Riesgos asociados con la energía ionizante en trabajadores de la salud: revisión sistemática
Blanco Escobar, Jessica Fernanda
Bolívar Pertuz, Ilianis
Gutiérrez Prieto, Karina
Sierra Palencia, Pauleth Sofía
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud
Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud
Antecedentes: La radiación ionizante es una radiación que transporta suficiente
energía como para ionizar átomos o moléculas (retirar electrones) a medida que
atraviesa la materia. Los Rayos-X, al igual que las ondas de radio, las ondas de
microondas, los rayos infrarrojos, la luz visible, los rayos ultravioletas y los rayos
gamma, son radiaciones de naturaleza electromagnética.
Objetivos: analizar los riesgos asociados a la a energía ionizante en trabajadores
de la salud y su impacto en la salud y bienestar a partir de las revisiones publicadas
en los últimos 5 años.
Materiales y Métodos: Se realizó una revisión sistemática de literatura publicada
en bases de datos y revistas. Con respecto a la selección de las bases de datos
bibliográficas para la búsqueda, se tuvo en cuenta el área académica, para lo cual
se eligieron bases de datos especializadas relacionadas con las Ciencias de la
salud, Ciencias médicas. Las bases de datos seleccionadas fueron: Scielo, science
direct, ovid, Web of Science, clinical key., Se revisaron artículos de textos completos
que fueron obtenidos a través de una búsqueda amplia en donde se tuvo en cuenta
criterios de inclusión como: Los documentos debían ser artículos completos de
revistas indexadas que hablaran sobre el tema en específico.
El texto completo pudiera ser descargado. Se buscaron artículos por medio de la
base de datos de la Universidad Simón Bolívar y otras bases de datos confiables.
La población de estudio fuera los trabajadores de la salud expuestos a radiaciones
Las Consecuencias que sufren dichos trabajadores a causa de las radiaciones.
Artículos publicados en español e inglés.
Con un límite de tiempo del 2014 en adelante.
Se excluyeron o rechazaron los artículos que no cumplían con los criterios de inclusión como: Estudios en animales, Estudios en personas ajenas al personal de la salud, Artículos donde no se encontrará el texto completo del artículo, Estudios que no presentaran un análisis del estudio completo y coherente.
Adicionalmente y como búsqueda secundaria se examinó la bibliografía de los artículos seleccionados en la búsqueda principal, con el objeto de identificar estudios no detectados en los buscadores. Para hacer válida la elección de los artículos se tuvo en cuenta que debía hablar de seres humanos, trabajadores del área de la salud expuestos, radiación ionizante y que a causa de esto se presentaran un sinnúmero de enfermedades o consecuencias para este personal.
Resultados: Un total de 51 artículos fueron identificados en la búsqueda de la base de datos bibliográficos. A los que se les aplicó los criterios de inclusión y exclusión. de los cuales por no cumplir los criterios de inclusión se descartaron 18 Se realizó un primer filtro que dejó como resultado 14 investigaciones, y 17 revisiones, las cuales quedaron sometidas a un nuevo análisis que permitiera definir su elegibilidad y así obtener el resultado final de los artículos que cumplieran con la totalidad de los criterios establecidos. Se obtuvo un total de 31 artículos presentados en la Tabla 3, que permitieron en este trabajo, realizar el análisis del riesgo a la salud por exposición a energía ionizante en trabajadores de la salud.
Los resultados de cada estudio se agruparon con el objetivo de sistematizar y facilitar la comprensión de estos. Todos los datos relevantes de cada trabajo se resumieron en una tabla que indica la organización por sistemas afectados y las principales enfermedades relacionadas con el objeto de estudio: Lesiones tumorales Anemia Cataratas en el cristalino Cáncer de piel Trastornos menstruales Enfermedad coronaria, Cáncer cerebral, Leucopenia Pterigión , Hipotiroidismo , Tumores cerebrales Leucemia, Lesiones encefálicas .
Conclusiones: En la vida cotidiana, los seres humanos nos encontramos expuestos constantemente a varios tipos de radiaciones, entre ellas, a las electromagnéticas ionizantes y no ionizantes. Además de la fuente principal de radiación natural que es el Sol, la industrialización y nuevas tecnologías aplicadas a la vida moderna nos exponen a dispositivos que emiten radiación dentro del espectro electromagnético.
Background: Ionizing radiation is radiation that carries enough energy to ionize atoms or molecules (remove electrons) as it passes through matter. X-rays, like radio waves, microwave waves, infrared rays, visible light, ultraviolet rays and gamma rays, are radiation of an electromagnetic nature. Objectives: to analyze the risks associated with ionizing energy in health workers and their impact on health and well-being based on the reviews published in the last 5 years. Materials and Methods: A systematic review of literature published in databases and journals was carried out. Regarding the selection of bibliographic databases for the search, the academic area was taken into account, for which specialized databases related to Health Sciences, Medical Sciences were chosen. The selected databases were: Scielo, science direct, ovid, Web of Science, clinical key., Full-text articles that were obtained through a broad search were reviewed where inclusion criteria were taken into account, such as: Documents they had to be full articles from indexed journals that talked about the specific topic. The full text could be downloaded. Articles were searched through the Simón Bolívar University database and other reliable databases. The study population was health workers exposed to ionizing radiation. The consequences suffered by said workers due to radiation. Articles published in Spanish and English. With a time limit from 2014 onwards. Articles that did not meet the inclusion criteria were excluded or rejected, such as: Animal studies, Studies in non-health personnel, Articles where the full text of the article will not be found, Studies that did not present an analysis of the complete study and consistent. Additionally, and as a secondary search, the bibliography of the articles selected in the main search was examined, in order to identify studies not detected in the search engines. In order to validate the choice of articles, it was taken into account that it had to speak of human beings, exposed health workers, ionizing radiation and that because of this a number of diseases or consequences for these personnel would arise. Results: A total of 51 articles were identified in the bibliographic database search. To which the inclusion and exclusion criteria were applied. Of which, due to not meeting the inclusion criteria, 18 were discarded. A first filter was carried out that resulted in 14 investigations, and 17 reviews, which were subjected to a new analysis that allowed defining their eligibility and thus obtaining the final result of the tests. articles that met all of the established criteria. A total of 31 articles presented in Table 3 were obtained, which allowed in this work to carry out the analysis of the health risk due to exposure to ionizing energy in health workers. The results of each study were grouped in order to systematize and facilitate their understanding. All the relevant data of each work were summarized in a table that indicates the organization by affected systems and the main diseases related to the object of study: Tumor lesions Anemia Cataracts in the lens Skin cancer Menstrual disorders Coronary heart disease, Brain cancer, Leukopenia Pterygium , Hypothyroidism, Brain tumors Leukemia, Brain injuries. Conclusions: In everyday life, human beings are constantly exposed to various types of radiation, including ionizing and non-ionizing electromagnetic radiation. In addition to the main source of natural radiation that is the Sun, industrialization and new technologies applied to modern life expose us to devices that emit radiation within the electromagnetic spectrum.
Background: Ionizing radiation is radiation that carries enough energy to ionize atoms or molecules (remove electrons) as it passes through matter. X-rays, like radio waves, microwave waves, infrared rays, visible light, ultraviolet rays and gamma rays, are radiation of an electromagnetic nature. Objectives: to analyze the risks associated with ionizing energy in health workers and their impact on health and well-being based on the reviews published in the last 5 years. Materials and Methods: A systematic review of literature published in databases and journals was carried out. Regarding the selection of bibliographic databases for the search, the academic area was taken into account, for which specialized databases related to Health Sciences, Medical Sciences were chosen. The selected databases were: Scielo, science direct, ovid, Web of Science, clinical key., Full-text articles that were obtained through a broad search were reviewed where inclusion criteria were taken into account, such as: Documents they had to be full articles from indexed journals that talked about the specific topic. The full text could be downloaded. Articles were searched through the Simón Bolívar University database and other reliable databases. The study population was health workers exposed to ionizing radiation. The consequences suffered by said workers due to radiation. Articles published in Spanish and English. With a time limit from 2014 onwards. Articles that did not meet the inclusion criteria were excluded or rejected, such as: Animal studies, Studies in non-health personnel, Articles where the full text of the article will not be found, Studies that did not present an analysis of the complete study and consistent. Additionally, and as a secondary search, the bibliography of the articles selected in the main search was examined, in order to identify studies not detected in the search engines. In order to validate the choice of articles, it was taken into account that it had to speak of human beings, exposed health workers, ionizing radiation and that because of this a number of diseases or consequences for these personnel would arise. Results: A total of 51 articles were identified in the bibliographic database search. To which the inclusion and exclusion criteria were applied. Of which, due to not meeting the inclusion criteria, 18 were discarded. A first filter was carried out that resulted in 14 investigations, and 17 reviews, which were subjected to a new analysis that allowed defining their eligibility and thus obtaining the final result of the tests. articles that met all of the established criteria. A total of 31 articles presented in Table 3 were obtained, which allowed in this work to carry out the analysis of the health risk due to exposure to ionizing energy in health workers. The results of each study were grouped in order to systematize and facilitate their understanding. All the relevant data of each work were summarized in a table that indicates the organization by affected systems and the main diseases related to the object of study: Tumor lesions Anemia Cataracts in the lens Skin cancer Menstrual disorders Coronary heart disease, Brain cancer, Leukopenia Pterygium , Hypothyroidism, Brain tumors Leukemia, Brain injuries. Conclusions: In everyday life, human beings are constantly exposed to various types of radiation, including ionizing and non-ionizing electromagnetic radiation. In addition to the main source of natural radiation that is the Sun, industrialization and new technologies applied to modern life expose us to devices that emit radiation within the electromagnetic spectrum.
Palabras clave
Riesgo, Radiación, Salud, Magnetismo, Risk, Radiation, Health, Magnetism