Relación entre la presencia de síntomas osteomusculares y la percepción de los empleados sobre el clima ergonómico en una empresa del sector salud
Orozco De Ávila, Julieth Paola
Pérez Angulo, Laura María
Sandoval González, Nagima Rocío
Visbal Stummo, Victoria Eugenia
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud
Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud
La implementación de principios ergonómicos en un entorno laboral día a día ha demostrado que puede beneficiar directamente al trabajador y a la organización al reducir la tensión física y mental, disminuir el riesgo de lesiones y enfermedades relacionadas con el trabajo y mejorar rendimiento laboral. Hoy día las organizaciones han entendido que su éxito no depende solo del buen funcionamiento de la maquinaria y de horas interminables de trabajo, sino que el bienestar de los trabajadores es un factor primordial en el logro de objetivos y metas; la integridad y el bienestar de los trabajadores está relacionado con el clima organizacional, donde la aplicación de principios ergonómicos en un ambiente ocupacional puede generar beneficios directos para la organización y sus trabajadores.
Objetivo: Esta investigación fue realizada por estudiantes de la especialización en Seguridad y Salud en el Trabajo de la Universidad Simón Bolívar con el fin de identificar la relación entre la percepción sobre el clima ergonómico y la presencia de síntomas osteomusculares en los trabajadores de una empresa, teniendo en cuenta sus características sociodemográficas, las condiciones laborales, la salud de la población participante, el compromiso de la empresa y la participación de los trabajadores, entre otras. Los desórdenes músculo-esqueléticos son la principal causa de enfermedad profesional en Colombia.
Materiales y Métodos: En este Estudio observacional, descriptivo de corte transversal aplicado a una población de 80 trabajadores una empresa prestadora de servicios en salud en el año 2022. Se recolectaron datos socio-demográficos y laborales, empleando cuestionario nórdico, los cuales se cuantificaron, realizando comparación con estudios científicos realizados en los últimos 7 años.
The implementation of ergonomic principles in a day-to-day work environment has been shown to directly benefit the worker and the organization by reducing physical and mental strain, reducing the risk of work-related injuries and illnesses, and improving job performance. Nowadays, organizations have understood that their success does not depend only on the proper functioning of the machinery and endless hours of work, but that the well-being of the workers is a primary factor in the achievement of objectives and goals; The integrity and well-being of workers is related to the organizational climate, where the application of ergonomic principles in an occupational environment can generate direct benefits for the organization and its workers. Objective: This research was carried out by students of the Occupational Health and Safety specialization at the Simón Bolívar University in order to identify the relationship between the perception of the ergonomic climate and the presence of musculoskeletal symptoms in the workers of a company. taking into account their sociodemographic characteristics, working conditions, the health of the participating population, the commitment of the company and the participation of workers, among others. Musculoskeletal disorders are the main cause of professional illness in Colombia. Materials and methods: In this observational, descriptive cross-sectional study applied to a population of 80 workers in a health service provider company in the year 2022. Socio-demographic and labor data were collected, using a Nordic questionnaire, which were quantified, making a comparison with studies scientists made in the last 7 years.
The implementation of ergonomic principles in a day-to-day work environment has been shown to directly benefit the worker and the organization by reducing physical and mental strain, reducing the risk of work-related injuries and illnesses, and improving job performance. Nowadays, organizations have understood that their success does not depend only on the proper functioning of the machinery and endless hours of work, but that the well-being of the workers is a primary factor in the achievement of objectives and goals; The integrity and well-being of workers is related to the organizational climate, where the application of ergonomic principles in an occupational environment can generate direct benefits for the organization and its workers. Objective: This research was carried out by students of the Occupational Health and Safety specialization at the Simón Bolívar University in order to identify the relationship between the perception of the ergonomic climate and the presence of musculoskeletal symptoms in the workers of a company. taking into account their sociodemographic characteristics, working conditions, the health of the participating population, the commitment of the company and the participation of workers, among others. Musculoskeletal disorders are the main cause of professional illness in Colombia. Materials and methods: In this observational, descriptive cross-sectional study applied to a population of 80 workers in a health service provider company in the year 2022. Socio-demographic and labor data were collected, using a Nordic questionnaire, which were quantified, making a comparison with studies scientists made in the last 7 years.
Palabras clave
Clima laboral, Ergonomía, Enfermedades osteomusculares, Salud y seguridad en el trabajo, Work environment, Ergonomics, Musculoskeletal diseases, Health and safety at work