Beneficios de Colombia compra eficiente en la contratación pública durante los años 2018-2022
Oñoro Benavides, Andrus Neil
Bula Basto, Humberto David
Ortiz Berrio, Viviana Margarita Del Carmen
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
En Colombia, la contratación pública ha experimentado un complejo proceso normativo y doctrinal ya que mediante esta se da cumplimiento a los fines del Estado como también al desarrollo de la economía. El presente escrito académico refleja la postura de los intérpretes en abarcar y afianzar los beneficios que ha traído la Contratación Pública Compra Eficiente, ello denota su constante cambio y la conversión de ser una herramienta de fácil acceso para el ciudadano cuando desean contratar con el Estado, puesto que ello se focaliza en los procesos de contratación bajo los principios de eficacia y transparencia. Para ello se hizo una revisión bajo un enfoque de análisis que se originó de fuentes electrónicas, tales como doctrina norma y jurisprudencia, en donde se denota como ha sido el avance del tema en los procesos de contratación pública. Con respecto a la aplicación de Colombia Compra Eficiente se puede evidenciar que la promoción de las políticas logran mantener el equilibrio entre la oferta y la demanda, como también se han simplificado procedimientos, ya que el Estado da la oportunidad que puedan competir de forma equitativa sin que haya corrupción. A su vez Colombia Compra Eficiente es una entidad rectora que brinda herramientas a través de portales y documentos condicionales a los usuarios, los cuales podrán acceder a los aplicativos como Secop I, Secop II, tienda virtual del Estado, asumiendo información actualizada. La evolución tecnológica ha generado en Colombia y su historia un avance por lo tanto se debe velar por un sistema que ayude a mejorar la compra de bienes en cabeza de las entidades estatales. Finalmente la implementación de Colombia Compra Eficiente ha transformado la cultura de la contratación pública incrementando el número de usuarios y las entidades estatales, ello brinda entonces en ellos herramientas para que cumplan sus objetos mediante instrumentos que permitan la realización de compras públicas en línea.
In Colombia, public contracting has undergone a complex regulatory and doctrinal process since through it the purposes of the State are fulfilled as well as the development of the economy. This academic writing reflects the position of the interpreters in encompassing and strengthening the benefits that Efficient Purchase Public Procurement has brought, this denotes its constant change and the conversion of being an easily accessible tool for the citizen when they wish to contract with the State, since it focuses on the contracting processes under the principles of efficiency and transparency. For this, a review was made under an analytical approach that originated from electronic sources, such as standard doctrine and jurisprudence, where it is denoted how the progress of the subject has been in public procurement processes. With respect to the application of Colombia Efficient Purchase, it can be evidenced that the promotion of policies manage to maintain the balance between supply and demand, as well as procedures have been simplified, since the State gives the opportunity that they can compete in an equitable way without that there is corruption. In turn, Colombia Compra Eficiente is a governing entity that provides tools through portals and conditional documents to users, who will be able to access applications such as Secop I, Secop II, the virtual State store, assuming updated information. Technological evolution has generated progress in Colombia and its history, therefore a system must be ensured that helps improve the purchase of goods by state entities. In turn, the implementation of Colombia Compra Eficiente has transformed the culture of public procurement by increasing the number of users and state entities, thus providing users with tools to fulfill their objectives through instruments that allow public purchases to be made online.
In Colombia, public contracting has undergone a complex regulatory and doctrinal process since through it the purposes of the State are fulfilled as well as the development of the economy. This academic writing reflects the position of the interpreters in encompassing and strengthening the benefits that Efficient Purchase Public Procurement has brought, this denotes its constant change and the conversion of being an easily accessible tool for the citizen when they wish to contract with the State, since it focuses on the contracting processes under the principles of efficiency and transparency. For this, a review was made under an analytical approach that originated from electronic sources, such as standard doctrine and jurisprudence, where it is denoted how the progress of the subject has been in public procurement processes. With respect to the application of Colombia Efficient Purchase, it can be evidenced that the promotion of policies manage to maintain the balance between supply and demand, as well as procedures have been simplified, since the State gives the opportunity that they can compete in an equitable way without that there is corruption. In turn, Colombia Compra Eficiente is a governing entity that provides tools through portals and conditional documents to users, who will be able to access applications such as Secop I, Secop II, the virtual State store, assuming updated information. Technological evolution has generated progress in Colombia and its history, therefore a system must be ensured that helps improve the purchase of goods by state entities. In turn, the implementation of Colombia Compra Eficiente has transformed the culture of public procurement by increasing the number of users and state entities, thus providing users with tools to fulfill their objectives through instruments that allow public purchases to be made online.
Palabras clave
Contratación pública, Colombia compra eficiente, Principios, Beneficios, Public contracting, Colombia efficient purchase, Principles, Benefits