Estrategias de intervención en la memoria de trabajo en niños y niñas sobrevivientes del desplazamiento forzado y la crisis fronteriza en Venezuela
Ramírez, Laura
Lizarazo, Yolieth
Bonilla-Cruz, Nidia J.
Cardozo Rodríguez, Lizeth Estephany
Cornejo, Anderson Camilo
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Sociedad Venezolana de Farmacología Clínica y Terapéutica
Objetivo: Comparar la memoria de trabajo y las variables
sociodemográficas en niños y niñas sobrevivientes del desplazamiento
forzado y la crisis fronteriza en Venezuela.
Metodología: Enfoque cuantitativo no experimental de tipo
comparativo con una muestra por conveniencia conformada
por 58 niños y niñas pertenecientes a la población de desplazados
por el conflicto armado y desplazados por la crisis
fronteriza. Para ello se empleó la prueba de la Escala de inteligencia
de Wechsler para niños-IV (WISC-IV).
Resultados: Se encontró que el desempeño en la memoria
de trabajo evaluada en las poblaciones de desplazados venezolanos,
afectados por la crisis fronteriza y desplazados
por el conflicto armado fue desfavorable ya que todas sus
puntuaciones están por debajo de la media, estando por debajo
de lo que se considera normal. Esto lo relaciona con
las dimensiones de bienestar de los hogares, afectando sus
derechos fundamentales y su desarrollo personal y social
donde la dimensión psicológica adquiere factores de riesgo
formados por dicha problemática en un marco psicosocial,
comprometiendo al individuo y su desarrollo interpersonal e
Conclusión: El funcionamiento óptimo de la memoria de trabajo
o de otros procesos cognitivos es afectado de manera
significativa si hay una situación de crisis que afecte el bienestar
subjetivo y familiar de las personas, al igual que sus
condiciones de desarrollo y de calidad de vida.
Objective: To compare working memory and sociodemographic variables in children survivors of forced displacement and the border crisis in Venezuela Methodology: Quantitative non-experimental approach of comparative type with a sample for convenience consisting of 58 children belonging to the population of displaced by armed conflict and by the border crisis. For this, the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children (WISC-IV) test was used. Results: It was found that the performance in the working memory evaluated in the populations of displaced Venezuelans, affected by the border crisis and displaced by the armed conflict was unfavorable since all their scores were below the average, being below what It is considered a normal. This is related to the welfare dimensions of households, affecting their fundamental rights and their personal and social development, where the psychological dimension acquires risk factors formed by said problem in a psychosocial framework compromising the individual and their interpersonal and intrapersonal development. Conclusion: The optimal functioning of working memory or other cognitive processes is significantly affected if there is a crisis situation that affects people’s subjective and family well-being, as well as their conditions of development and quality of life.
Objective: To compare working memory and sociodemographic variables in children survivors of forced displacement and the border crisis in Venezuela Methodology: Quantitative non-experimental approach of comparative type with a sample for convenience consisting of 58 children belonging to the population of displaced by armed conflict and by the border crisis. For this, the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children (WISC-IV) test was used. Results: It was found that the performance in the working memory evaluated in the populations of displaced Venezuelans, affected by the border crisis and displaced by the armed conflict was unfavorable since all their scores were below the average, being below what It is considered a normal. This is related to the welfare dimensions of households, affecting their fundamental rights and their personal and social development, where the psychological dimension acquires risk factors formed by said problem in a psychosocial framework compromising the individual and their interpersonal and intrapersonal development. Conclusion: The optimal functioning of working memory or other cognitive processes is significantly affected if there is a crisis situation that affects people’s subjective and family well-being, as well as their conditions of development and quality of life.
Palabras clave
Memoria de trabajo, Niñez, Crisis fronteriza, Desplazamiento forzado, Working Memory, Childhood, Border Crisis, Forced Displacement, Displaced population