Entidades estatales de Tunja – Boyacá (comisarías de familia) y el abordaje sobre la violencia familiar a través de los diálogos generativo
Bautista Roa, Adriana Margoth
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas Y Sociales
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas Y Sociales
Antecedentes: La presente investigación tuvo como objetivo analizar la construcción de los
mecanismos que operan en las Instituciones estatales (Comisarías de Familia) de Tunja – Boyacá y
sus alternativas sobre el abordaje de la Violencia Intrafamiliar a través de los diálogos generativos.
Para ello, se describe el recorrido investigativo sobre la violencia intrafamiliar en el que se logra dar
cuenta de la prevalencia, las causas, consecuencias, estrategias, programas que se han
implementado para su mitigación y el abordaje de las instituciones estatales. A partir de allí se logra
establecer que la violencia familiar ha sido comprendida como un aspecto que emerge al interior del
hogar; por lo tanto, los estudios se han centrado en identificar las causas y los desencadenantes de
esta problemática, dejando de lado acciones interventivas y el análisis de los contextos encargados
de abordar este fenómeno de estudio para lograr la efectividad en los procesos de crisis, ajuste y
adaptabilidad de las familias que pasan por esta situación en la ciudad de Tunja - Boyacá.
Objetivos: Como objetivo general se planteó develar la construcción relacional de los procesos que
operan en las Instituciones estatales (Comisarías de Familia) de Tunja – Boyacá y sus alternativas
sobre el abordaje de la violencia Intrafamiliar a través de los diálogos generativos. Para dar cuenta
de estos objetivos se plantearon como objetivos específicos establecer los marcos de referencia
sobre la violencia intrafamiliar de los actores implicados en el proceso de atención en las
instituciones estatales, describir la manera como se desarrollan los modos de atención por parte de
las instituciones estatales (comisarías de familia) para el manejo de la VIF y religar los constructos
emergentes en el desarrollo de procesos para la atención pertinente en el cumplimiento de las
funciones administrativas y sociales que le son propias a la entidad.
Materiales y Métodos: Para el desarrollo de esta investigación se propuso un sistema
metodológico basado en el Paradigma Emergente de la Complejidad en el que se establecieron tres
categorías que permitieron dar cuenta del objetivo investigativo. Dichas categorías determinaron los
objetivos específicos los cuales estaban enmarcados en establecer los marcos de referencia sobre
la violencia intrafamiliar por parte de los actores implicados en su abordaje, establecer la manera
como se desarrollan los modos de atención por parte de las comisarías de familia para el manejo de
la violencia intrafamiliar y comprender cómo emerge el empoderamiento en dicha atención.
El tipo de investigación es construccionista relacional el cual permite reconocer al sujeto como un
ser permanentemente activo en el proceso de interacción que se promueve en la investigación,
implicando la reflexividad y los procesos conversacionales que permiten la apertura a nuevos focos
de conversación o nuevas miradas y comprensiones. El diseño es investigación – intervención, el
cual permitió poner en juego la experticia de los participantes en un escenario colaborativo y de
compromiso con la misma investigación. Dichos encuentros fueron mediados por los diálogos
generativos los cuales, a través de los nodos temáticos, los momentos y ciclos generativos
posibilitaron nuevas construcciones, aprendizajes y propuestas en el abordaje del fenómeno de
estudio, dando cuenta a los objetivos planteados.
Background: The present investigation had as objective to analyze the construction of the mechanisms that operate in the state Institutions (Family Police Stations) of Tunja - Boyacá and their alternatives on the approach of Intrafamily Violence through generative dialogues. For this, the investigative journey on intrafamily violence is described in which it is possible to account for the prevalence, causes, consequences, strategies, programs that have been implemented for its mitigation and the approach of state institutions. From there it is possible to establish that family violence has been understood as an aspect that emerges within the home; therefore, the studies have focused on identifying the causes and triggers of this problem, leaving aside intervention actions and the analysis of the contexts in charge of addressing this phenomenon of study to achieve effectiveness in the processes of crisis, adjustment and adaptability of families that go through this situation in the city of Tunja - Boyacá. Objectives: As a general objective, it was proposed to reveal the relational construction of the processes that operate in the state Institutions (Family Police Stations) of Tunja - Boyacá and their alternatives on the approach to intrafamily violence through generative dialogues. To account for these objectives, specific objectives were established to establish the reference frameworks on intrafamily violence of the actors involved in the care process in state institutions, describe the way in which the modes of care are developed by state institutions (family police stations) for the management of the VIF and relink the emerging constructs in the development of processes for the pertinent attention in the fulfillment of the administrative and social functions that are proper to the entity. Materials and Methods: For the development of this research, a methodological system based on the Emerging Paradigm of Complexity was proposed, in which three categories were established that allowed us to account for the research objective. Said categories determined the specific objectives which were framed in establishing the reference frameworks on intrafamily violence by the actors involved in its approach, establishing the way in which the modes of attention are developed by the family police stations for the management of intrafamily violence and understand how empowerment emerges in said care. The type of research is relational constructionist, which allows the subject to be recognized as a permanently active being in the interaction process that is promoted in the research, involving reflexivity and conversational processes that allow the opening of new foci of conversation or new perspectives and understandings. The design is research-intervention, which allowed the expertise of the participants to be put into play in a collaborative scenario and commitment to the same research. These meetings were mediated by generative dialogues which, through the thematic nodes, the generative moments and cycles made possible new constructions, learning and proposals in the approach to the study phenomenon, giving account of the proposed objectives.
Background: The present investigation had as objective to analyze the construction of the mechanisms that operate in the state Institutions (Family Police Stations) of Tunja - Boyacá and their alternatives on the approach of Intrafamily Violence through generative dialogues. For this, the investigative journey on intrafamily violence is described in which it is possible to account for the prevalence, causes, consequences, strategies, programs that have been implemented for its mitigation and the approach of state institutions. From there it is possible to establish that family violence has been understood as an aspect that emerges within the home; therefore, the studies have focused on identifying the causes and triggers of this problem, leaving aside intervention actions and the analysis of the contexts in charge of addressing this phenomenon of study to achieve effectiveness in the processes of crisis, adjustment and adaptability of families that go through this situation in the city of Tunja - Boyacá. Objectives: As a general objective, it was proposed to reveal the relational construction of the processes that operate in the state Institutions (Family Police Stations) of Tunja - Boyacá and their alternatives on the approach to intrafamily violence through generative dialogues. To account for these objectives, specific objectives were established to establish the reference frameworks on intrafamily violence of the actors involved in the care process in state institutions, describe the way in which the modes of care are developed by state institutions (family police stations) for the management of the VIF and relink the emerging constructs in the development of processes for the pertinent attention in the fulfillment of the administrative and social functions that are proper to the entity. Materials and Methods: For the development of this research, a methodological system based on the Emerging Paradigm of Complexity was proposed, in which three categories were established that allowed us to account for the research objective. Said categories determined the specific objectives which were framed in establishing the reference frameworks on intrafamily violence by the actors involved in its approach, establishing the way in which the modes of attention are developed by the family police stations for the management of intrafamily violence and understand how empowerment emerges in said care. The type of research is relational constructionist, which allows the subject to be recognized as a permanently active being in the interaction process that is promoted in the research, involving reflexivity and conversational processes that allow the opening of new foci of conversation or new perspectives and understandings. The design is research-intervention, which allowed the expertise of the participants to be put into play in a collaborative scenario and commitment to the same research. These meetings were mediated by generative dialogues which, through the thematic nodes, the generative moments and cycles made possible new constructions, learning and proposals in the approach to the study phenomenon, giving account of the proposed objectives.
Palabras clave
Violencia familiar, Diálogos generativos, Intervención, Enfoque sistémico, Empoderamiento, Family violence, Generative dialogues, Intervention, Systemic approach, Empowerment.