Derechos humanos: su realidad al interior de los centros carcelarios colombianos
Ochoa García, Diana Carolina
Ortiz Laverde, Camilo Andrés
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas Sociales
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas Sociales
La presente investigación se desarrolla con el propósito de entender las realidades padecidas por quienes se encuentran recluidos en las prisiones colombianas; ya que el valor que proviene de la condición humana, no se pierde por el hecho de la comisión de conductas antijurídicas, puesto que la dignidad humana resulta ser el fin supremo de nuestra constitución colombiana Art 1 (1991), y de la misma manera estudiar cómo influye sobre ellos la resocialización la cual se encuentra consagrada en la ley 65 de 1993. La metodología implementada fue cualitativa bajo un paradigma histórico-hermenéutico, apoyándonos en la recolección de datos. El hecho de escribir sobre los derechos humanos de los presos en Colombia resulta no ser una tarea muy fácil ya que en la sociedad la perspectiva que se tiene sobre los reclusos no resulta ser la más agradable, o favorable, estas personas ante la sociedad son vistas desde un marco de conflictos, pero es necesario aclarar que a pesar de que estas personas hayan cometido un delito sea cual sea la cualificación de este delito, siguen siendo personas garantes de derechos, por lo cual el estado colombiano debe brindar las garantías necesarias a estos.
The present investigation is developed with the purpose of understanding the realities suffered by those who are imprisoned in Colombian prisons; understanding that the value that comes from the human condition, is not lost by the commission of unlawful conduct or the fact of being deprived of freedom, since human dignity turns out to be the supreme end of human existence and of course recognized in our Colombian constitution Art 1 (1991) This research work intends to make a study on the state of the rights of inmates in Colombia enshrined in the political constitution, and in the same way to study how resocialization influences them which is enshrined in Law 65 of 1993, The fact of writing about the human rights of prisoners in Colombia turns out not to be a very easy task since in society the perspective that is had on the inmates does not turn out to be the most pleasant, or favorable, these people before the society are seen from a framework of conflicts, but it is necessary to clarify that even though these people have committed a crime whatever the qualification of this crime, they are still guarantors of rights, for which the Colombian state must provide the necessary guarantees so that these people are respected the minimum guarantees, within the penal and also that they leave there resocializados, that can vo To see society as transformed people, and from their experience contribute to society.
The present investigation is developed with the purpose of understanding the realities suffered by those who are imprisoned in Colombian prisons; understanding that the value that comes from the human condition, is not lost by the commission of unlawful conduct or the fact of being deprived of freedom, since human dignity turns out to be the supreme end of human existence and of course recognized in our Colombian constitution Art 1 (1991) This research work intends to make a study on the state of the rights of inmates in Colombia enshrined in the political constitution, and in the same way to study how resocialization influences them which is enshrined in Law 65 of 1993, The fact of writing about the human rights of prisoners in Colombia turns out not to be a very easy task since in society the perspective that is had on the inmates does not turn out to be the most pleasant, or favorable, these people before the society are seen from a framework of conflicts, but it is necessary to clarify that even though these people have committed a crime whatever the qualification of this crime, they are still guarantors of rights, for which the Colombian state must provide the necessary guarantees so that these people are respected the minimum guarantees, within the penal and also that they leave there resocializados, that can vo To see society as transformed people, and from their experience contribute to society.
Palabras clave
Resocialización, Centros penitenciarios y carcelarios, Derechos Humanos, Función de la pena, Política criminal, Resocialization, Prisons and jails, Human Rights, Function of punishment, Criminal policy