Intervención desde el modelo cognitivo-comportamental en una paciente con trastorno evitativo de la personalidad: un estudio de caso
Fransual Cardona, Katherine
Villarreal Mercado, Milena Del Carmen
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
El trastorno de la personalidad por evitación es un problema de salud mental con prevalencias cercanas al 3% a nivel mundial. Se caracteriza por ser un patrón cognitivo, emocional, comportamental y social que lleva a los individuos que viven con él a evitar o escapar de situaciones que requieran la interacción social por el temor de ser rechazados, juzgados o criticados. El presente trabajo tiene como objetivo describir de manera detallada la intervención desde el modelo cognitivo comportamental en una paciente con trastorno evitativo de la personalidad empleando la metodología de estudio de caso clínico. Se llevaron a cabo 9 sesiones en las cuales se trabajaron aspectos encaminados a tratar las problemáticas identificadas en la paciente, tales como: respuestas de ansiedad y problemas intrafamiliares con la madre. Se llevó a cabo el proceso de evaluación y diseño del plan de intervención a partir de técnicas cognitivo-comportamentales, como: diálogo socrático, registro de pensamientos, flecha descendente, reestructuración cognitiva, respiración diafragmática, entre otros. Como resultados del proceso, se observó una disminución de la sintomatología reportada en el motivo de consulta, propiciando el aumento de la funcionalidad gracias a la adquisición y fortalecimiento de habilidades personales como: resolución de problemas, toma de decisiones, afrontamiento adaptativo, alcanzando mayor autonomía y seguridad en sí misma; Del mismo modo a través de la psicoeducación se logró que la paciente tuviera una mayor comprensión de su diagnóstico y por ende una participación activa en el proceso de intervención. Se pretende que este estudio de caso sea de utilidad para los profesionales en el campo de la salud mental que requieran aportes teóricos basados en la intervención del diagnóstico trastorno de personalidad por evitación.
Avoidant personality disorder is a mental health problem with prevalence close to 3% worldwide. It is characterized by a cognitive, emotional, behavioral, and social pattern that leads individuals living with it to avoid or escape from situations that require social interaction for fear of being rejected, judged or criticized. The aim of this paper is to describe in detail the intervention from the cognitive-behavioral model in a patient with avoidant personality disorder using the clinical case study methodology. Nine sessions were carried out in which aspects aimed at treating the problems identified in the patient were worked on, such as: anxiety responses and intrafamily problems with the mother. The process of evaluation and design of the intervention plan was carried out based on cognitive-behavioral techniques, such as: Socratic dialogue, recording of thoughts, descending arrow, cognitive restructuring, diaphragmatic breathing, among others. As a result of the process, a decrease in the symptoms reported in the reason for consultation was observed, leading to increased functionality through the acquisition and strengthening of personal skills such as: problem solving, decision making, adaptive coping, achieving greater autonomy and self-confidence; Likewise, through psychoeducation, the patient had a greater understanding of her diagnosis and therefore an active participation in the intervention process. This case study is intended to be useful for professionals in the field of mental health who require theoretical contributions based on the intervention of avoidant personality disorder.
Avoidant personality disorder is a mental health problem with prevalence close to 3% worldwide. It is characterized by a cognitive, emotional, behavioral, and social pattern that leads individuals living with it to avoid or escape from situations that require social interaction for fear of being rejected, judged or criticized. The aim of this paper is to describe in detail the intervention from the cognitive-behavioral model in a patient with avoidant personality disorder using the clinical case study methodology. Nine sessions were carried out in which aspects aimed at treating the problems identified in the patient were worked on, such as: anxiety responses and intrafamily problems with the mother. The process of evaluation and design of the intervention plan was carried out based on cognitive-behavioral techniques, such as: Socratic dialogue, recording of thoughts, descending arrow, cognitive restructuring, diaphragmatic breathing, among others. As a result of the process, a decrease in the symptoms reported in the reason for consultation was observed, leading to increased functionality through the acquisition and strengthening of personal skills such as: problem solving, decision making, adaptive coping, achieving greater autonomy and self-confidence; Likewise, through psychoeducation, the patient had a greater understanding of her diagnosis and therefore an active participation in the intervention process. This case study is intended to be useful for professionals in the field of mental health who require theoretical contributions based on the intervention of avoidant personality disorder.
Palabras clave
Trastorno evitativo de la personalidad, Apego, Ansiedad, Problemas intrafamiliares, Reestructuración cognitiva, Registro de pensamientos, Intervención, Cognitivo comportamental, Estudio de caso, Avoidant personality disorder, Attachment, Anxiety, Intrafamilial problems, Cognitive restructuring, Thought recording, Intervention, Cognitive-behavioral, Case study