Unaccompanied or Separated Migrant Children and Adolescents at the Colombian–Venezuelan Border: Loss of the Social Moratorium and Its Implications

dc.contributor.authorRamírez Martínez, Carolina
dc.contributor.authorAlbornoz-Arias, Neida
dc.contributor.authorMartinez Becerra, Leida Marcela
dc.contributor.authorTamayo Ramírez, Karla Gabriela
dc.description.abstractThis study explains the Venezuelan migration involving unaccompanied or separated adolescents (UASA) on the Colombian–Venezuelan border, specifically in Norte de Santander-Táchira. This explanation is framed within the concept of the social moratorium, highlighting three subcategories that contribute to the early abandonment of childhood: 1. the violation of rights, 2. working life, and 3. confrontation of dangers. These subcategories compel UASA to transition prematurely into youth, assuming social, labor, or family responsibilities. Methodologically, we adopt a narrative approach, conducting group interviews with 24 immigrant children and adolescents. Furthermore, 14 interviews are conducted in 2 local markets, and the remaining 10 on 2 central avenues in the city of Cúcuta, Colombia. We conduct a theoretical analysis drawing upon key concepts, including the social moratorium, social constructionism, interaction, and moral and cognitive development. This theoretical framework helps us understand the consequences for the life prospects of this generation. They arise from factors such as school dropout, exposure to health risks, and the absence of free leisure time. These indicators reflect socioeconomic problems, including poverty, abuse, and violence.eng
dc.identifier.citationRamírez-Martínez, Carolina, Neida Albornoz-Arias, Leida Marcela Martínez Becerra, and Karla Gabriela Tamayo Ramírez. 2023. Unaccompanied or Separated Migrant Children and Adolescents at the Colombian–Venezuelan Border: Loss of the Social Moratorium and Its Implications. Social Sciences 12: 683. https://doi.org/10.3390/ socsci12120683eng
dc.identifier.doihttps://doi.org/10.3390/ socsci12120683
dc.identifier.issn20760760 (Electrónico)
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 United Stateseng
dc.sourceSocial Scienceseng
dc.sourceVol. 12, No.12 (2023)
dc.subject.keywordsUnaccompanied or separated migrant adolescentseng
dc.subject.keywordsSocial moratoriumeng
dc.subject.keywordsDenial of rightseng
dc.subject.keywordsProspective realityeng
dc.subject.keywordsViolence in migrant environmentseng
dc.titleUnaccompanied or Separated Migrant Children and Adolescents at the Colombian–Venezuelan Border: Loss of the Social Moratorium and Its Implicationseng
dc.type.spaArtículo científico
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