Masculinidades en tiempos de COVID: un abordaje a las paternidades ejercidas durante el aislamiento social en Familias de la ciudad de san José de Cúcuta, Norte de Santander
Rivera Ramirez, Doris Lizeth
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
Se trabajó con 21 textos entre artículos de investigación, libros y tesis de grado a partir del año 2017, hasta el año 2020 tomado de 4 buscadores tales como, Proquest, Scopus, Dialnet y Search, en países Latinoamericanos y de Europa, presentándose más investigaciones en España (4) y Ecuador (4), seguido de Colombia (3), México (2), Argentina (2), Cuba (2), El Salvador (1), Chile (1) y Brasil (1). Cuyo tema principal es “madres cabeza de familia, confinamiento y violencia intrafamiliar” asumiendo como categorías de análisis la relación familia, confinamiento y violencia de género específicamente en 7 artículos, y acompañamiento familiar 3 artículos. En consecuencia, abordando los textos de consulta, se aproximó a abarcar como problemática de estudio: familia-confinamiento y violencia de género.
Dentro de las investigaciones revisadas, específicamente en aquellas donde se estudia los retos de la mujer cabeza de familia, situaciones de violencia intrafamiliar, masculinidad, entre otros; es posible enfatizar de manera general la aparición de algunos factores emocionales, incrementando el riesgo en la salud mental. Ahora bien, analizando los datos anteriores a través del software VOSviewear, se logra identificar que el género femenino se afectó de varias maneras en tiempos de confinamiento, debido a la violencia que se ejerció sobre éstas, la sobrecarga en las labores domésticas y afectaciones en lo económico.
Comprender las masculinidades que emergen en las paternidades ejercidas en tiempo de COVID en familias de la ciudad de San José de Cúcuta.
Identificar las masculinidades concebidas y ejercidas durante la pandemia por el COVID-19 en familias de la ciudad de San José de Cúcuta.
Analizar el ejercicio de las paternidades desde la participación, el cuidado y distribución en la familia ejercidas durante la pandemia por el COVID-19 en familias de la ciudad de San José de Cúcuta.
Explicar la paternidad ejercida en las familias de la ciudad de San José de Cúcuta, durante la pandemia por el COVID-19.
Materiales y Métodos:
Se desarrolla una investigación cualitativa, según Ruíz (1998) dada la intención de la investigadora no solo es conocer la realidad sobre la base de la información obtenida y de sus propias observaciones, sino de proponer soluciones en función de las potencialidades del ámbito de estudio y de las necesidades de su comunidad, es necesario entonces, decidir un tipo de investigación cualitativo que permita a los sujetos investigados su participación como investigadores en todas las fases del proceso. Y específicamente, el diseño abordado fue de género según Lamus (2015) quien determina el proceso de construcción de género como una elaboración cultural que acerca a la realidad etnográfica, pero que también se puede ampliar a otros momentos y diseños complementarios como la investigación acción participativa en la cual se desarrolla una intencionalidad transformadora y de teoría fundamentada como posibilidad para la construcción de nuevas formas de ver y actuar en las emergentes culturas. Los actores sociales analizados fueron padres de familia que residen en el Barrio el Bosque de la ciudad de Cúcuta, Norte de Santander. Colombia.
Se logró identificar que las masculinidades concebidas durante el aislamiento social mantuvieron comportamientos de modelos tradicionales, lo que no representan un cambio innovador en la relación asimétrica entre hombres y mujeres; pero si se vigoriza la transición hacia las nuevas masculinidades en la medida en que se expresan narrativas más racionales sobre la apropiación de las dinámicas del hogar, la paternidad, la crianza y la igualdad femenina. Al mismo tiempo se evidencio que estos masculinos lograron ser cooperantes durante el tiempo de pandemia y no propiciaron al interior de las familias situaciones de violencia intrafamiliar; debido a la transición en la que se encuentran hacia la consciencia de actuar con el enfoque de las nuevas masculinidades.
También, puede afirmar, que se volvieron cuidadores y que estos pertenecen a hogares que poseen buenas redes de apoyo, basados en el amor, el cariño y la resiliencia. Las paternidades ejercidas fueron motivadas por el cariño, admiración y compromiso ante las hijas e hijos; aunque se leen distanciadas de las paternidades hegemónicas, son paternidades ejercidas transitoriamente distando mucho de rupturas con el sistema patriarcal.
● Las masculinidades concebidas mantienen comportamientos de modelos tradicionales, lo que no representan un cambio innovador en la relación asimétrica entre hombres y mujeres; pero si se ha vigorizado la transición hacia las nuevas masculinidades. De igual manera, los masculinos entrevistados tienen conciencia de que la sociedad es machista, pero no se evidencian avances en acciones concretas que permitan la ruptura con esta forma de construcción genérica.
● En cuanto a la violencia de género, manifiestan que esta se presenta hacia los dos géneros, pero el mismo sistema patriarcal no permite que los masculinos la hagan visible. Así mismo la autoridad se ejerce al interior del hogar de forma compartida, validando a los géneros para ejercerla.
● Con respecto a la economía del hogar, se reconoce en el género femenino la capacidad en lo que respecta a la organización del dinero y la reducción de los gastos. Así mismo, sigue existiendo el reconocimiento al trabajo remunerado y al que se realiza fuera de casa, el trabajo doméstico sigo invalidado.
● Se logró identificar que los masculinos no visualizan el trabajo doméstico como un aporte fuerte a la economía del hogar.
● Ahora bien, revisando las actividades de crianza y cuidado y la participación de los varones aquí investigados, se puede concluir que el confinamiento dio la oportunidad a los padres de familia para que ejercieran una paternidad activa, involucrarse con los hijos e hijas en sus tareas escolares y fortalecer así el vínculo afectivo. Al mismo tiempo, estos masculinos lograron ser cooperantes durante el tiempo de pandemia y no propiciaron al interior de las familias situaciones de violencia intrafamiliar.
● También, se puede concluir que los hombres se volvieron cuidadores y que estos pertenecen a hogares que poseen buenas redes de apoyo, basados en el amor, el cariño y la resiliencia.
Background We worked with 21 texts between research articles, books and thesis from the year 2017, until the year 2020 taken from 4 search engines such as Proquest, Scopus, Dialnet and Search, in Latin American and European countries, presenting more research in Spain (4) and Ecuador (4), followed by Colombia (3), Mexico (2), Argentina (2), Cuba (2), El Salvador (1), Chile (1) and Brazil (1). Whose main theme is "head of household mothers, confinement and intrafamily violence" assuming as categories of analysis the family relationship, confinement and gender violence specifically in 7 articles, and family support 3 articles. Consequently, addressing the consultation texts, it was approached to cover as a study problem: family-confinement and gender violence. Within the reviewed investigations, specifically in those where the challenges of the female head of the family, situations of domestic violence, masculinity, among others, are studied; it is possible to emphasize in a general way the appearance of some emotional factors, increasing the risk in mental health. Now, analyzing the previous data through the VOSviewear software, it is possible to identify that the female gender was affected in various ways in times of confinement, due to the violence that was exerted on them, the overload in housework and affectations in the economy. Objectives Understand the masculinities that emerge in the paternity exercised in times of COVID in families in the city of San José de Cúcuta. To identify the masculinities conceived and exercised during the COVID-19 pandemic in families in the city of San José de Cúcuta. To analyze the exercise of paternity from the participation, care and distribution in the family exercised during the COVID-19 pandemic in families in the city of San José de Cúcuta. Explain the paternity exercised in the families of the city of San José de Cúcuta, during the COVID-19 pandemic. Materials and methods: A qualitative research is developed, according to Ruíz (1998) given the intention of the researcher is not only to know the reality based on the information obtained and her own observations, but also to propose solutions based on the potentialities of the field of study and of the needs of your community, it is then necessary to decide on a type of qualitative research that allows the research subjects to participate as researchers in all phases of the process. And specifically, the approached design was gender according to Lamus (2015) who determines the process of gender construction as a cultural elaboration that approaches the ethnographic reality, but that can also be extended to other moments and complementary designs such as participatory action research. in which a transformative and grounded theory of intentionality is developed as a possibility for the construction of new ways of seeing and acting in emerging cultures. The social actors analyzed were parents who reside in the El Bosque neighborhood of the city of Cúcuta, Norte de Santander. Colombia. Results It was possible to identify that the masculinities conceived during social isolation maintained behaviors of traditional models, which do not represent an innovative change in the asymmetric relationship between men and women; but if the transition towards the new masculinities is invigorated to the extent that more rational narratives are expressed about the appropriation of the dynamics of the home, paternity, upbringing and female equality. At the same time, it was shown that these men managed to cooperate during the time of the pandemic and did not promote situations of domestic violence within families; due to the transition in which they find themselves towards the consciousness of acting with the approach of the new masculinities. Also, you can say that they became caregivers and that they belong to homes that have good support networks, based on love, affection and resilience. The paternity exercise was motivated by affection, admiration and commitment to the daughters and sons; Although they are distanced from hegemonic fatherhood, they are fatherhood exercised temporarily, far from breaking with the patriarchal system. Conclusions • Conceived masculinities maintain behaviors of traditional models, which do not represent an innovative change in the asymmetric relationship between men and women; but if the transition towards the new masculinities has been invigorated. Similarly, the men interviewed are aware that society is sexist, but there is no evidence of progress in concrete actions that allow the break with this form of generic construction. • Regarding gender violence, they state that it occurs towards both genders, but the same patriarchal system does not allow men to make it visible. Likewise, authority was exercised within the home in a shared way, validating the genders to exercise it. • With regard to the household economy, the female gender is recognized for its ability to organize money and reduce expenses. Likewise, there continues to be recognition of paid work and that which is carried out outside the home, domestic work is still invalidated. • It was possible to identify that men do not see domestic work as a strong contribution to the household economy. • Now, reviewing the parenting and care activities and the participation of the men investigated here, it can be concluded that confinement gave parents the opportunity to exercise active parenting, get involved with their sons and daughters in their tasks schools and thus strengthen the affective bond. At the same time, these men were able to cooperate during the time of the pandemic and did not promote situations of domestic violence within families. • Also, it can be concluded that the men became caregivers and that they belong to households that have good support networks, based on love, affection and resilience.
Background We worked with 21 texts between research articles, books and thesis from the year 2017, until the year 2020 taken from 4 search engines such as Proquest, Scopus, Dialnet and Search, in Latin American and European countries, presenting more research in Spain (4) and Ecuador (4), followed by Colombia (3), Mexico (2), Argentina (2), Cuba (2), El Salvador (1), Chile (1) and Brazil (1). Whose main theme is "head of household mothers, confinement and intrafamily violence" assuming as categories of analysis the family relationship, confinement and gender violence specifically in 7 articles, and family support 3 articles. Consequently, addressing the consultation texts, it was approached to cover as a study problem: family-confinement and gender violence. Within the reviewed investigations, specifically in those where the challenges of the female head of the family, situations of domestic violence, masculinity, among others, are studied; it is possible to emphasize in a general way the appearance of some emotional factors, increasing the risk in mental health. Now, analyzing the previous data through the VOSviewear software, it is possible to identify that the female gender was affected in various ways in times of confinement, due to the violence that was exerted on them, the overload in housework and affectations in the economy. Objectives Understand the masculinities that emerge in the paternity exercised in times of COVID in families in the city of San José de Cúcuta. To identify the masculinities conceived and exercised during the COVID-19 pandemic in families in the city of San José de Cúcuta. To analyze the exercise of paternity from the participation, care and distribution in the family exercised during the COVID-19 pandemic in families in the city of San José de Cúcuta. Explain the paternity exercised in the families of the city of San José de Cúcuta, during the COVID-19 pandemic. Materials and methods: A qualitative research is developed, according to Ruíz (1998) given the intention of the researcher is not only to know the reality based on the information obtained and her own observations, but also to propose solutions based on the potentialities of the field of study and of the needs of your community, it is then necessary to decide on a type of qualitative research that allows the research subjects to participate as researchers in all phases of the process. And specifically, the approached design was gender according to Lamus (2015) who determines the process of gender construction as a cultural elaboration that approaches the ethnographic reality, but that can also be extended to other moments and complementary designs such as participatory action research. in which a transformative and grounded theory of intentionality is developed as a possibility for the construction of new ways of seeing and acting in emerging cultures. The social actors analyzed were parents who reside in the El Bosque neighborhood of the city of Cúcuta, Norte de Santander. Colombia. Results It was possible to identify that the masculinities conceived during social isolation maintained behaviors of traditional models, which do not represent an innovative change in the asymmetric relationship between men and women; but if the transition towards the new masculinities is invigorated to the extent that more rational narratives are expressed about the appropriation of the dynamics of the home, paternity, upbringing and female equality. At the same time, it was shown that these men managed to cooperate during the time of the pandemic and did not promote situations of domestic violence within families; due to the transition in which they find themselves towards the consciousness of acting with the approach of the new masculinities. Also, you can say that they became caregivers and that they belong to homes that have good support networks, based on love, affection and resilience. The paternity exercise was motivated by affection, admiration and commitment to the daughters and sons; Although they are distanced from hegemonic fatherhood, they are fatherhood exercised temporarily, far from breaking with the patriarchal system. Conclusions • Conceived masculinities maintain behaviors of traditional models, which do not represent an innovative change in the asymmetric relationship between men and women; but if the transition towards the new masculinities has been invigorated. Similarly, the men interviewed are aware that society is sexist, but there is no evidence of progress in concrete actions that allow the break with this form of generic construction. • Regarding gender violence, they state that it occurs towards both genders, but the same patriarchal system does not allow men to make it visible. Likewise, authority was exercised within the home in a shared way, validating the genders to exercise it. • With regard to the household economy, the female gender is recognized for its ability to organize money and reduce expenses. Likewise, there continues to be recognition of paid work and that which is carried out outside the home, domestic work is still invalidated. • It was possible to identify that men do not see domestic work as a strong contribution to the household economy. • Now, reviewing the parenting and care activities and the participation of the men investigated here, it can be concluded that confinement gave parents the opportunity to exercise active parenting, get involved with their sons and daughters in their tasks schools and thus strengthen the affective bond. At the same time, these men were able to cooperate during the time of the pandemic and did not promote situations of domestic violence within families. • Also, it can be concluded that the men became caregivers and that they belong to households that have good support networks, based on love, affection and resilience.
Palabras clave
Familias, Género, Masculinidad, Paternidad, Aislamiento social, Families, Gender, Masculinity, Fatherhood, Social isolation