Subsidio de transporte para personas con capacidad reducida como estrategia de responsabilidad social caso empresa Transmetro
Gordillo, Ronald
Segovia, Sebastián
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Administración y Negocios
Facultad de Administración y Negocios
Desde hace mucho tiempo la alcaldía Distrital de Barranquilla ha venido adelantando una política de julio inclusión dentro de la cual se encuentran la población con capacidad reducida. Sin embargo hasta el momento no se había diseñado una estrategia que le entregará ha está misma un subsidio para cubrir con los gastos de transporte al usar la empresa de transporte masivo Transmetro.
En está investigación, se estableció el número de personas discapacitadas que utilizan el sistema de transporte masivo como primera medida. Luego se procedió a identificar el gasto de transporte de la población discapacitada en la utilización del sistema de transporte masivo para finalmente determinar el compromiso de la empresa Transmetro como estrategia de responsabilidad social para la aplicación de bono subsidio a las personas con capacidad reducidas.
El método que se empleo en la presente investigación fue de carácter descriptivo.
Como resultado podemos concluir que es importante brindar un apoyo de carácter pecuniario a la población de capacidad reducida del distrito de Barranquilla alrededor del 40% del costo del mismo.
Finalmente podemos concluir que la población con capacidad reducida tiene un gasto entre $50.000 mil y $100.000 mil pesos para cubrir el costo del pasaje del transporte de la empresa Transmetro. Dicho subsidio se implementará como estrategia de responsabilidad social corporativa de la empresa.
For a long time, the District Office of the Mayor of Barranquilla has been advancing a policy of July, including the population with reduced capacity. Howev kier, until now a strategy had not been designed that will give you a subsidy to cover the transportation costs when using the Transmetro mass transit company. In this investigation, the number of disabled people using the mass transit system was established as the first measure. Then we proceeded to identify the transportation expenditure of the disabled population in the use of the mass transit system to finally determine the commitment of the Transmetro company as a social responsibility strategy for the application of subsidy bonus to people with reduced capacity. The method used in the present investigation was descriptive. As a result, we can conclude that it is important to provide pecuniary support to the population of reduced capacity in the district of Barranquilla about 40% of its cost. Finally we can conclude that the population with reduced capacity has an expense between $ 50,000 thousand and $ 100,000 thousand pesos to cover the cost of the transportation ticket of the Transmetro company. Said subsidy will be implemented as the company's corporate social responsibility strategy.
For a long time, the District Office of the Mayor of Barranquilla has been advancing a policy of July, including the population with reduced capacity. Howev kier, until now a strategy had not been designed that will give you a subsidy to cover the transportation costs when using the Transmetro mass transit company. In this investigation, the number of disabled people using the mass transit system was established as the first measure. Then we proceeded to identify the transportation expenditure of the disabled population in the use of the mass transit system to finally determine the commitment of the Transmetro company as a social responsibility strategy for the application of subsidy bonus to people with reduced capacity. The method used in the present investigation was descriptive. As a result, we can conclude that it is important to provide pecuniary support to the population of reduced capacity in the district of Barranquilla about 40% of its cost. Finally we can conclude that the population with reduced capacity has an expense between $ 50,000 thousand and $ 100,000 thousand pesos to cover the cost of the transportation ticket of the Transmetro company. Said subsidy will be implemented as the company's corporate social responsibility strategy.
Palabras clave
Transmetro, Capitalización, Ingreso percapita, Socioeconómico, Proyecto de acuerdo, Transimeter, Capitalization, Percapita Income, Socioeconomic, Draft agreement