Estrategias del I+D+i orientadas al mejoramiento del desempeño del trasporte en la ciudad de Barranquilla: un estudio de caso
Rodríguez Baldovino, Harold Junior
Triana Bohórquez, Anyelo
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Administración y Negocios
Facultad de Administración y Negocios
El presente proyecto comprende como problema de investigación el desempeño del
trasporte público en Barranquilla, dimensionando la pertinencia y relevancia del
sector en el desarrollo de la ciudad, siendo un estudio de caso en tres empresas del
sector, se traza como objetivo principal analizar las estrategias de I+D+i orientadas
al mejoramiento del desempeño del transporte público urbano en tres empresas de
la ciudad de Barranquilla.
Con el objetivo principal de analizar las estrategias de I+D+i orientadas al
mejoramiento del desempeño del transporte público urbano en tres empresas de la
ciudad de Barranquilla, se utilizó una metodología que se basó en la realización de
entrevistas a diferentes empresas de transporte público en la ciudad. Estas
entrevistas proporcionaron información valiosa que se resumió y analizó en función
de los aspectos clave discutidos con los gerentes de cada empresa.
El fundamento teórico utilizado permitió establecer un marco conceptual sólido que
abarca la gestión de la innovación, la política territorial de ciencia, tecnología e
innovación, así como las actividades de I+D+i en el sector empresarial,
específicamente en el ámbito del transporte urbano. Este marco teórico proporcionó
la base necesaria para comprender a fondo el tema de investigación.
La investigación se sustentó en un enfoque metodológico mixto, utilizando técnicas
de entrevistas semi estructuradas para recopilar datos de calidad. Esta metodología
permitió obtener información detallada sobre las estrategias de I+D+i
implementadas en las empresas de transporte público estudiadas.
Los resultados obtenidos revelan que la innovación, la investigación y el desarrollo
tienen un impacto positivo en el desempeño del transporte público urbano en
Barranquilla. Se encontró que las empresas que invierten en la capacitación y
formación de sus empleados, así como en la adquisición de tecnología y equipos
modernos, logran un mejor desempeño en términos de eficiencia y calidad del
En conclusión, esta investigación destaca la importancia de la innovación, la
investigación y el desarrollo en el sector del transporte público urbano en
Barranquilla. Se recomienda a las empresas del sector que inviertan en estas áreas
para mejorar su desempeño y ofrecer un servicio de mayor calidad a los usuarios.
Estos hallazgos resaltan la necesidad de promover una cultura de innovación en el
transporte público y fomentar la colaboración entre las empresas, el gobierno y otras
instituciones relevantes para impulsar el desarrollo del sector.
Para lograr una mejora significativa en el transporte público urbano, es crucial que
las empresas adopten estrategias innovadoras, como la implementación de
tecnologías avanzadas de gestión y monitoreo, la optimización de las rutas y
horarios, y la mejora continua de la capacitación y el desarrollo del personal.
Además, se recomienda establecer alianzas estratégicas con instituciones
académicas y centros de investigación para promover la generación de
conocimiento y la aplicación de nuevas soluciones en el sector.
En resumen, este proyecto de investigación pone de relieve la importancia de la
innovación y el desarrollo en el transporte público urbano de Barranquilla. Al invertir
en estrategias de I+D+i, las empresas del sector pueden mejorar su desempeño y
brindar un servicio de mayor calidad a los ciudadanos. Se espera que estos
hallazgos sirvan como base para futuras investigaciones y para el diseño de
políticas y acciones que impulsen el desarrollo sostenible del transporte público en
la ciudad.
The present project encompasses as a research problem the performance of public transportation in Barranquilla, assessing the relevance and significance of the sector in the city's development. It is a case study involving three companies in the sector, with the main objective being to analyze the R&D&I strategies aimed at improving the performance of urban public transportation in Barranquilla. With the main objective of analyzing the R&D&I strategies aimed at improving the performance of urban public transportation in Barranquilla, a methodology was used that involved conducting interviews with different public transportation companies in the city. These interviews provided valuable information that was summarized and analyzed based on key aspects discussed with the managers of each company. The theoretical foundation used allowed for the establishment of a solid conceptual framework that encompasses innovation management, territorial policy for science, technology, and innovation, as well as R&D&I activities in the business sector, specifically in the field of urban transportation. This theoretical framework provided the necessary basis for a thorough understanding of the research topic. The research was supported by a mixed-methods approach, using semi-structured interview techniques to gather high-quality data. This methodology allowed for obtaining detailed information on the R&D&I strategies implemented in the studied public transportation companies. The obtained results reveal that innovation, research, and development have a positive impact on the performance of urban public transportation in Barranquilla. It was found that companies that invest in the training and education of their employees, as well as in the acquisition of modern technology and equipment, achieve better performance in terms of efficiency and service quality. In conclusion, this research highlights the importance of innovation, research, and development in the urban public transportation sector in Barranquilla. It is recommended that companies in the sector invest in these areas to improve their performance and offer a higher quality service to users. These findings emphasize the need to promote a culture of innovation in public transportation and encourage collaboration between companies, the government, and other relevant institutions to drive the sector's development. To achieve significant improvement in urban public transportation, it is crucial for companies to adopt innovative strategies such as implementing advanced management and monitoring technologies, optimizing routes and schedules, and continuously improving staff training and development. Additionally, it is recommended to establish strategic partnerships with academic institutions and research centers to promote knowledge generation and the application of new solutions in the sector. In summary, this research project underscores the importance of innovation and development in urban public transportation in Barranquilla. By investing in R&D&I strategies, companies in the sector can improve their performance and provide a higher quality service to citizens. It is expected that these findings will serve as a basis for future research and the design of policies and actions that promote the sustainable development of public transportation in the city.
The present project encompasses as a research problem the performance of public transportation in Barranquilla, assessing the relevance and significance of the sector in the city's development. It is a case study involving three companies in the sector, with the main objective being to analyze the R&D&I strategies aimed at improving the performance of urban public transportation in Barranquilla. With the main objective of analyzing the R&D&I strategies aimed at improving the performance of urban public transportation in Barranquilla, a methodology was used that involved conducting interviews with different public transportation companies in the city. These interviews provided valuable information that was summarized and analyzed based on key aspects discussed with the managers of each company. The theoretical foundation used allowed for the establishment of a solid conceptual framework that encompasses innovation management, territorial policy for science, technology, and innovation, as well as R&D&I activities in the business sector, specifically in the field of urban transportation. This theoretical framework provided the necessary basis for a thorough understanding of the research topic. The research was supported by a mixed-methods approach, using semi-structured interview techniques to gather high-quality data. This methodology allowed for obtaining detailed information on the R&D&I strategies implemented in the studied public transportation companies. The obtained results reveal that innovation, research, and development have a positive impact on the performance of urban public transportation in Barranquilla. It was found that companies that invest in the training and education of their employees, as well as in the acquisition of modern technology and equipment, achieve better performance in terms of efficiency and service quality. In conclusion, this research highlights the importance of innovation, research, and development in the urban public transportation sector in Barranquilla. It is recommended that companies in the sector invest in these areas to improve their performance and offer a higher quality service to users. These findings emphasize the need to promote a culture of innovation in public transportation and encourage collaboration between companies, the government, and other relevant institutions to drive the sector's development. To achieve significant improvement in urban public transportation, it is crucial for companies to adopt innovative strategies such as implementing advanced management and monitoring technologies, optimizing routes and schedules, and continuously improving staff training and development. Additionally, it is recommended to establish strategic partnerships with academic institutions and research centers to promote knowledge generation and the application of new solutions in the sector. In summary, this research project underscores the importance of innovation and development in urban public transportation in Barranquilla. By investing in R&D&I strategies, companies in the sector can improve their performance and provide a higher quality service to citizens. It is expected that these findings will serve as a basis for future research and the design of policies and actions that promote the sustainable development of public transportation in the city.
Palabras clave
Sector transporte, Estrategias de I+D+i, Transporte público urbano, Transport sector, R+D+i Strategies, Urban public transport