Factores de riesgo cardiovascular en trabajadores de tres ciudades de la región caribe colombiana
Bernard, Keylee
Florez, Alejandra
Lugo, Viviana
Rubiano Santander, Ailyn
Maestre Muñoz, Valery
Portillo Reinero, Yoly
Meléndez Martínez, Meylin
Menco Gordon, Lina
Guerrero Romero, Raisa
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud
Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud
Las enfermedades cardiovasculares causan anualmente la mayor cantidad de las muertes a nivel mundial, fenómeno que alarma a las grandes organizaciones de salud y requiere oportuna atención de las instituciones gubernamentales. El aumento de factores de riesgo cardiovascular y el desarrollo paulatino de dichas enfermedades crónicas hace imperativo postular mecanismos y estrategias que puedan de una u otra manera, impactar en el estado de salud de poblaciones productivas, incluyendo a los trabajadores de instituciones sanitarias. El objetivo del presente estudio fue establecer los factores de riesgo cardiovascular en trabajadores de tres ciudades de la región caribecolombiana. Se realizó un estudio descriptivo de corte transversal, en 503 empleados seleccionados al azar en6 instituciones de 3 ciudades de la región caribe colombiana. En un periodo comprendido entre los meses de septiembre del 2018 a octubre del 2019, se determinaron las características sociodemográficas y luego se evaluaron las características antropométricas, finalmente se determinaron los riesgos cardiovasculares asociados con el cuestionario Conoce Tu Riesgo Peso Saludable. El 68,44% de los sujetos estudiados fueron mujeres, encontrando sobrepeso y obesidad en el 40,20% y 16,28% de los sujetos, respectivamente. El sexo masculino mostro ser un factor asociado a la obesidad abdominal (p<0,05) y el estrato socioeconómico no mostró influenciar los factores estudiados (p>0,05). Del presente estudio se concluye que los factores prevalencia son el sobrepeso y la obesidad abdominal, además el riesgo de desenvolver diabetes en los próximos 10 años según el FinishRisk Score estuvo por encima de lo recomendado en la mayoría de los trabajadores.
Cardiovascular diseases cause the greatest number of deaths annually worldwide, a phenomenon that alarms large health organizations and requires timely attention from government institutions.The increase in cardiovascular risk factors and the gradual development of these chronic diseases makes it imperative to postulate mechanisms and strategies that may in one way or another, impact the health status of productive populations, including workers in health institutions.The objective of this study was to establish cardiovascular risk factors in workers of three cities of the Colombian Caribbean region.A descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted in 503 randomly selected employees in 6 institutions in 3 cities of the Colombian Caribbean region.In a period between September 2018 to October 2019, the sociodemographic characteristics were determined and then the anthropometric characteristics were evaluated, finally the cardiovascular risks associated with the questionnaire were determinedConoce Tu Riesgo Peso Saludable. 68.44% of the subjects studied were women, finding overweight and obesity in 40.20% and 16.28% of the subjects, respectively. The male sex showed to be a factor associated with abdominal obesity (p <0,05) and the socioeconomic stratum did not show influencing the factors studied (p> 0,05).The present study concludes that the prevalence factors are overweight and abdominal obesity, in addition the risk of developing diabetes in the next 10 years according to the Finish Risk Score was above the recommended in most workers.
Cardiovascular diseases cause the greatest number of deaths annually worldwide, a phenomenon that alarms large health organizations and requires timely attention from government institutions.The increase in cardiovascular risk factors and the gradual development of these chronic diseases makes it imperative to postulate mechanisms and strategies that may in one way or another, impact the health status of productive populations, including workers in health institutions.The objective of this study was to establish cardiovascular risk factors in workers of three cities of the Colombian Caribbean region.A descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted in 503 randomly selected employees in 6 institutions in 3 cities of the Colombian Caribbean region.In a period between September 2018 to October 2019, the sociodemographic characteristics were determined and then the anthropometric characteristics were evaluated, finally the cardiovascular risks associated with the questionnaire were determinedConoce Tu Riesgo Peso Saludable. 68.44% of the subjects studied were women, finding overweight and obesity in 40.20% and 16.28% of the subjects, respectively. The male sex showed to be a factor associated with abdominal obesity (p <0,05) and the socioeconomic stratum did not show influencing the factors studied (p> 0,05).The present study concludes that the prevalence factors are overweight and abdominal obesity, in addition the risk of developing diabetes in the next 10 years according to the Finish Risk Score was above the recommended in most workers.
Palabras clave
Enfermedades Cardiovasculares, Factores de riesgo, Diabetes mellitus, Hipertensión, Actividad física, Cardiovascular Disease, Risk Factor, Hypertension, Physical activity