Violación de las plenas garantías en el proceso de alcoholemia a la luz de la sentencia C-633 de 2014 de la Corte Constitucional: Un análisis del expediente No. 08000000000294574520, en Barranquilla durante el año 2022
Pérez Torres, Adiel Jesús
Donado Consuegra, Karen Paola
Lozano Solano, Savier Andrés
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
En la actualidad, los siniestros de tránsito han representado la segunda causa de
muerte violenta dentro del país, después del homicidio, sobre el particular tenemos
que en entre los años 2009 y 2023 hubo 98.559 muertes en siniestros de tránsito,
que en el año 2022 se obtuvo la segunda cifra más alta de pérdidas de vidas
humanas de los últimos 15 años con un total de 8.469.
En el caso de la ciudad de barranquilla tenemos un total de muertes entre el año
2009 y 2023 un total de 1.442 siendo el 2022 el segundo año más violento de los
últimos 15 años, en donde se produjeron en siniestros viales con un total de 116
muertes, esto ha ocurrido en gran medida por el consumo de bebidas alcohólicas o
sustancias psicoactivas las cuales han sido detectadas antes y/o durante la
conducción de vehículos automotores. Como consecuencia de ello se generan
cierres de vías generando pérdidas pecu niarias y así un gran impacto a nivel local,
regional y nacional.
El Gobierno Nacional también ha catalogado este fenómeno como un problema de
salud pública, el cual tiene varias aristas que deben ser abordadas en aras de
disminuir la ocurrencia de estos sucesos; la alta demanda en los servicios médicos
con ocasión a los siniestros viales por la ingesta de alcohol y sustancias psicoactivas
ha sido un tema aún de gran desarrollo doctrinal, legal y jurisprudencial, toda vez
que también se denotan casos en los cuales las autoridades una vez inician el
procedimiento de comparendos desconocen la normatividad que se ha desarrollado
a raíz de esto.
La Alta Corte Constitucional en sentencia C- 530 de 2003 ha expresado que la
accidentalidad vial en Colombia en términos de fallecidos y heridos ha resultado ser
más problemática que la violencia que causa la problemática del orden público, a
modo de ejemplificación se dice que el número de muertos y heridos puede llegar a
igualar el número de vehículos que circulan en Colombia, siendo entonces tasas
desproporcionadas y alarmantes.
Consecutivamente, se han denotado vacíos normativos en lo respectivo a las
sanciones u ordenes impuestas por la comisión de infracciones de tránsito, sin
embargo, se profirió la Ley 1696 de 2013 la cual dicta disposiciones penales y
administrativas para sancionar la conducción bajo el influjo de alcohol u otras
sustancias psicoactivas, y teniendo en cuenta dicho avance normativo, se trae a la
vida jurídica los distintos grados de embriaguez y que las sanciones van acorde a
la cantidad de etanol en la sangre.
Es de anotar que, la Ley 769 de 2002 es la encargada de que se regule el debido
proceso dentro de las actuaciones administrativas de Tránsito y allí en su articulado
135 se especifica el procedimiento que se debe seguir cuando cualquier ciudadano
haya sido contraventor de las normas de tránsito y se le imponga una orden de
comparendo. Surge relevancia la notificación para dar inicio al proceso donde el
infractor puede ejercer sus derechos y a su vez controvertir disposiciones.
Seguidamente cumpliendo con el articulado 136 de la Ley 769 de 2002 se resalta la
práctica de pruebas dentro de los procesos contravencionales, como también lo
dispuesto en la ley 1564 de 2012 en su artículo 165 que es aplicable por analogía
al proceso contravencional de tránsito teniendo en cuenta el artículo 162 de la Ley
769 de 2002 ya que allí se señalan los medios de prueba que podrán ser utilizados
durante el quehacer procesal.
También la Corte Constitucional en sentencia T- 616 de 2006 emite como etapa la
de pruebas dentro del proceso contravencional de tránsito, y están siempre deberán
ser efectuadas para que el inspector de conocimiento tenga certeza y
convencimiento de los hechos que están siendo objeto de investigación, con la
finalidad de que se adoptan decisiones que le sean ajustadas a derecho.
Currently, traffic accidents have represented the second cause of violent death in the country, after homicide, in particular we have that between 2009 and 2023 there were 98,559 deaths in traffic accidents, which in 2022 will increase. obtained the second highest number of human life losses in the last 15 years with a total of 8,469. In the case of the city of Barranquilla we have a total of deaths between 2009 and 2023, a total of 1,442, with 2022 being the second most violent year in the last 15 years, where road accidents occurred with a total of 116 deaths. , this has occurred largely due to the consumption of alcoholic beverages or psychoactive substances which have been detected before and/or while driving motor vehicles. As a consequence, road closures are generated, generating pecuniary losses and thus a great impact at the local, regional and national level. The National Government has also classified this phenomenon as a public health problem, which has several aspects that must be addressed in order to reduce the occurrence of these events; The high demand for medical services due to road accidents due to the ingestion of alcohol and psychoactive substances has been a topic of great doctrinal, legal and jurisprudential development, since there are also cases in which the authorities once initiate the summons procedure are unaware of the regulations that have been developed as a result of this. The High Constitutional Court in ruling C-530 of 2003 has expressed that road accidents in Colombia in terms of deaths and injuries have turned out to be more problematic than the violence caused by public order problems. As an example, it is said that the number of deaths and injuries can equal the number of vehicles circulating in Colombia, thus being disproportionate and alarming rates. Consecutively, regulatory gaps have been noted regarding the sanctions or orders imposed for the commission of traffic violations, however, Law 1696 of 2013 was issued, which dictates criminal and administrative provisions to punish driving under the influence of alcohol. or other psychoactive substances, and taking into account this regulatory advance, the different degrees of drunkenness are brought into legal life and that the sanctions are according to the amount of ethanol in the blood. It should be noted that Law 769 of 2002 is responsible for regulating due process within the administrative actions of Transit and its article 135 specifies the procedure that must be followed when any citizen has violated the rules. traffic and a summons order is imposed. Notification is relevant to begin the process where the offender can exercise their rights and at the same time contest provisions. Next, complying with article 136 of Law 769 of 2002, the taking of evidence within contraventional processes is highlighted, as well as the provisions of Law 1564 of 2012 in its article 165, which is applicable by analogy to the contraventional transit process, taking into account Article 162 of Law 769 of 2002 counts since it indicates the means of proof that may be used during the procedural task. Also the Constitutional Court in ruling T-616 of 2006 issues as a stage the evidence within the contraventional traffic process, and these must always be carried out so that the knowledge inspector has certainty and conviction of the facts that are being investigated. with the purpose of adopting decisions that are in accordance with the law.
Currently, traffic accidents have represented the second cause of violent death in the country, after homicide, in particular we have that between 2009 and 2023 there were 98,559 deaths in traffic accidents, which in 2022 will increase. obtained the second highest number of human life losses in the last 15 years with a total of 8,469. In the case of the city of Barranquilla we have a total of deaths between 2009 and 2023, a total of 1,442, with 2022 being the second most violent year in the last 15 years, where road accidents occurred with a total of 116 deaths. , this has occurred largely due to the consumption of alcoholic beverages or psychoactive substances which have been detected before and/or while driving motor vehicles. As a consequence, road closures are generated, generating pecuniary losses and thus a great impact at the local, regional and national level. The National Government has also classified this phenomenon as a public health problem, which has several aspects that must be addressed in order to reduce the occurrence of these events; The high demand for medical services due to road accidents due to the ingestion of alcohol and psychoactive substances has been a topic of great doctrinal, legal and jurisprudential development, since there are also cases in which the authorities once initiate the summons procedure are unaware of the regulations that have been developed as a result of this. The High Constitutional Court in ruling C-530 of 2003 has expressed that road accidents in Colombia in terms of deaths and injuries have turned out to be more problematic than the violence caused by public order problems. As an example, it is said that the number of deaths and injuries can equal the number of vehicles circulating in Colombia, thus being disproportionate and alarming rates. Consecutively, regulatory gaps have been noted regarding the sanctions or orders imposed for the commission of traffic violations, however, Law 1696 of 2013 was issued, which dictates criminal and administrative provisions to punish driving under the influence of alcohol. or other psychoactive substances, and taking into account this regulatory advance, the different degrees of drunkenness are brought into legal life and that the sanctions are according to the amount of ethanol in the blood. It should be noted that Law 769 of 2002 is responsible for regulating due process within the administrative actions of Transit and its article 135 specifies the procedure that must be followed when any citizen has violated the rules. traffic and a summons order is imposed. Notification is relevant to begin the process where the offender can exercise their rights and at the same time contest provisions. Next, complying with article 136 of Law 769 of 2002, the taking of evidence within contraventional processes is highlighted, as well as the provisions of Law 1564 of 2012 in its article 165, which is applicable by analogy to the contraventional transit process, taking into account Article 162 of Law 769 of 2002 counts since it indicates the means of proof that may be used during the procedural task. Also the Constitutional Court in ruling T-616 of 2006 issues as a stage the evidence within the contraventional traffic process, and these must always be carried out so that the knowledge inspector has certainty and conviction of the facts that are being investigated. with the purpose of adopting decisions that are in accordance with the law.