Intervención desde el modelo cognitivo comportamental para el tratamiento del trastorno depresivo mayor con respuestas de ansiedad en adolescente: un estudio de caso
Baena Rivera, Mariluz
Mohrez Sagbini, Samia
Villareal Ochoa, Michelle
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
El trastorno de depresión mayor es una de las problemáticas más importantes de salud mental a nivel mundial. Se reconoce como un problema de salud pública debido a la carga de discapacidad a nivel biológico, psicológico y social. El presente estudio de caso tiene como objetivo describir el proceso de intervención que se llevó a cabo con M.A.C una adolescente con diagnóstico de trastorno depresivo mayor con respuestas de ansiedad. Se llevaron a cabo 5 sesiones en las cuales se recabo información inherente al motivo de consulta e historia personal, se hizo un proceso de evaluación, diseño e intervención del plan terapéutico desde el modelo cognitivo comportamental. Se aplicaron las pruebas de Esquemas Maladaptativos Tempranos, Cuestionario de Depresión, Desesperanza y Ansiedad de Beck. Dentro del proceso de intervención se utilizaron técnicas cognitivas como la psicoeducación, restructuración cognitiva, técnica de la flecha ascendente y técnica del semáforo, también, técnicas conductuales como el registro diario de pensamientos, técnica de relajación diafragmática y el contrato contractual para el riesgo de autolesiones y técnicas emocionales como la ruleta de las emociones. Dentro de los resultados del proceso de intervención, se lograron los objeticos principales planteados, relacionados con la identificación de los pensamientos automáticos, reducción del malestar emocional, psicoeducación sobre resolución de problemas y el entrenamiento en técnicas de autocontrol. Por otro lado, se logró afirmar que por medio de una adecuada relación terapeuta paciente llevando a cabo una intervención dentro del modelo cognitivo comportamental; se lograba reducir paulatinamente el malestar emocional de la paciente. Cabe mencionar que, aunque la sintomatología ansiosa y los pensamientos de minusvalía relacionados con la percepción negativa y/o amenazante del mundo mejoraron medianamente, no se logró mejorar significativa mente teniendo en cuenta las limitaciones presentadas en el caso. Los hallazgos hasta aquí expuestos ponen en evidencia la importancia y el valor de los estudios de caso como guías para profesionales clínicos que ejercen y trabajan con problemas de salud mental similares. Adicionalmente, expone la necesidad de desarrollar y aportar al avance de la psicología desde experiencias basadas en la evidencia científica. Esto para fortalecer el proceso de atención e intervención clínica desde el modelo cognitivo comportamental.
Major depressive disorder is one of the most important mental health issues worldwide. It is recognized as a public health problem due to the burden of disability at the biological, psychological, and social levels. The present case study aims to describe the intervention process conducted with M.A.C., an adolescent with a diagnosis of major depressive disorder with anxiety responses. Five sessions were conducted in which information inherent to the reason for consultation and personal history was collected, and a process of evaluation, design, and intervention of the therapeutic plan from the cognitive-behavioral model was conducted. The Early Maladaptive Schemas, Beck's Depression, Hopelessness and Anxiety Questionnaire were applied. Within the intervention process, cognitive techniques such as psychoeducation, cognitive restructuring, ascending arrow technique and traffic light technique were used, as well as behavioral techniques such as the daily recording of thoughts, diaphragmatic relaxation technique and the contractual contract for the risk of self-injury and emotional techniques such as the roulette of emotions. Within the results of the intervention process, the main objectives were achieved, related to the identification of automatic thoughts, reduction of emotional discomfort, psychoeducation on problem solving and training in self-control techniques. On the other hand, it was possible to affirm that by means of an adequate therapist-patient relationship, conducting an intervention within the cognitive-behavioral model, the patient's emotional distress was gradually reduced. It is worth mentioning that, although the anxious symptomatology and the thoughts of handicap related to the negative and/or threatening perception of the world improved moderately, no significant improvement was achieved considering the limitations presented in the case. The findings presented so far highlight the importance and value of case studies as guidelines for clinicians practicing and working with similar mental health problems. Additionally, it exposes the need to develop and contribute to the advancement of psychology from experiences based on scientific evidence. This to strengthen the process of care and clinical intervention from the cognitive-behavioral model.
Major depressive disorder is one of the most important mental health issues worldwide. It is recognized as a public health problem due to the burden of disability at the biological, psychological, and social levels. The present case study aims to describe the intervention process conducted with M.A.C., an adolescent with a diagnosis of major depressive disorder with anxiety responses. Five sessions were conducted in which information inherent to the reason for consultation and personal history was collected, and a process of evaluation, design, and intervention of the therapeutic plan from the cognitive-behavioral model was conducted. The Early Maladaptive Schemas, Beck's Depression, Hopelessness and Anxiety Questionnaire were applied. Within the intervention process, cognitive techniques such as psychoeducation, cognitive restructuring, ascending arrow technique and traffic light technique were used, as well as behavioral techniques such as the daily recording of thoughts, diaphragmatic relaxation technique and the contractual contract for the risk of self-injury and emotional techniques such as the roulette of emotions. Within the results of the intervention process, the main objectives were achieved, related to the identification of automatic thoughts, reduction of emotional discomfort, psychoeducation on problem solving and training in self-control techniques. On the other hand, it was possible to affirm that by means of an adequate therapist-patient relationship, conducting an intervention within the cognitive-behavioral model, the patient's emotional distress was gradually reduced. It is worth mentioning that, although the anxious symptomatology and the thoughts of handicap related to the negative and/or threatening perception of the world improved moderately, no significant improvement was achieved considering the limitations presented in the case. The findings presented so far highlight the importance and value of case studies as guidelines for clinicians practicing and working with similar mental health problems. Additionally, it exposes the need to develop and contribute to the advancement of psychology from experiences based on scientific evidence. This to strengthen the process of care and clinical intervention from the cognitive-behavioral model.
Palabras clave
Depresión mayor, Intervención, Cognitivo comportamental, Adolescentes, Ansiedad, Ideación suicida, Salud mental, Major depression, Intervention, Cognitive Behavioral, Adolescents, Anxiety, Suicidal Ideation, Mental Health