Violencia contra la pareja desde el abordaje de la neuropsicología forense
Álvarez Preciado, Yenifer
Diaz Saltar, Keyla
Villalba Daniela, Flórez
Hernández Melgarejo, Heidy
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
La violencia es el uso deliberado de la fuerza física contra uno mismo, otra
persona, generando lesiones, muerte, daños psicológicos o problemas de
desarrollo. El que maltrate física o psicológicamente a cualquier miembro de su
núcleo familiar incurrirá, siempre que la conducta no constituya delito sancionado
con pena mayor en prisión.
En Colombia los casos de violencia de género contra la mujer son los que tienen
un mayor índice, seguido por la violencia contra el menor de edad, seguido de la
violencia contra adultos mayores. (Juridicos penales , 2019)
Es por esto que la presente investigación tiene como objetivo analizar y describir
el funcionamiento de las funciones ejecutivas en las personas victimas de
violencia intrafamiliar, para llevar a cabo este estudio se busco una muestra de 7
mujeres con las edades de 25 a 45 años, a las cuales desde un enfoque
cuantitativo y diseño descriptivo, se les realizo varios test donde se pretende
evaluar la atención, el lenguaje y fluidez verbal, dichas mujeres tienen que tener
varios requisitos entre esos haber terminado la básica primaria, haber sufrido de
violencia intrafamiliar al menos un año, no tener ningún diagnóstico de psiquiatría,
neuropsicológico, o algún trastorno de aprendizaje y estar en los estratos
socioeconómicos 1,2 y 3.
Violence is the deliberate use of physical force against oneself or another person, causing injury, death, psychological damage or developmental problems. Anyone who physically or psychologically mistreats any member of his or her family is guilty of violence, as long as the conduct does not constitute a crime punishable by imprisonment. In Colombia, cases of gender violence against women have the highest rate, followed by violence against minors, followed by violence against older adults. (Juridicos penales, 2019). This is why this research aims to analyze and describe the functioning of executive functions in victims of domestic violence, to carry out this study a sample of 7 women aged 25 to 45 years, which from a quantitative approach and descriptive design was sought, These women had to have several requirements, among them to have finished elementary school, to have suffered domestic violence for at least one year, not to have any psychiatric or neuropsychological diagnosis, or any learning disorder, and to be in the socioeconomic strata 1, 2 and 3.
Violence is the deliberate use of physical force against oneself or another person, causing injury, death, psychological damage or developmental problems. Anyone who physically or psychologically mistreats any member of his or her family is guilty of violence, as long as the conduct does not constitute a crime punishable by imprisonment. In Colombia, cases of gender violence against women have the highest rate, followed by violence against minors, followed by violence against older adults. (Juridicos penales, 2019). This is why this research aims to analyze and describe the functioning of executive functions in victims of domestic violence, to carry out this study a sample of 7 women aged 25 to 45 years, which from a quantitative approach and descriptive design was sought, These women had to have several requirements, among them to have finished elementary school, to have suffered domestic violence for at least one year, not to have any psychiatric or neuropsychological diagnosis, or any learning disorder, and to be in the socioeconomic strata 1, 2 and 3.
Palabras clave
Neuropsicológica, Violencia, Factores de riesgo, Funciones ejecutivas, Neuropsychological, Violence, Risk factors, Executive functions