Caso de estudio para la enseñanza. Universidad Autónoma del Caribe: retos de sostenibilidad y buen gobierno corporativo
Ramos Altamar, Eduardo
Valencia Díaz, Robinson
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Administración y Negocios
Facultad de Administración y Negocios
El presente caso ilustra el proceso de modernización de la Universidad Autónoma del Caribe, la cual ha tenido un crecimiento exitoso a lo largo de 45 años, hasta el año 2013, alcanzando el momento más importante de su historia institucional, proyectandose como una institución innovadora, moderna, competitiva, sostenible, con responsabilidades muy claras ante los estudiantes, entorno empresarial y la sociedad .
En los últimos cinco años, se inicia un redireccionamiento estratégico de la institución, como consecuencia de un cambio de administración, modificando su sistema gerencial, cambiando sus procesos, cultura , misión, visión, etc.
Dentro de este contexto la nueva administración tiene frente a si mismo el desafio de consolidarse y mejorar permanentemente sus resultados ante sus clientes internos como externos, para mantenterse con el desarrollo y reconocimiento que la caracterizó en los últimos 45 años; es por eso que en este trabajo observaremos el impacto de la modernización institucional en ausencia de un Gobierno Corporativo durante los últimos cinco años.
En los últimos cinco años se derrumba la ventaja que ostentaba la Universidad, la credibilidad y como tal decrece la afluencia de estudiantes a este centro de enseñanza superior.
University of the Caribbean, which has had a successful growth over 45 years, until 2013, reaching the most important moment of its institutional history, projecting itself as an innovative institution, modern, competitive, sustainable, with very clear responsibilities to students, business environment and society. In the last five years, a strategic redirection of the institution begins, as a result of a change of administration, modifying its management system, changing its processes, culture, mission, vision, etc. Within this context, the new administration faces the challenge of consolidating and permanently improving its results to its internal and external clients, in order to maintain the development and recognition that characterized it in the last 45 years; That is why in this work we will observe the impact of institutional modernization in the absence of a Corporate Government during the last five years. In the last five years the advantage that the University had, the credibility collapses and as such the influx of students to this center of higher education decreases.
University of the Caribbean, which has had a successful growth over 45 years, until 2013, reaching the most important moment of its institutional history, projecting itself as an innovative institution, modern, competitive, sustainable, with very clear responsibilities to students, business environment and society. In the last five years, a strategic redirection of the institution begins, as a result of a change of administration, modifying its management system, changing its processes, culture, mission, vision, etc. Within this context, the new administration faces the challenge of consolidating and permanently improving its results to its internal and external clients, in order to maintain the development and recognition that characterized it in the last 45 years; That is why in this work we will observe the impact of institutional modernization in the absence of a Corporate Government during the last five years. In the last five years the advantage that the University had, the credibility collapses and as such the influx of students to this center of higher education decreases.
Palabras clave
Gobierno corporativo, Ética, Corrupción administrativa, Corporate governance, ethics, Administrative corruption