Políticas públicas implementadas por el estado colombiano en la ciudad de Cúcuta con los colombianos provenientes de Venezuela a causa de sus problematicas sociales
Peña Guevara, Andrés Smith
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolivar
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
En el país se ha logrado identificar en los últimos cinco años que una gran cantidad de colombianos han dejado las tierras venezolanos que anteriormente habían acudido en búsqueda de oportunidades laborales, expresando argumentos y justificaciones relacionadas principalmente con las problemáticas que se están presentando constantemente en el país. El objetivo de la presente investigación consiste en analizar de manera exhaustiva aquellas estrategias que son implementadas por el Estado colombiano en pro de generar garantías a los derechos y libertades de los ciudadanos colombianos, delimitando su actuación en la ciudad de Cúcuta por ser una ciudad fronteriza que utilizan de forma constante para salir de Venezuela. La metodología utilizada en la investigación corresponde a la cualitativa, enfoque adecuado para la investigación por utilizar acciones relacionadas con la recolección de información, haciendo una revisión bibliográfica. Entre los resultados esperados se puede afirmar que existe una amplia preocupación por parte de la administración nacional, departamental y municipal, sin embargo, se debe señalar que esta situación no fue previsible y que cada día se agrava más, siendo pertinente la cooperación de otras naciones para solucionar estas dificultades.
In the country it has been possible to identify in the last five years that a large number of Colombians have left the Venezuelan lands that had previously gone in search of job opportunities, expressing arguments and justifications related mainly to the problems that are constantly being presented in the country. The objective of the present investigation is to analyze in an exhaustive way those strategies that are implemented by the Colombian State in order to generate guarantees to the rights and freedoms of Colombian citizens, delimiting their action in the city of Cúcuta for being a border city that They constantly use to leave Venezuela. The methodology used in the research corresponds to the qualitative, appropriate approach for research by using actions related to the collection of information, making a bibliographic review and executing interviews with that population that has arrived in the country. Among the expected results, it can be stated that there is a wide concern on the part of the national, departmental and municipal administration, however, it should be noted that this situation was not foreseeable and that every day it worsens more, the cooperation of other nations being pertinent To solve these difficulties.
In the country it has been possible to identify in the last five years that a large number of Colombians have left the Venezuelan lands that had previously gone in search of job opportunities, expressing arguments and justifications related mainly to the problems that are constantly being presented in the country. The objective of the present investigation is to analyze in an exhaustive way those strategies that are implemented by the Colombian State in order to generate guarantees to the rights and freedoms of Colombian citizens, delimiting their action in the city of Cúcuta for being a border city that They constantly use to leave Venezuela. The methodology used in the research corresponds to the qualitative, appropriate approach for research by using actions related to the collection of information, making a bibliographic review and executing interviews with that population that has arrived in the country. Among the expected results, it can be stated that there is a wide concern on the part of the national, departmental and municipal administration, however, it should be noted that this situation was not foreseeable and that every day it worsens more, the cooperation of other nations being pertinent To solve these difficulties.
Palabras clave
Políticas públicas, Problemáticas sociales, Estado, Derechos, Garantías, Public policies, Social problems, State, Rights, Guarantees