Migración de venezolanos hacia Colombia: incremento de la economía informal en la ciudad de Cúcuta
Ramirez Quintero, Jesús Eduardo
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
Colombia vive hoy el fenómeno de migración más grande en toda su historia por cuenta de la crisis venezolana, en este artículo analiza las consecuencias que tuvo para los habitantes de Cúcuta y su Área Metropolitana el aumento del contrabando y las ventas ilegales en las zonas de uso público como parques, calles, andenes, etc. Busca desde concretar que se ha legislado en la Constitución de Colombia posteriores leyes que tratan sobre la población que ingresa al país desde otros países ya sea en forma transitoria o en busca de establecerse en el mismo, a su vez se analiza el impacto que tiene en la ciudad de Cúcuta y poblaciones vecinas las fuerzas económicas que imponen los migrantes en busca de un medio de sostenimiento en esta región , así como promover y estudiar posibles soluciones que se pueden generar para afrontar el problema de aumento del contrabando y la economía informal en la ciudad de Cúcuta y su área Metropolitana por causa de la migración masiva de venezolanos. Empleando una investigación es interpretativo enfocado en un estudio cualitativo con un diseño analítico. Mostrando como resultado que los empleos de mala calidad aglutinan la oferta de mano de obra, se evidencia que en gran medida en los países del mundo existe el comercio informal y determinando que la escasez de medicamentos en Venezuela ha provocado el nacimiento de un mercado informal de medicinas en la ciudad de Cúcuta
Colombia today lives the phenomenon of the largest migration in its history for the account of the Venezuelan crisis, in this article analyzes the consequences for the inhabitants of Cucuta and its Metropolitan Area of the increase in smuggling and illegal sales in the areas of public use such as parks, streets, platforms, etc. Search in a concrete way that has been legislated in the Constitution of our country and subsequent laws that respond on the population that enters the country that other countries either temporarily or seeking to settle in it, in turn is analyzed the impact of the economic forces imposed by migrants in the city of Cucuta and neighboring populations in search of a means of support in this region, as well as promoting and studying the possible solutions that can be given to address the problem of increased smuggling and the informal economy in the city of Cucuta and its metropolitan area due to the massive migration of Venezuelans. Using a research is interpretive focused on a qualitative study with an analytical design. The results of this work have been translated into an exchange of information on the quality of the work. An informal market of medicines in the city of Cucuta.
Colombia today lives the phenomenon of the largest migration in its history for the account of the Venezuelan crisis, in this article analyzes the consequences for the inhabitants of Cucuta and its Metropolitan Area of the increase in smuggling and illegal sales in the areas of public use such as parks, streets, platforms, etc. Search in a concrete way that has been legislated in the Constitution of our country and subsequent laws that respond on the population that enters the country that other countries either temporarily or seeking to settle in it, in turn is analyzed the impact of the economic forces imposed by migrants in the city of Cucuta and neighboring populations in search of a means of support in this region, as well as promoting and studying the possible solutions that can be given to address the problem of increased smuggling and the informal economy in the city of Cucuta and its metropolitan area due to the massive migration of Venezuelans. Using a research is interpretive focused on a qualitative study with an analytical design. The results of this work have been translated into an exchange of information on the quality of the work. An informal market of medicines in the city of Cucuta.
Palabras clave
Contrabando, Migración, Economía informal, Smuggling, Migration, Informal economy