Experiencias individuales y colectivas documentadas de interacciones psico-sociales, de construcción de paz y fortalecimiento de tejido social, en mujeres víctimas del conflicto armado en los Montes de María, Colombia
Caraballo Morales, Enue Milena
Cárdenas Pérez, Laura Sofía
Flores Salgado, Yulianis María
Godoy Guerra, Camila Andrea
González Pineda, Wendy Yohana
Landero Caro, María Camila
Rivero Castellar, Katerine Paola
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
El presente proyecto de investigación tiene como objetivo explorar y analizar las
experiencias documentadas individuales y colectivas de mujeres del colectivo “narrar para
vivir” en los montes de María víctimas del conflicto armado en Colombia. El propósito
fundamental es aportar un trabajo integral basándose en el acompañamiento psicosocial y de
esta manera fortalecer el tejido social como herramienta esencial para la construcción de paz
por medio de la metodología estudio de caso, haciendo un análisis de contenido documental,
este mismo fue de tipo Medio fin, el cual permitió determinar con mayor precisión las
condiciones y soluciones que permitieron alcanzar el fortalecimiento del tejido social, que a
su vez dio muestra que para que haya una construcción de paz, es primordial conocer los
hechos sobre la violencia directamente de las víctimas y qué acompañamiento han recibido,
las mujeres objetos de estudio se han destacado por buscar mecanismos de restauración y
superación ante tales consecuencias.
The objective of this research project is to explore and analyze the documented individual and collective experiences of women from the "narrate to live" collective in the Montes de María, victims of the armed conflict in Colombia. The fundamental purpose is to provide an integral work based on psychosocial accompaniment and thus strengthen the social fabric as an essential tool for peace building through the case study methodology, making an analysis 4 of documentary content, this same was of type Medium end, which allowed to determine with greater precision the conditions and solutions that allowed to achieve the strengthening of the social fabric, which in turn showed that in order to build peace, it is essential to know the facts about the violence directly from the victims and what accompaniment they have received, the women under study have stood out for seeking mechanisms of restoration and overcoming such consequences.
The objective of this research project is to explore and analyze the documented individual and collective experiences of women from the "narrate to live" collective in the Montes de María, victims of the armed conflict in Colombia. The fundamental purpose is to provide an integral work based on psychosocial accompaniment and thus strengthen the social fabric as an essential tool for peace building through the case study methodology, making an analysis 4 of documentary content, this same was of type Medium end, which allowed to determine with greater precision the conditions and solutions that allowed to achieve the strengthening of the social fabric, which in turn showed that in order to build peace, it is essential to know the facts about the violence directly from the victims and what accompaniment they have received, the women under study have stood out for seeking mechanisms of restoration and overcoming such consequences.
Palabras clave
Victimas, Conflicto armado, Mujeres, Experiencias, Estrategias, Colectivos, Impacto, Victims, Armed Conflict, Women, Experiences, Strategies, Collectives, Impact