Alimentación emocional y estilos de personalidad en estudiantes universitarios Cúcuta Norte de Santander
Carrillo Ovallos, Lina María
Blanco Jiménez, Jhon Jairo
Aguiño Cardozo, Leida Alejandra
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
La relación existente entre la emoción y la alimentación, ha sido objeto de estudio desde distintas áreas de la salud durante las últimas décadas por parte de grupos de psicólogos, médicos, nutricionistas, e investigadores en general, con el fin de intentar atribuir las causas y consecuencias de alimentarse emocionalmente tanto en la salud física como psicológica. Este estudio tiene como característica principal, resaltar la trascendencia de la alimentación emocional y los estilos de personalidad en el proceso de los hábitos alimenticios de los jóvenes universitarios, puesto que son las emociones las principales desencadenantes involucradas en la práctica de los hábitos alimenticios. Teniendo en cuenta que en Colombia son pocas las investigaciones o estudios que se han realizado en el contexto de esta problemática surge la necesidad de investigar a fondo y crear un proyecto que parta desde la pregunta ¿Cuál es la relación que existe entre la alimentación emocional y estilos de personalidad en estudiantes universitarios de Cúcuta Norte de Santander? Esta pregunta de investigación se responde al analizar las percepciones (actitudes y conocimientos) y prácticas de los estudiantes de la Universidad Simón Bolívar de la Ciudad De San José De Cúcuta ante la forma de alimentarse emocionalmente según sus estilos de personalidad determinando cuales son los factores que más influyen para esta práctica. Para analizar las diferentes percepciones se aplicaron dos diferentes instrumentos los cuales son la Escala de Alimentación Emocional Pictográfica la cual está en un formato tipo Likert y es un instrumento que comprende 36 ítems, con opciones de respuestas que van desde 1= totalmente en desacuerdo hasta 6=totalmente de acuerdo con el objetivo de medir la alimentación emocional en adultos y el Cuestionario Exploratorio de Personalidad III, cuyo autor Vicente Caballo lo define como un instrumento de tipo auto informe en escala Likert compuesto por 170 ítems cuya principal función es estudiar y evaluar 14 estilos de personalidad, los cuales son paranoide, esquizoide, esquizotipico, histriónico, narcisista, antisocial, limite, por evitación, por dependencia, obsesivo compulsivo, pasivo agresivo, sádico, autodestructivo y depresivo. La investigación se desarrolla bajo el paradigma empírico analítico con un enfoque cuantitativo basado en la experimentación y observación de fenómenos y análisis estadísticos y cuenta con la muestra de 142 estudiantes de sexo femenino y masculino con edades entre 18 y 40 años del programa de Psicología cumpliendo con parámetros de inclusión y exclusión. Una vez aplicados los instrumentos para recolectar la información necesaria, se procede a realizar el tratamiento respectivo para el análisis de los resultados obtenidos. La información registrada en las bases estadísticas descriptivas permitirá que se indique las conclusiones a las cuales llega la investigación desarrollada con los estudiantes, en cuantos los resultados obtenidos son las mujeres quienes presentan más interés en la ingesta de alimentos mostrando más preocupación a la hora de ingerir los alimentos más que los hombres. Por lo anterior en las mujeres se genera un cambio drástico en el estado de ánimo después de haber comido y es el contexto social y los eventos familiares los factores que más influyen en la elección de alimentos de manera significativa. Como conclusión en esta investigación es posible afirmar que si existe una correlación entre los estilos de personalidad y la alimentación emocional de los estudiantes universitarios de psicología. De acuerdo con los resultados los estilos que tienen mayor incidencia en los factores de la alimentación emocional son paranoide, esquizoide, histriónico, obsesivo y pasivo, demostrando así que las emociones son un factor que influye constantemente en la forma en como las mujeres y hombres se alimentan generando malas regulaciones de sus propias emociones.
The relationship between emotion and eating has been the subject of study from different areas of health during the last decades by groups of psychologists, physicians, nutritionists, and researchers in general, in order to try to attribute the causes and consequences of emotional eating on both physical and psychological health. The main characteristic of this study is to highlight the importance of emotional eating and personality styles in the process of eating habits of young university students, since emotions are the main triggers involved in the practice of eating habits. Taking into account that in Colombia there are few investigations or studies that have been conducted in the context of this problem, the need arises to investigate in depth and create a project that starts from the question: What is the relationship between emotional eating and personality styles in university students in Cúcuta Norte de Santander? This research question is answered by analyzing the perceptions (attitudes and knowledge) and practices of the students of the Universidad Simón Bolívar of the city of San José de Cúcuta regarding the way of emotional eating according to their personality styles, determining which are the most influential factors for this practice. To analyze the different perceptions, two different instruments were applied which are the Pictographic Emotional Eating Scale which is in a Likert-type format and is an instrument comprising 36 items, with response options ranging from 1 = totally disagree to 6 = totally agree with the objective of measuring emotional eating in adults and the Exploratory Personality Questionnaire III, whose author Vicente Caballo defines it as a self-report type instrument in Likert scale composed of 170 items whose main function is to study and evaluate 14 personality styles, which are paranoid, schizoid, schizotypal, histrionic, narcissistic, antisocial, borderline, avoidance, dependency, obsessive-compulsive, passive aggressive, sadistic, self-destructive and depressive. The research is developed under the empirical-analytic paradigm with A quantitative approach based on experimentation and observation of phenomena and statistical analysis and has a sample of 142 male and female students between 18 and 40 years of age from the Psychology program, complying with inclusion and exclusion parameters. Once the instruments were applied to collect the necessary information, we proceeded to carry out the respective treatment for the analysis of the results obtained. The information registered in the descriptive statistical bases will allow to indicate the conclusions reached by the research developed with the students, in how many results obtained are women who show more interest in the food intake showing more concern at the time of ingesting food than men. Therefore, in women there is a drastic change in mood after having eaten and it is the social context and family events the factors that most influence the choice of food in a significant way. As a conclusion in this research, it is possible to affirm that there is a correlation between personality styles and emotional eating of the university psychology students. According to the results, the styles that have the highest incidence in the factors of emotional eating are paranoid, schizoid, histrionic, obsessive and passive, thus demonstrating that emotions are a factor that constantly influences the way in which women and men eat, generating poor regulation of their own emotions.
The relationship between emotion and eating has been the subject of study from different areas of health during the last decades by groups of psychologists, physicians, nutritionists, and researchers in general, in order to try to attribute the causes and consequences of emotional eating on both physical and psychological health. The main characteristic of this study is to highlight the importance of emotional eating and personality styles in the process of eating habits of young university students, since emotions are the main triggers involved in the practice of eating habits. Taking into account that in Colombia there are few investigations or studies that have been conducted in the context of this problem, the need arises to investigate in depth and create a project that starts from the question: What is the relationship between emotional eating and personality styles in university students in Cúcuta Norte de Santander? This research question is answered by analyzing the perceptions (attitudes and knowledge) and practices of the students of the Universidad Simón Bolívar of the city of San José de Cúcuta regarding the way of emotional eating according to their personality styles, determining which are the most influential factors for this practice. To analyze the different perceptions, two different instruments were applied which are the Pictographic Emotional Eating Scale which is in a Likert-type format and is an instrument comprising 36 items, with response options ranging from 1 = totally disagree to 6 = totally agree with the objective of measuring emotional eating in adults and the Exploratory Personality Questionnaire III, whose author Vicente Caballo defines it as a self-report type instrument in Likert scale composed of 170 items whose main function is to study and evaluate 14 personality styles, which are paranoid, schizoid, schizotypal, histrionic, narcissistic, antisocial, borderline, avoidance, dependency, obsessive-compulsive, passive aggressive, sadistic, self-destructive and depressive. The research is developed under the empirical-analytic paradigm with A quantitative approach based on experimentation and observation of phenomena and statistical analysis and has a sample of 142 male and female students between 18 and 40 years of age from the Psychology program, complying with inclusion and exclusion parameters. Once the instruments were applied to collect the necessary information, we proceeded to carry out the respective treatment for the analysis of the results obtained. The information registered in the descriptive statistical bases will allow to indicate the conclusions reached by the research developed with the students, in how many results obtained are women who show more interest in the food intake showing more concern at the time of ingesting food than men. Therefore, in women there is a drastic change in mood after having eaten and it is the social context and family events the factors that most influence the choice of food in a significant way. As a conclusion in this research, it is possible to affirm that there is a correlation between personality styles and emotional eating of the university psychology students. According to the results, the styles that have the highest incidence in the factors of emotional eating are paranoid, schizoid, histrionic, obsessive and passive, thus demonstrating that emotions are a factor that constantly influences the way in which women and men eat, generating poor regulation of their own emotions.
Palabras clave
Alimentación emocional, Hábitos alimenticios, Estilos de personalidad, Emociones, Alimentación, Emotional eating, Eating habits, Personality styles, Emotions, Food