Factores asociados a microalbuminuria y enfermedad renal crónica en pacientes diabéticos que acuden al Hospital Básico de Paute, Ecuador
Palacio Rojas, Marcos
Rodas Rivera, María Caridad
Ullaguari Guaman, Ana Lorena
Prado Jiménez, Ángel David
Zapata Naula, José Francisco
Lucero Llivicura, Diana Ximena
Chacín González, Maricarmen
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Sociedad Venezolana de Hipertensión
Sociedad Latinoamericana de Hipertensión
Sociedad Latinoamericana de Hipertensión
Objetivo: Determinar los factores asociados a microalbuminuria y Enfermedad Renal Crónica (ERC) en pacientes diabéticos del Hospital Básico de Paute, Ecuador. Materiales y métodos: Se trató de un estudio descriptivo y transversal en pacientes con diabetes mellitus tipo 2 del club de diabetes del Hospital Básico de Paute durante el periodo enero a agosto de 2018, se utilizó un cuestionario validado por 2 expertos en diabetes mellitus que incluía datos
personales, antropométricos, nivel de microalbuminuria y tasa de filtración glomerular. Resultados: De los 80 pacientes evaluados, el 73,8% (n=59) fueron del sexo femenino, la microalbuminuria se presentó en 20% (n=16) de los casos y la mayoría de sujetos se ubicó en el estadio 2 de ERC al aplicar la fórmula MDRD-4. El principal factor asociado a microalbuminuria fue la ocupación, con una
menor frecuencia en los pacientes con oficios del hogar (<30 mg/24 horas: 71,9% vs 30-300 mg/24 horas: 50%; P<0,01). Los pacientes con mayor porcentaje de microalbuminuria fueron los agricultores/ganaderos y los empleados públicos/privados. En cuanto a los factores asociados a el estadio de ERC, la frecuencia de sujetos con >70 años aumenta conforme disminuye la TFG (Estadio 1: 6,7% vs Estadio 3: 53,8%). Conclusión: Los pacientes del club de
diabetes del Hospital Básico de Paute, Ecuador tienen una prevalencia de microalbuminuria similar a la de reportes previos, especialmente latinoamericanos, con una clasificación de ERC en los primeros estadios. Siendo el estatus
laboral el principal factor asociado a microalbuminuria y la edad el relacionado al estadio de ERC.
Objective: To determine the associated factor to microalbuminuria and Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) in diabetic patients of the Hospital Básico de Paute, Ecuador. Materials and methods: This was a descriptive and crosssectional study in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus of the Hospital Básico de Paute diabetes club during the period January to August 2018, a questionnaire validated by 2 experts in diabetes mellitus was used, the following data was reported: personal, anthropometric, microalbuminuria levels and glomerular filtration rate. Results: Out of the 80 patients evaluated, 73.8% (n=59) were female, microalbuminuria was present in 20% (n=16) of the cases and the majority of subjects were in stage 2 of CKD when applying the MDRD-4 formula. The main factor associated with microalbuminuria was occupation, with a lower frequency in patients with household activities (<30 mg/24 hours: 71.9% vs 30-300 mg/24 hours: 50%; P<0.01). The patients with the highest percentage of microalbuminuria were farmers / ranchers and public / private employees. Regarding the factors associated with the stage of CKD, the frequency of subjects >70 years of age increased as the Glomerular Filtration Rate decreased (Stage 1: 6.7% vs. Stage 3: 53.8%). Conclusion: The patients of the Hospital Básico de Paute diabetes club, Ecuador have a prevalence of microalbuminuria similar to previous reports, especially Latin America, with a classification of CKD in the first stages. Being the laboral status the main factor associated to microalbuminuria and the age related to the stage of CKD.
Objective: To determine the associated factor to microalbuminuria and Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) in diabetic patients of the Hospital Básico de Paute, Ecuador. Materials and methods: This was a descriptive and crosssectional study in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus of the Hospital Básico de Paute diabetes club during the period January to August 2018, a questionnaire validated by 2 experts in diabetes mellitus was used, the following data was reported: personal, anthropometric, microalbuminuria levels and glomerular filtration rate. Results: Out of the 80 patients evaluated, 73.8% (n=59) were female, microalbuminuria was present in 20% (n=16) of the cases and the majority of subjects were in stage 2 of CKD when applying the MDRD-4 formula. The main factor associated with microalbuminuria was occupation, with a lower frequency in patients with household activities (<30 mg/24 hours: 71.9% vs 30-300 mg/24 hours: 50%; P<0.01). The patients with the highest percentage of microalbuminuria were farmers / ranchers and public / private employees. Regarding the factors associated with the stage of CKD, the frequency of subjects >70 years of age increased as the Glomerular Filtration Rate decreased (Stage 1: 6.7% vs. Stage 3: 53.8%). Conclusion: The patients of the Hospital Básico de Paute diabetes club, Ecuador have a prevalence of microalbuminuria similar to previous reports, especially Latin America, with a classification of CKD in the first stages. Being the laboral status the main factor associated to microalbuminuria and the age related to the stage of CKD.
Palabras clave
Diabetes, Enfermedad renal crónica, Microalbuminuria, Complicación, Chronic Kidney Disease