Análisis de los aspectos ambientales, culturales y sociales que influyen en la comunidad del sector Las cayenas, para disponer los residuos sólidos
Navarro Ospino, Gizela Maria
Esteban Vega, Margarita
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Administración y Negocios
Facultad de Administración y Negocios
La gestión de los residuos sólidos es un tema crítico a nivel mundial, debido al
incremento poblacional y al manejo que se les ha dado, Colombia no ha sido la excepción
ya que según estadísticas brindadas por el DANE actualmente el volumen generado por día
corresponde a 27.500 toneladas, distribuidos en los 1.086 municipios y 32 departamentos
que conforman el país, mediante la producción per cápita de 0.95 kg/hab/día, únicamente
en el Distrito Capital y de 0.6 a 0.8lkg /hab/ día en ciudades intermedias, dentro de las
cuáles encontramos la ciudad de Barranquilla.
El sector de "Las Cayenas", población objeto de estudio de esta investigaciones,
origina aproximadamente 2 toneladas diarias, situación preocupante para la Empresa de
Servicios Públicos Triple A, el Departamento Administrativo del Medio Ambiente -
DAMAB y la Alcaldía Municipal, pues cada día se observa como estas viviendas que
fueron creadas bajo un programa de interés social para el servicio de la comunidad, se han
convertido en basureros a cielo abierto, focos de enfermedades sanitarias, incrementado los
problemas de inseguridad en el sector.
Por tal motivo, el propósito de este proyecto se encuentra encaminado a analizar los
aspectos ambientales, culturales y sociales que han influido en esta comunidad para
desarrollar un manejo inadecuado de los residuos sólidos, y de esta manera estudiar posibles estrategias de prevención y educación ambiental que se puedan implementar, a fin
de lograr una adecuada gestión en el proceso de recolección y disposición de los mismos.
The management of solid wastes is a critical issue in the whole world, due to the increase in population and in the treatment given to them. Colombia is not the exception because according to statistics taken from DANE, actually the daily volume generated corresponds to 27.500 tons, distributed in the 1.086 municipalities and the 32 states that compose the country, according to a per capita production of 0.95 kg daily in Bogotá, and approximately 0.6-0.81 kg daily in the intermediate cities, group in which Barranquilla is included. The sector of "Las Cayenas", population which is object of these investigations, originates approximately 2 tons daily, situation that is conceming to the Public Services Enterprise Triple A, the DAMAB (Departamento Administrativo del Medio Ambiente), and the mayor of the city, because every day we can observe how these houses, that were created under a social interest program for community service, have converted into open skies trashcans and focuses of sanitary diseases, and they also have increased in the insecurity problems of the sector. For this reason, the purpose of this Project is headed to analyze environmental, cultural and social issues that have influenced this community to develop an inadequate management of solid wastes, and consequently study possible strategies of prevention and environmental education that can be implemented to achieve an adequate management in the process of recollection and disposal.
The management of solid wastes is a critical issue in the whole world, due to the increase in population and in the treatment given to them. Colombia is not the exception because according to statistics taken from DANE, actually the daily volume generated corresponds to 27.500 tons, distributed in the 1.086 municipalities and the 32 states that compose the country, according to a per capita production of 0.95 kg daily in Bogotá, and approximately 0.6-0.81 kg daily in the intermediate cities, group in which Barranquilla is included. The sector of "Las Cayenas", population which is object of these investigations, originates approximately 2 tons daily, situation that is conceming to the Public Services Enterprise Triple A, the DAMAB (Departamento Administrativo del Medio Ambiente), and the mayor of the city, because every day we can observe how these houses, that were created under a social interest program for community service, have converted into open skies trashcans and focuses of sanitary diseases, and they also have increased in the insecurity problems of the sector. For this reason, the purpose of this Project is headed to analyze environmental, cultural and social issues that have influenced this community to develop an inadequate management of solid wastes, and consequently study possible strategies of prevention and environmental education that can be implemented to achieve an adequate management in the process of recollection and disposal.
Palabras clave
Aspectos ambientales, Tratamiento de Residuos, Equipos de tratamiento de residuos, Evaluación del impacto ambiental