Análisis del conocimiento de las mujeres sobre la interrupción voluntaria del embarazo permitido por la sentencia c-355/06 en la ciudad de Cúcuta.
Vera, Lady Alejandra
Quintero Carrillo, Dayana
Arias Albarracin, Ricardo
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
La interrupción voluntaria del embarazo consiste en Colombia por ser un procedimiento permitido por parte del órgano coercitivo, especialmente por parte de la Corte Constitucional que mediante la Sentencia C-355 del 2006 ha establecido una serie de lineamientos para que las mujeres puedan desarrollar este proceso. Diferentes obstáculos se presentan constantemente en el IVE, en donde las instituciones de salud encargadas de prestar esta función fallan sin tener en cuenta la situación real que viven las mujeres, sin tener en cuenta que en este escenario se determina claramente el reconocimiento de sus derechos sexuales y reproductivos. El objetivo general que se establece en la investigación consiste en analizar el conocimiento que presentan las mujeres sobre este procedimiento, delimitando a la población en mujeres que han desarrollado el proceso, estudiantes de derecho y funcionarios que se encuentran en las instituciones de salud. Se obtuvo como resultado que no existe un conocimiento amplio sobre este procedimiento, siendo necesario acciones y estrategias asertivas como la generación de sensibilización en la sociedad para que comprenda que esta decisión es propia de la mujer y que no se debe realizar ningún tipo de juzgamiento hacia su participación en el IVE.
The voluntary interruption of pregnancy consists of Colombia because it is a procedure allowed by the coercive body, especially by the Constitutional Court that through Sentence C-355 of 2006 has established a series of guidelines for women to develop this process. Different obstacles are constantly presented in the IVE, where the health institutions in charge of this function fail without taking into account the real situation that women experience, without taking into account that in this scenario the recognition of their sexual rights is clearly determined and reproductive. The general objective established in the research is to analyze the knowledge that women present about this procedure, delimiting the population in women who have developed the process, law students and officials who are in health institutions. It was obtained as a result that there is not a wide knowledge about this procedure, being necessary assertive actions and strategies such as the generation of awareness in society so that it understands that this decision is specific to women and that no judgment should be made towards his participation in the IVE.
The voluntary interruption of pregnancy consists of Colombia because it is a procedure allowed by the coercive body, especially by the Constitutional Court that through Sentence C-355 of 2006 has established a series of guidelines for women to develop this process. Different obstacles are constantly presented in the IVE, where the health institutions in charge of this function fail without taking into account the real situation that women experience, without taking into account that in this scenario the recognition of their sexual rights is clearly determined and reproductive. The general objective established in the research is to analyze the knowledge that women present about this procedure, delimiting the population in women who have developed the process, law students and officials who are in health institutions. It was obtained as a result that there is not a wide knowledge about this procedure, being necessary assertive actions and strategies such as the generation of awareness in society so that it understands that this decision is specific to women and that no judgment should be made towards his participation in the IVE.
Palabras clave
Interrupción, Embarazo, Derechos sexuales, Derechos reproductivos, Conocimiento., Interruption, Pregnancy, Sexual rights, Reproductive rights, Knowledge