La educación en los indígenas wayúu desde la perspectiva de emergencia por el covid-19
García Comas, Lisseth
Guevara Morales, María Manuela
Rambao Pérez, María José
Varela Alemán, María Fernanda
Vélez Ruíz, María Paula
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
Si bien es cierto, en La Guajira a pesar de sus planes sociales para alcanzar una mayor calidad en el proceso de enseñanza–aprendizaje con el fin de garantizar y promover el acceso a todos los niños, niñas y jóvenes A la educación primaria y secundaria no ha logrado frenar las
situaciones y dificultades que enfrenta este sistema, siendo este un derecho fundamental de
los mismos. Problemas como las infraestructuras inadecuadas, el bajo uso de los tics y otras herramientas
necesarias para la conectividad y desarrollo de nuevas tecnologías que permitan aprovechar al máximo los medios actuales para renovar y flexibilizar el sistema de enseñanza tradicional, el escaso recurso humano de alta calidad, y la baja inversión de las autoridades tanto
nacionales como local, son situaciones a las que hoy en día atraviesa esta cultura. Las innumerables fallas que presenta este servicio han hecho que los ojos de las entidades nacionales y locales pongan en tela de juicio la calidad en el suministro de esta necesidad
básica, pero nunca han hecho nada al respecto y en las noticias locales únicamente hablan de
la desnutrición lo cual también es importante pero no es nuestro tema de investigación, pero
es un tema que poco se habla en todos los ámbitos, por eso podemos darnos cuenta que ha
estado tan abandonado en el tema de la educación por sus mismas autoridades locales. Ya
habiendo un problema en el departamento y centrándonos específicamente en los indígenas
wayuu estos se ven directamente afectados en toda esta crisis, ya que las escuelas que están
en la zona rural ni siquiera tienen fluido eléctrico y en la gran parte de las comunidades
tampoco poseen de los mismos, sin contar que las instalaciones de los centros educativos y
una vez a la semana los niños debe transportarse hacia los colegios y buscar las guías que le
corresponden pero también es cierto que la mayoría de los padres de estos niños nunca
culminaron el colegio y desafortunadamente algunos son analfabetas esto dificulta en mayor
medida la ayuda que les pueden brindar a sus hijos para la realización y aprendizaje en casa,
este es un problema el cual los autoridades han hecho la vista gorda, y con la emergencia del
covid-19 esto se agravo aún más con la pandemia y las autoridades locales no pudieron darle
una buena solución lo único que se logró con todo esto es agravar la situación en el tema de
educación para los niños wayuu, que van a crecer con un gran déficits sobre todo para que
aquellos adolescentes que estaban y culminaron sus estudios académicos, en este sentido,
van a salir con un gran déficits de conocimientos para poder acceder a la universidad les quita
esa gran oportunidad de entrar a una educación superior, así que en este trabajo de
investigación vemos como desde la pandemia se agravo esta situación con los indígenas
wayuu y que hasta el momento ninguna entidad local y nacional se han pronunciado o han
hecho algo al respecto.
Although it is true, in La Guajira, despite its social plans to achieve higher quality in the teaching-learning process in order to guarantee and promote access for all children and young people to primary and secondary education, has managed to curb the situations and difficulties faced by this system, this being a fundamental right of the same. Problems such as inadequate infrastructures, low use of ICTs and other tools necessary for connectivity and development of new technologies that allow maximum use of current means to renew and make the traditional education system more flexible, scarce high-quality human resources, and the low investment of both national and local authorities, are situations that this culture is going through today. The innumerable failures that this service presents have made the eyes of national and local entities question the quality of the supply of this basic need, but they have never done anything about it and in the local news they only talk about malnutrition. which is also important but it is not our research topic, but it is a subject that is rarely talked about in all areas, that is why we can realize that it has been so neglected in the subject of education by its own local authorities. Now that there is a problem in the department and focusing specifically on the Wayuu indigenous people, they are directly affected by this whole crisis, since the schools that are in the rural area do not even have electricity and in most of the communities, they do not have electricity either. the same, not to mention that the facilities of the educational centers and once a week the children must go to the schools and look for the corresponding guides but it is also true that the majority of the parents of these children never finished school and Unfortunately, some are illiterate, this makes it more difficult for them to help their children to carry out and learn at home, this is a problem to which the authorities have turned a blind eye, and with the emergency of covid-19 this is It got even worse with the pandemic and the local authorities were unable to provide a good solution, the only thing that was achieved with all this is to aggravate the situation in the he issue of education for Wayuu children, who are going to grow up with great deficits, especially so that those adolescents who were and completed their academic studies, in this sense, are going to come out with great knowledge deficits to be able to access university It takes away that great opportunity to enter higher education, so in this research work we see how this situation with the Wayuu indigenous people has worsened since the pandemic and that so far no local or national entity has spoken or done anything about it. regard.
Although it is true, in La Guajira, despite its social plans to achieve higher quality in the teaching-learning process in order to guarantee and promote access for all children and young people to primary and secondary education, has managed to curb the situations and difficulties faced by this system, this being a fundamental right of the same. Problems such as inadequate infrastructures, low use of ICTs and other tools necessary for connectivity and development of new technologies that allow maximum use of current means to renew and make the traditional education system more flexible, scarce high-quality human resources, and the low investment of both national and local authorities, are situations that this culture is going through today. The innumerable failures that this service presents have made the eyes of national and local entities question the quality of the supply of this basic need, but they have never done anything about it and in the local news they only talk about malnutrition. which is also important but it is not our research topic, but it is a subject that is rarely talked about in all areas, that is why we can realize that it has been so neglected in the subject of education by its own local authorities. Now that there is a problem in the department and focusing specifically on the Wayuu indigenous people, they are directly affected by this whole crisis, since the schools that are in the rural area do not even have electricity and in most of the communities, they do not have electricity either. the same, not to mention that the facilities of the educational centers and once a week the children must go to the schools and look for the corresponding guides but it is also true that the majority of the parents of these children never finished school and Unfortunately, some are illiterate, this makes it more difficult for them to help their children to carry out and learn at home, this is a problem to which the authorities have turned a blind eye, and with the emergency of covid-19 this is It got even worse with the pandemic and the local authorities were unable to provide a good solution, the only thing that was achieved with all this is to aggravate the situation in the he issue of education for Wayuu children, who are going to grow up with great deficits, especially so that those adolescents who were and completed their academic studies, in this sense, are going to come out with great knowledge deficits to be able to access university It takes away that great opportunity to enter higher education, so in this research work we see how this situation with the Wayuu indigenous people has worsened since the pandemic and that so far no local or national entity has spoken or done anything about it. regard.
Palabras clave
Educación, Cultura, Aspectos sociales, Aspectos económicos, Estado Colombiano, Cultura Wayuu, Covid-19, Culture, Social aspects, Economic aspects, State Colombian, Wayuu culture, Covid-19