Papel del padre en el cuidado del neonato en una Unidad de Cuidados Intensivos
Díaz Jassim, Nina Julieth
Robles Díaz, Elena Patricia
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
Introducción: La nueva masculinidad busca analizar la afectividad y cercanía que los padres tienen con sus hijos, puesto que, los padres están cada vez más comprometidos con los tiempos de cercanía y crianza. La mayoría de las investigaciones se centra en cómo se da esta relación y qué tipo de vínculo se construye entre la madre y su hijo (a) quedando el padre muchas veces excluido de las teorías e investigaciones respecto del vínculo. Objetivo. Analizar el papel del padre en el cuidado del neonato hospitalizado en una unidad de cuidados intensivos neonatal en relación a las emociones y sentimientos que presenta desde la perspectiva de las nuevas masculinidades. Metodología: Se trata de un estudio de enfoque cualitativo. La selección de la muestra para escoger los 4 padres del estudio se obtuvo a partir de un muestreo abierto en el tiempo por saturación con un componente de tipo intencional teniendo presente los criterios de inclusión y exclusión, en el cual se tomaron a algunos padres de hijos neonatos hospitalizados en la UCIN. Para asegurar la credibilidad, transferibilidad, dependencia y confiabilidad, se realizó como estrategias la comprobación entre participantes respecto a las preguntas implementadas en el instrumento, observación continua y cuadernos de campo (notas de campo) en la población mediante una prueba piloto. Adicionalmente para la validación de contenido, diseño y redacción de las preguntas, se envió el instrumento a dos pares evaluadores externos, con experiencia o conocimiento al tema central comprendido en este estudio. Resultados: De acuerdo a las variables sociodemográficas, la edad promedio de los 4 padres pertenecientes al estudio era de 30,5 años (DE±1,91 años). En cuanto al estado civil, el 50% se encontraba en unión libre, y el 75% eran profesionales. Con respecto a su situación laboral, el 100% eran empleados, de los cuales el 75% tenían 1 hijo(a) y en menor proporción 3 hijos (25%); el rol parental se encuentra enmarcado en la relación que establecen los padres con sus hijos en el marco de una práctica compleja, que al encontrarse dentro de un contexto clínico (hospitalización cuidados intensivos iii neonatal) genera nuevas reflexiones o posturas con respecto al mismo. A partir de los relatos analizados y la interpretación realizada a la luz de las teorías entorno a las nuevas masculinidades, se evidenciaron 6 categorías de las cuales dos fueron emergentes: Mecanismos de afrontamiento y experiencia en la atención hospitalaria por parte de los profesionales de salud. Asimismo, se obtuvo un total de 16 subcategorías, no obstante, emergió 1 subcategoría dentro de la categoría apoyo social, correspondiente al apoyo institucional o hospitalario. Conclusiones: Este trabajo da apertura a otras miradas a la temática teniendo en cuenta la poca evidencia existente y a su vez la existente es más relacionada a la madre-hijo, no se espera excluir a la mujer sino por el contrario, incluir al varón en estos procesos. Es necesario también el abordaje interdisciplinar que produzca una evidencia amplia desde las diferentes áreas.
Introduction: Male participation in the care of children is increasingly important especially from the sociocultural context specifically in Latin America. The meaning of fatherhood is immersed in multiple changes due to the behavior of men, especially in relation to proactive attitudes in relationships with their partners, raising children and their participation in domestic activities. The new masculinity seeks to analyze the affection and closeness that parents have with their children, where the literature describes that parents are increasingly committed to times of closeness and upbringing. Most of the research focuses on how this relationship occurs and what type of bond is built between the mother and her child, leaving the father many times excluded from the theories and research regarding the bond. Objective. To analyze the role of the father in the care of the hospitalized newborn in a neonatal intensive care unit in relation to the emotions and feelings it presents from the perspective of the new masculinities in Barranquilla 2020. Methodology: This is a qualitative approach study. The population consisted of parents of newborns who attended the visit in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) of a third-level health institution during 2020. The selection of the sample to choose the 4 parents of the study, was obtained from an open sampling in time by saturation with an intentional component, bearing in mind the inclusion and exclusion criteria, in which some parents of newborn children hospitalized in the NICU were taken. To ensure credibility, transferability, dependence and reliability, the strategies were verified among participants regarding the questions implemented in the instrument, continuous observation and field notebooks (field notes) in the population through a pilot test. Additionally, to validate the content, design and writing of the questions, the instrument was sent to two external peer reviewers, with experience or knowledge of the central topic included in this study. The transcription of the audio recordings made during the interviews was carried out, with which the information was examined from two processes: understanding and synthesis of the information provided by the participants. For the analysis of the information, the codes were classified in tables, together with the textual transcription of the information, assigning them colors. The conceptual similarity in each of them was taken into account, with the help of field notes. Results: According to the sociodemographic variables, the average age of the 4 parents belonging to the study was 30.5 years (SD ± 1.91 years). Regarding marital status, 50% were in common law union, and 75% were professionals. Regarding their employment situation, 100% were employees, of which 75% had 1 child and to a lesser extent 3 children (25%); The parental role is framed in the relationship that parents establish with their children in the framework of a complex practice, which, when found within a clinical context (neonatal intensive care hospitalization), generates new reflections or positions regarding it. From the analyzed reports and the interpretation made in the light of the theories around the new masculinities, 6 categories were evidenced, two of which were emerging: Coping mechanisms and experience in hospital care by health professionals. Likewise, a total of 16 subcategories were obtained, however, 1 subcategory emerged within the social support category, corresponding to institutional or hospital support. Conclusions: This work opens up other views on the subject taking into account the little existing evidence and in turn the existing one is more related to the mother-child, it is not expected to exclude women but on the contrary, to include men in these processes. An interdisciplinary approach is also necessary to produce broad evidence from different areas. Likewise, it is recommended to take into account the previous emerging categories, as well as to contemplate developing this type of studies with this topic and, if possible, a larger sample taking into account that it was smaller due to the current Covid-19 pandemic.
Introduction: Male participation in the care of children is increasingly important especially from the sociocultural context specifically in Latin America. The meaning of fatherhood is immersed in multiple changes due to the behavior of men, especially in relation to proactive attitudes in relationships with their partners, raising children and their participation in domestic activities. The new masculinity seeks to analyze the affection and closeness that parents have with their children, where the literature describes that parents are increasingly committed to times of closeness and upbringing. Most of the research focuses on how this relationship occurs and what type of bond is built between the mother and her child, leaving the father many times excluded from the theories and research regarding the bond. Objective. To analyze the role of the father in the care of the hospitalized newborn in a neonatal intensive care unit in relation to the emotions and feelings it presents from the perspective of the new masculinities in Barranquilla 2020. Methodology: This is a qualitative approach study. The population consisted of parents of newborns who attended the visit in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) of a third-level health institution during 2020. The selection of the sample to choose the 4 parents of the study, was obtained from an open sampling in time by saturation with an intentional component, bearing in mind the inclusion and exclusion criteria, in which some parents of newborn children hospitalized in the NICU were taken. To ensure credibility, transferability, dependence and reliability, the strategies were verified among participants regarding the questions implemented in the instrument, continuous observation and field notebooks (field notes) in the population through a pilot test. Additionally, to validate the content, design and writing of the questions, the instrument was sent to two external peer reviewers, with experience or knowledge of the central topic included in this study. The transcription of the audio recordings made during the interviews was carried out, with which the information was examined from two processes: understanding and synthesis of the information provided by the participants. For the analysis of the information, the codes were classified in tables, together with the textual transcription of the information, assigning them colors. The conceptual similarity in each of them was taken into account, with the help of field notes. Results: According to the sociodemographic variables, the average age of the 4 parents belonging to the study was 30.5 years (SD ± 1.91 years). Regarding marital status, 50% were in common law union, and 75% were professionals. Regarding their employment situation, 100% were employees, of which 75% had 1 child and to a lesser extent 3 children (25%); The parental role is framed in the relationship that parents establish with their children in the framework of a complex practice, which, when found within a clinical context (neonatal intensive care hospitalization), generates new reflections or positions regarding it. From the analyzed reports and the interpretation made in the light of the theories around the new masculinities, 6 categories were evidenced, two of which were emerging: Coping mechanisms and experience in hospital care by health professionals. Likewise, a total of 16 subcategories were obtained, however, 1 subcategory emerged within the social support category, corresponding to institutional or hospital support. Conclusions: This work opens up other views on the subject taking into account the little existing evidence and in turn the existing one is more related to the mother-child, it is not expected to exclude women but on the contrary, to include men in these processes. An interdisciplinary approach is also necessary to produce broad evidence from different areas. Likewise, it is recommended to take into account the previous emerging categories, as well as to contemplate developing this type of studies with this topic and, if possible, a larger sample taking into account that it was smaller due to the current Covid-19 pandemic.
Palabras clave
Masculinidades, Papel, Padre, Cuidador, Apego, Cuidado del niño, Masculinities, Role, Father, Caregiver, Attachment, Child care