Violencia de género: contra la mujer víctima del conflicto armado en Norte de Santander, a partir de una perspectiva humanitaria con enfoque diferencial.
Cano Gerardino, Heidy Yaritza
Franco Sepulveda, Yasmin
Rodriguez Cegarra, Andrea Elizabeth
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
En el presente documento se aborda una temática que ha sido cuestionada por el género masculino de acuerdo a la trascendencia que ha tenido la misma, existiendo actualmente pensamientos machistas en la sociedad y en la mayoría de casos sigue dominando el patriarcado en algunas comunidades del territorio norte santandereano; en el desarrollo de este documento se hace referencia a las diferentes formas de violencia sufridas por mujeres en el marco del conflicto armado, además se determinan las consecuencias que esta problemática genera, donde el objetivo general es analizar las formas de violencia y sus consecuencias desde una perspectiva humanitaria con enfoque diferencial de género, se tuvieron como objetivos específicos i) distinguir las formas de violencia de género, ii) identificar el papel de la mujer dentro del conflicto armado, iii) examinar las consecuencias que acarrea la violencia de género en las mujeres y, iv) realizar una postura personal frente al tema desde una perspectiva humanista con enfoque diferencial de género. La metodología desarrollada es de enfoque cualitativo, ya que se desarrolla mediante un análisis de tipo interpretativo, teniendo como técnicas de recolección de información, el análisis documental y el estudio de casos. En este artículo se logra concluir que las formas de violencia más comunes presenciadas en los grupos armados son las relacionadas a la violencia sexual, la violencia contra los derechos reproductivos, la violencia física y por último la violencia feminicida.
This document deals with a theme that has been questioned by the male gender according to its transcendence, there are currently macho thoughts in society and in most cases patriarchy continues to dominate in some communities in the northern territory santandereano; In the development of this document, reference is made to the different forms of violence suffered by women in the framework of the armed conflict, and the consequences that this problem generates are determined, where the general objective is to analyze the forms of violence and its consequences from a humanitarian perspective with a differential gender approach and where the specific objectives were i) to distinguish the forms of gender violence, ii) to identify the role of women in the armed conflict, iii) to examine the consequences that gender violence brings in the women and, iv) make a personal position on the issue from a humanistic perspective with a differential gender focus. The methodology developed is a qualitative approach, since it is developed through an interpretative type analysis, taking information analysis techniques, documentary analysis and case studies. This article concludes that the most common forms of violence witnessed in armed groups are those related to sexual violence, violence against reproductive rights, physical violence and, lastly, feminicidal violence. Key Words: Gender violence, armed conflict, victim, women.
This document deals with a theme that has been questioned by the male gender according to its transcendence, there are currently macho thoughts in society and in most cases patriarchy continues to dominate in some communities in the northern territory santandereano; In the development of this document, reference is made to the different forms of violence suffered by women in the framework of the armed conflict, and the consequences that this problem generates are determined, where the general objective is to analyze the forms of violence and its consequences from a humanitarian perspective with a differential gender approach and where the specific objectives were i) to distinguish the forms of gender violence, ii) to identify the role of women in the armed conflict, iii) to examine the consequences that gender violence brings in the women and, iv) make a personal position on the issue from a humanistic perspective with a differential gender focus. The methodology developed is a qualitative approach, since it is developed through an interpretative type analysis, taking information analysis techniques, documentary analysis and case studies. This article concludes that the most common forms of violence witnessed in armed groups are those related to sexual violence, violence against reproductive rights, physical violence and, lastly, feminicidal violence. Key Words: Gender violence, armed conflict, victim, women.
Palabras clave
Violencia de género, Conflicto armado, Victima, Mujeres, Gender violence, Armed conflict, Victim, Women