Incidencia del liderazgo estratégico sobre la sostenibilidad empresarial de las Empresas de Base Tecnológicas – EBT en el Departamento del Atlántico
Rico Fontalvo, Heidy Margarita
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Administración y Negocio
Facultad de Administración y Negocio
La presente investigación tiene el propósito de explicar la incidencia del liderazgo
estratégico en la sostenibilidad empresarial de las Empresas de Base Tecnológica
(EBT) en el Departamento del Atlántico. Entendiendo que las EBT son aquellas
empresas basadas en conocimiento obtenido como resultado de actividades de
investigación y desarrollo, realizadas bajo el respaldo de Instituciones de Educación
Superior IES en laboratorios de experimentos y otros tipos de infraestructura física
que permiten la interacción de investigadores con el fenómeno de estudio, como
estrategia de aprovechamiento de los resultados de investigación y la transferencia
de conocimientos a la sociedad; y que da como resultado productos o servicios
nuevos o mejorados potencialmente comercializables y de gran escalabilidad para
el mercado. Por su parte, el liderazgo estratégico corresponde a una de las acciones
fundamentales de la alta gerencia de las organizaciones modernas, bajo dos
enfoques: teorías de liderazgo modernas y la teoría de liderazgo emergente, así el
liderazgo estratégico se refiere a la habilidad de los individuos para anticiparse,
pensar estratégicamente y mantener la flexibilidad de trabajar con otros, cuyo
objetivo es alcanzar cambios ejecutables a futuro en una empresa específica,
tomando en cuenta la toma de decisiones para cumplir objetivos corporativos; al
referirse a la sostenibilidad empresarial, se habla de la cualidad que tiene una
organización que permite atender a las necesidades de las generaciones actuales
sin que se comprometa el bienestar de las generaciones futuras; así el desarrollo
sostenible y la sustentabilidad son conceptos que pretenden explicar el impacto
económico, ambiental y social negativo en las organizaciones modernas. El estudio
quiso dar respuesta a la pregunta ¿Cómo incide el liderazgo estratégico sobre la
sostenibilidad empresarial de las Empresas de Base Tecnológicas – EBT en el
departamento del Atlántico en el período 2022 - 2023?, para lo cual se realizó una
metodología con enfoque cuantitativo y estructuralista, de tipo explicativocorrelacional, que mediante la aplicación de una encuesta estructurada sobre las
variables (Liderazgo estratégico y la sostenibilidad empresarial) que permitió
identificar los factores del liderazgo estratégico y la sostenibilidad en las empresas
objeto de estudio, para luego realizar el análisis estadístico inferencial y estructural
generando un modelo correlacional multivariable soportado con el software R,
mediante un análisis de Dickey-Fuller para comprobar la presencia de variables no
estacionarias y determinar si existía causalidad entre ellas, utilizando un umbral de
significancia de P=0,05 y un análisis de dispersión y una revisión documental
dedicada sobre las variables, que permitió explicar las relaciones existentes entre
los Factores del Liderazgo estratégico y la Sostenibilidad empresarial estableciendo
la incidencia de dichos factores sobre la sostenibilidad y de esta manera, construir
un modelo teórico que explique la relación entre las dimensiones del liderazgo
estratégico y la sostenibilidad empresarial de las EBT estudiadas. Los resultados
indican después de identificar el vacío teórico sobre las teorías del liderazgo y su
incidencia en la sostenibilidad empresarial, que solo las variables relacionadas con
el liderazgo estratégico específicamente los estilos de liderazgo en dichos contextos
organizacionales demuestran un impacto sobre la conducta de la dimensión social
de la sostenibilidad, siendo el factor clave para el crecimiento de las EBT en el
The purpose of this research is to explain the impact of strategic leadership on the business sustainability of Technology-Based Companies (EBT) in the Department of Atlántico. Understanding that EBTs are those companies based on knowledge obtained as a result of research and development activities, carried out under the support of Higher Education Institutions (IES) in experimental laboratories and other types of physical infrastructure that allow the interaction of researchers with the phenomenon of study, as a strategy for taking advantage of research results and transferring knowledge to society; and that results in new or improved products or services that are potentially marketable and highly scalable to the market. For its part, strategic leadership corresponds to one of the fundamental actions of the senior management of modern organizations, under two approaches: modern leadership theories and emerging leadership theory, thus strategic leadership refers to the ability of individuals. to anticipate, think strategically and maintain the flexibility of working with others, whose objective is to achieve executable changes in the future in a specific company, taking into account decision making to meet corporate objectives; When referring to business sustainability, we talk about the quality that an organization has that allows it to meet the needs of current generations without compromising the well-being of future generations; Thus, sustainable development and sustainability are concepts that seek to explain the negative economic, environmental and social impact on modern organizations. The study wanted to answer the question: How does strategic leadership affect the business sustainability of Technology-Based Companies – EBT in the department of Atlántico in the period 2022 - 2023?, for which a methodology with a quantitative and structuralist, explanatory-correlational type, which through the application of a structured survey on the variables (strategic leadership and business sustainability) that allowed identifying the factors of strategic leadership and sustainability in the companies under study, and then carrying out the analysis inferential and structural statistics generating a multivariable correlational model supported with the R software, through a Dickey-Fuller analysis to check the presence of non-stationary variables and determine if there was causality between them, using a significance threshold of P=0.05 and a dispersion analysis and a documentary review dedicated to the variables, which made it possible to explain the existing relationships between the Factors of Strategic Leadership and Business Sustainability, establishing the incidence of said factors on sustainability and in this way, build a theoretical model that explains the relationship between the dimensions of strategic leadership and the business sustainability of the EBTs studied. The results indicate after identifying the theoretical gap on leadership theories and their impact on business sustainability, that only the variables related to strategic leadership, specifically leadership styles in said organizational contexts, demonstrate an impact on the behavior of the social dimension. of sustainability, being the key factor for the growth of EBT in the market.
The purpose of this research is to explain the impact of strategic leadership on the business sustainability of Technology-Based Companies (EBT) in the Department of Atlántico. Understanding that EBTs are those companies based on knowledge obtained as a result of research and development activities, carried out under the support of Higher Education Institutions (IES) in experimental laboratories and other types of physical infrastructure that allow the interaction of researchers with the phenomenon of study, as a strategy for taking advantage of research results and transferring knowledge to society; and that results in new or improved products or services that are potentially marketable and highly scalable to the market. For its part, strategic leadership corresponds to one of the fundamental actions of the senior management of modern organizations, under two approaches: modern leadership theories and emerging leadership theory, thus strategic leadership refers to the ability of individuals. to anticipate, think strategically and maintain the flexibility of working with others, whose objective is to achieve executable changes in the future in a specific company, taking into account decision making to meet corporate objectives; When referring to business sustainability, we talk about the quality that an organization has that allows it to meet the needs of current generations without compromising the well-being of future generations; Thus, sustainable development and sustainability are concepts that seek to explain the negative economic, environmental and social impact on modern organizations. The study wanted to answer the question: How does strategic leadership affect the business sustainability of Technology-Based Companies – EBT in the department of Atlántico in the period 2022 - 2023?, for which a methodology with a quantitative and structuralist, explanatory-correlational type, which through the application of a structured survey on the variables (strategic leadership and business sustainability) that allowed identifying the factors of strategic leadership and sustainability in the companies under study, and then carrying out the analysis inferential and structural statistics generating a multivariable correlational model supported with the R software, through a Dickey-Fuller analysis to check the presence of non-stationary variables and determine if there was causality between them, using a significance threshold of P=0.05 and a dispersion analysis and a documentary review dedicated to the variables, which made it possible to explain the existing relationships between the Factors of Strategic Leadership and Business Sustainability, establishing the incidence of said factors on sustainability and in this way, build a theoretical model that explains the relationship between the dimensions of strategic leadership and the business sustainability of the EBTs studied. The results indicate after identifying the theoretical gap on leadership theories and their impact on business sustainability, that only the variables related to strategic leadership, specifically leadership styles in said organizational contexts, demonstrate an impact on the behavior of the social dimension. of sustainability, being the key factor for the growth of EBT in the market.
Palabras clave
Liderazgo estratégico, Sostenibilidad, Empresa, Tecnología, Investigación estructuralista, Modelo, Strategic leadership, Sustainability, Business, Technology, Structuralist research, Model