, en el periodo de
enero a diciembre de 2016, de cualquier género y mayores
de 18 años considerando las variables de estudio:
características sociodemográficas, características clínicas,
ayudas diagnósticas, criterio de hospitalización, escala de
gravedad, diagnóstico y tratamiento.
Resultados: El 42% de los pacientes se encontraron en
edades mayores de 65 años, en el desarrollo de la enfermedad
predominó el género femenino, los profesionales
de la salud de la Empresa Social del Estado si cumplen con
las recomendaciones dadas por la guía de practica clínica
de Neumonía Adquirida en Comunidad en su diagnostico,
tratamiento, criterios de hospitalizacion; sin embargo en
cuanto a la escala de gravedad de Curb 65 fue la gran
barrera porque los profesionales de la salud no registran
la clasificación pertinente al diagnóstico; además en los
paraclínicos en un alto porcentaje no solicitan los exámenes
de acuerdo a la estratificación de riesgo.
Conclusión: el nivel de cumplimiento de los profesionales
de la salud en los indicadores de calidad de la guía en
adultos hospitalizados, es muy variable y se debe mejorar
el registro y la documentación en la historia clínica.
Objective: To evaluate the compliance of the clinical guide of Acquired Pneumonia in Community by the health professionals in a social enterprise of the state of the city of Barranquilla. Materials and methods: A cross-sectional descriptive study was carried out, the sample consisted of 53 clinical records of patients who met the inclusion criteria, such as: diagnosed with NAC, in the period from January to December 2016, of any gender and older than 18 years considering the study variables: sociodemographic characteristics, clinical characteristics, diagnostic aids, hospitalization criteria, severity scale, diagnosis and treatment. Results: 42% of the patients were older than 65 years, in the development of the disease the female gender predominated, the health professionals of the ESE if they comply with the recommendations given by the clinical practice guide of NAC in its diagnosis, treatment, hospitalization criteria; However, in terms of the severity scale of Curb 65, it was great because health professionals do not record the classification relevant to the diagnosis; also in paraclinics a high percentage do not request exams according to risk stratification. Conclusion: the level of compliance of health professionals in the quality indicators of the NAC guide in adults hospitalized in the ESE, is very variable and should improve the registration and documentation in the clinical history.
Objective: To evaluate the compliance of the clinical guide of Acquired Pneumonia in Community by the health professionals in a social enterprise of the state of the city of Barranquilla. Materials and methods: A cross-sectional descriptive study was carried out, the sample consisted of 53 clinical records of patients who met the inclusion criteria, such as: diagnosed with NAC, in the period from January to December 2016, of any gender and older than 18 years considering the study variables: sociodemographic characteristics, clinical characteristics, diagnostic aids, hospitalization criteria, severity scale, diagnosis and treatment. Results: 42% of the patients were older than 65 years, in the development of the disease the female gender predominated, the health professionals of the ESE if they comply with the recommendations given by the clinical practice guide of NAC in its diagnosis, treatment, hospitalization criteria; However, in terms of the severity scale of Curb 65, it was great because health professionals do not record the classification relevant to the diagnosis; also in paraclinics a high percentage do not request exams according to risk stratification. Conclusion: the level of compliance of health professionals in the quality indicators of the NAC guide in adults hospitalized in the ESE, is very variable and should improve the registration and documentation in the clinical history.
Palabras clave
Neumonía, Guía de práctica clínica, Indicadores de salud, Pneumonia, Clinical practice guide, Health indicators