Migración e integración. Apuesta de Colombia
Támara-Núñez, Daniel Heriberto
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Administración y Negocios
Facultad de Administración y Negocios
El estudio de los procesos migratorios se constituye como una de las principales apuestas para los
países latinoamericanos que son receptores de la diáspora venezolana y cómo abordar esta, puede
definir el nivel de integración en las dinámicas locales de cada país.
En este documento reconoceremos las implicaciones de las medidas de integración a población
migrante desarrolladas especialmente en Colombia, usando una metodología interpretativa con
enfoque cualitativo, partiendo de la revisión de fuentes secundarias a nivel internacional, regional
y local, las cuales, mediante un análisis documental y categorización de la información,
permitieron reconocer que:
Es necesario repensarse los conceptos de migración e integración migrante en Latinoamérica, pues
se pasa de ser países expulsores a receptores, sin contar con un análisis previo o información
académica que permita dar una respuesta desde las entidades gubernamentales, que esté acorde a
las necesidades de la nueva población, en especial medida y a partir de la coyuntura actual de las
personas proveniente de Venezuela.
Por su parte, Colombia, al ser él país de la región con el mayor porcentaje de población migrante
en su territorio nacional, generó a partir del ensayo y error, mecanismos que facilitan los procesos
de integración territorial y los cuales desembocaron en el Estatuto Temporal de Protección al
Migrante Venezolano ETPV, el cual se configura como una apuesta sustancial a nivel de los países regionales y una motivación para que otros contemplen la inclusión del capital migrante, como
motor de cambio en sus dinámicas locales.
The study of migratory processes is one of the main challenges for Latin American countries that are recipients of the Venezuelan diaspora and how to approach it can define the level of integration in the local dynamics of each country. In this document we will recognize the implications of the integration measures for the migrant population developed especially in Colombia, using an interpretative methodology with a qualitative approach, based on the review of secondary sources at international, regional and local level, which through a documentary analysis and categorization of the information allowed us to recognize that: It is necessary to rethink the concepts of migration and migrant integration in Latin America, since we are going from being expelling countries to receiving countries of migrants, not counting with analysis or academic information that allows giving a response from the states according to the needs of the new population, especially and from the current situation of the diaspora coming from Venezuela. For its part, Colombia, being the country in the region with the highest percentage of migrant population in its national territory, generated through trial and error, mechanisms that facilitate the processes of territorial integration and which led to the Temporary Statute for the Protection of Venezuelan Migrants ETPV, which is configured as a substantial commitment at the level of regional countries and a motivation for others to consider the inclusion of migrant capital, as an engine of change in their local dynamics.
The study of migratory processes is one of the main challenges for Latin American countries that are recipients of the Venezuelan diaspora and how to approach it can define the level of integration in the local dynamics of each country. In this document we will recognize the implications of the integration measures for the migrant population developed especially in Colombia, using an interpretative methodology with a qualitative approach, based on the review of secondary sources at international, regional and local level, which through a documentary analysis and categorization of the information allowed us to recognize that: It is necessary to rethink the concepts of migration and migrant integration in Latin America, since we are going from being expelling countries to receiving countries of migrants, not counting with analysis or academic information that allows giving a response from the states according to the needs of the new population, especially and from the current situation of the diaspora coming from Venezuela. For its part, Colombia, being the country in the region with the highest percentage of migrant population in its national territory, generated through trial and error, mechanisms that facilitate the processes of territorial integration and which led to the Temporary Statute for the Protection of Venezuelan Migrants ETPV, which is configured as a substantial commitment at the level of regional countries and a motivation for others to consider the inclusion of migrant capital, as an engine of change in their local dynamics.
Palabras clave
Migración, Integración, Derechos humanos, Venezuela, Colombia, Migration, Integration, Human Rights, Venezuela, Colombia