Factores de riesgo asociados a la presencia de anemia ferropénica en niños de o a 5 años que acudieron a la red de hospitales Materno Infantil de Soledad, Atlántico durante el año 2014
Barceló Armella, Samuel Ricardo
Barrios Fontalvo, Andrea Carolina
Del Toro Trillos, Carlos David
Manotas Silvera, Arly Andrea
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud
Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud
La anemia ferropénica es una enfermedad la cual, a pesar de los grandes estudios que se han
realizado en el área de salud pública con el fin de aminorar el impacto que esta genera sobre la
población pediátrica, no ha tenido mayor mejoría y sigue siendo una entidad puntual de preocupación
con relación a este grupo etario. Mediante el presente trabajo se pretende identificar las principales
características de esta enfermedad en diversos campos que abarcan variables paraclínicas y
sociodemográficas. Se trata de un estudio de tipo retrospectivo de corte transversal y naturaleza
descriptiva, en el cual se evaluará la prevalencia de dichas características, teniendo estás variables
como objetivo de estudio. Clínicamente la etiología más común asociada a esta enfermedad se le
atribuye a un mal estado nutricional del paciente, siguiendo respectivamente el concepto, también
podemos englobar otros aspectos no relacionados a la de nutrición como puede ser, hemorragias,
deshidratación, deficiencia de ferritina, entre otros factores genéticos. En El área de salud pública la
anemia ferropénica es una entidad de gran importancia, debido a que su diagnóstico, manejo y
control no depende únicamente del área de la salud exclusivamente, sino un trabajo articulado en
conjunto con el paciente y su entorno y este último afecta grandemente el ciclo natural de la
enfermedad ya que los factores sociodemográficos juegan un papel vital, llámese estrato
socioeconómico, nivel de escolaridad, ocupación del padre o madre cabeza de hogar y ya sea por
separado o en conjunto, son variables que influyen directamente en el manejo y pronóstico de la
anemia ferropénica.
lron deficiency anemia is a disease which, despite the large studies that have been conducted in the area of public health in order to lessen the impact that this generates on the pediatric population has not had greater improvement and remains an entity point of concern regarding this age group. Through this paper it is to identify the main characteristics of this disease in various fields ranging paraclinical and sociodemographic variables. lt is a retrospective study of cross-sectional and descriptive in nature, in which the prevalence of these characteristics will be evaluated, taking aim variables are studied. Clinically, the most common etiology associated with this disease is attributed to poor nutritional status of the patient, respectively following the concept can also cover other aspects not related to nutrition such as, bleeding, dehydration, deficiency ferritin, among others genetic factors. In the a rea of public health iron deficiency anemia is an entity of great importance, because its diagnosis, management and control not only depend on the area of health alone, but articulated work together with the patient and their environment and the latter greatly affects the natural cycle of the disease as socio-demographic factors play a vital role, be it socioeconomic status, level of education, occupation of parent head of household and either separately or together, are variables that directly influence the management and prognosis of iron deficiency anemia.
lron deficiency anemia is a disease which, despite the large studies that have been conducted in the area of public health in order to lessen the impact that this generates on the pediatric population has not had greater improvement and remains an entity point of concern regarding this age group. Through this paper it is to identify the main characteristics of this disease in various fields ranging paraclinical and sociodemographic variables. lt is a retrospective study of cross-sectional and descriptive in nature, in which the prevalence of these characteristics will be evaluated, taking aim variables are studied. Clinically, the most common etiology associated with this disease is attributed to poor nutritional status of the patient, respectively following the concept can also cover other aspects not related to nutrition such as, bleeding, dehydration, deficiency ferritin, among others genetic factors. In the a rea of public health iron deficiency anemia is an entity of great importance, because its diagnosis, management and control not only depend on the area of health alone, but articulated work together with the patient and their environment and the latter greatly affects the natural cycle of the disease as socio-demographic factors play a vital role, be it socioeconomic status, level of education, occupation of parent head of household and either separately or together, are variables that directly influence the management and prognosis of iron deficiency anemia.
Palabras clave
Anemia, Ferropenia, Ferropénica, Déficit de hierro, Malnutrición, Pediatría, Iron deficiency, Malnutrition, Pedlatrics, Ferropenia