Emprendimiento social en la gestión de residuos sólidos: Caso empresa ESSMAR-ESP y recicladores Informales del Distrito Santa Marta - Colombia
Alee Pérez, Pierre Alexander
Plaza Petro, Fernanda Miguel
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Administración y Negocios
Facultad de Administración y Negocios
La investigación tuvo como objetivo “Analizar el emprendimiento social en la gestión de residuos sólidos de la empresa ESSMAR-ESP y los Recicladores Informales del Distrito Santa Marta – Colombia” estuvo enmarcada metodológicamente en el enfoque epistémico interpretativo o cualitativo, bajo el método hermenéutico, aplicando técnicas e instrumentos acordes con esta metodología. Como resultado se logró reconocer las normativas jurídicas vigentes que están relacionadas con la gestión de residuos sólidos, sobre las cuales se encontró que parten del rango constitucional, con leyes y decretos que regulan esta actividad; de igual forma, se evidenció la política nacional CONPES 3874 de 2016, donde se aborda esta materia; en cuanto a los emprendimientos sociales, se encontró que desde la constitución se prevé la libre participación y asociación, así como una serie de leyes y decretos, que norman este tipo de actividades. En cuanto a los recicladores y reciclaje, existen leyes y decretos que lo abordan. Asimismo, se estableció que la empresa ESSMAR-ESP, es la encargada de lo relacionado al servicio público de aseo urbano aprovechable, identificando que cuenta con componentes organizacionales alineados para llevar a cabo su labor, sin embargo, no posee lineamientos definidos. De igual forma, se logró caracterizar los aspectos socioculturales del Distrito Santa Marta, encontrando que existe una promoción de la educación y cultura ambiental, además de iniciativas que favorecen los emprendimientos sociales en esta localidad. Es por ello, que se formulan una serie de lineamientos que deben ser adoptados por los diferentes actores e instituciones para afianzar los emprendimientos sociales.
The objective of the research was to “Analyze the social entrepreneurship in solid waste management of the ESSMAR-ESP company and the Informal Recyclers of the Santa Marta District - Colombia” was methodologically framed in the interpretive or qualitative epistemic approach, under method the hermeneutic, applying techniques and instruments in accordance with this methodology. As a result, it was possible to recognize the current legal regulations related to solid waste management, on which it was found that they start from the constitutional level, with laws and decrees that regulate this activity; likewise, the national policy CONPES 3874 of 2016 was evidenced, where this matter is addressed; Regarding social entrepreneurship, it was found that since the constitution, free participation and association are foreseen, as well as a series of laws and decrees, which regulate this type of activities. As for recyclers and recycling, there are laws and decrees that address it. Likewise, it was established that the company ESSMAR-ESP, is in charge of matters related to the usable urban cleaning public service, identifying that it has aligned organizational components to carry out its work, however, it does not have defined lineament. Similarly, it was possible to characterize the sociocultural aspects of the Santa Marta District, finding that there is a promotion of environmental education and culture, in addition to initiatives that favor social entrepreneurship in this locality. For this reason, a series of lineament are formulated that must be adopted by the different actors and institutions to strengthen social entrepreneurship.
The objective of the research was to “Analyze the social entrepreneurship in solid waste management of the ESSMAR-ESP company and the Informal Recyclers of the Santa Marta District - Colombia” was methodologically framed in the interpretive or qualitative epistemic approach, under method the hermeneutic, applying techniques and instruments in accordance with this methodology. As a result, it was possible to recognize the current legal regulations related to solid waste management, on which it was found that they start from the constitutional level, with laws and decrees that regulate this activity; likewise, the national policy CONPES 3874 of 2016 was evidenced, where this matter is addressed; Regarding social entrepreneurship, it was found that since the constitution, free participation and association are foreseen, as well as a series of laws and decrees, which regulate this type of activities. As for recyclers and recycling, there are laws and decrees that address it. Likewise, it was established that the company ESSMAR-ESP, is in charge of matters related to the usable urban cleaning public service, identifying that it has aligned organizational components to carry out its work, however, it does not have defined lineament. Similarly, it was possible to characterize the sociocultural aspects of the Santa Marta District, finding that there is a promotion of environmental education and culture, in addition to initiatives that favor social entrepreneurship in this locality. For this reason, a series of lineament are formulated that must be adopted by the different actors and institutions to strengthen social entrepreneurship.
Palabras clave
Gestión de residuos sólidos, Componentes organizacionales, Recicladores informales, Cultura ambiental, Emprendimiento social, Solid waste management, Organizational components, Informal recyclers, Environmental culture, Social entrepreneurship