Sobrecarga y calidad de vida en cuidadores familiares de personas con discapacidad intelectual
García Ortiz, Karen Dayana
Quintero Acosta, Solvey Milena
Trespalacios Andrade, Sayda Karina
Fernández-Delgado, Marlen-Karina
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Universidad Central de Venezuela
La discapacidad se caracteriza por generar
deficiencias, limitaciones de la actividad y restricciones
de la participación, condición de salud que requiere
del acompañamiento de cuidadores primarios que,
por lo general, son familiares, quienes asumen el
nuevo rol olvidando la atención de su propia salud
y necesidades. Actualmente las investigaciones en
relación con los efectos que genera el asumir el rol de
cuidador son escasas, evidenciando la necesidad de
abordar e identificar que sucede en quienes asumen
este rol. Esta investigación tuvo como objetivo analizar
la relación entre la sobrecarga, la calidad de vida y
las características sociodemográficas en cuidadores
familiares de personas con discapacidad intelectual
en Cúcuta, Norte de Santander, Colombia. Se realizó
un estudio cuantitativo, de alcance correlacional y
con diseño no experimental - transversal, con una
muestra de 30 cuidadores familiares, a quienes se
aplicó el Cuestionario de Sobrecarga del Cuidador de
Zarit y la escala GENCAT. Los resultados arrojaron
que la sobrecarga y la calidad de vida son variables
interdependientes y tiene una relación inversamente
proporcional con un coeficiente de -0,658, con una
afectación del 60 % en sobrecarga y en un 50 %
en la calidad de vida, afectando principalmente la
dimensión de bienestar emocional, autodeterminación
e inclusión social de la calidad de vida. Se concluye
que un perfil sociodemográfico bajo se convierte en
factor de riesgo no solo para la persona receptora de
cuidado, sino también para los cuidadores familiares
que experimentan malestar físico, psicológico y social
como consecuencia de su labor, lo que genera una
propia percepción baja de la calidad de vida.
Disability is characterized by generating deficiencies, activity limitations, and participation restrictions; a health condition requires the accompaniment of primary caregivers, who are generally family members, who assume the new role, forgetting about their health and needs. Currently, research in relation to the effects generated by assuming the role of the caregiver is scarce, evidencing the need to address and identify what happens in those who assume this role. This research aimed to analyze the relationship between overload, quality of life, and sociodemographic characteristics in family caregivers of people with intellectual disabilities in Cúcuta city, Norte de Santander, Colombia. A quantitative, correlational study with a non-experimental - cross-sectional design was carried out, with a sample of 30 family caregivers, to whom the Zarit Caregiver Overload Questionnaire and the GENCAT ladder were applied. The results showed that overload and quality of life are interdependent variables and have an inversely proportional relationship with a coefficient of -0,658, with an affectation of 60 % in overload and 50 % in quality of life, mainly affecting the emotional well-being, self-determination, and social inclusion dimension of quality of life. It is concluded that a low sociodemographic profile becomes a risk factor not only for the person who receives care but also for family caregivers who experience physical, psychological, and social discomfort as a result of their work, which generates their low perception of the quality of life.
Disability is characterized by generating deficiencies, activity limitations, and participation restrictions; a health condition requires the accompaniment of primary caregivers, who are generally family members, who assume the new role, forgetting about their health and needs. Currently, research in relation to the effects generated by assuming the role of the caregiver is scarce, evidencing the need to address and identify what happens in those who assume this role. This research aimed to analyze the relationship between overload, quality of life, and sociodemographic characteristics in family caregivers of people with intellectual disabilities in Cúcuta city, Norte de Santander, Colombia. A quantitative, correlational study with a non-experimental - cross-sectional design was carried out, with a sample of 30 family caregivers, to whom the Zarit Caregiver Overload Questionnaire and the GENCAT ladder were applied. The results showed that overload and quality of life are interdependent variables and have an inversely proportional relationship with a coefficient of -0,658, with an affectation of 60 % in overload and 50 % in quality of life, mainly affecting the emotional well-being, self-determination, and social inclusion dimension of quality of life. It is concluded that a low sociodemographic profile becomes a risk factor not only for the person who receives care but also for family caregivers who experience physical, psychological, and social discomfort as a result of their work, which generates their low perception of the quality of life.
Palabras clave
Sobrecarga, Calidad de vida, Cuidadores informales, Discapacidad, Overload, Quality of life, Informal caregivers, Disability